When I seen the last of the mane6 were on the way, I assumed fetal position out of pure excitement. I could finally finish my Mlp deck without the egregious _____ workaround.
Although I cringe deeply at the memory of just how absolutely devoted I was to Mlp back in its heyday, I can't deny that it was a fun era and it gave me something to do in my otherwise uneventful middle-school years. This deck is the culmination of everything I loved about Mlp.
But enough of about me, this is the deck:
"Banned from Commander" is chock full of references to lore, characters, and most importantly the fandom. Unfortunatly, although I wanted to make every single card a reference to something or other, the deck was absolute trash without a few out-of-flavor cards, so that's a bummer.
For those who have little to no knowlege of Mlp, I listed and briefly explain all of the References in this deck below.
• Emiel the Blessed
Princess Celestia. The big boss lady alicorn that can't be bothered to do tasks herself. Princess Luna's big sister. Why doesn't she have her own card?
• Dragon Egg
Spike, the Dragon. Twilight's "son". Flavor win.
• Good-Fortune Unicorn
Princess cadence. Married to shining armor. Nice helpful unicorn.
• Inspiring Unicorn
Shining armor. Married to Princess cadence. Captain of the Royal guard.
•Opaline Unicorn
The great and powerful Trixie! Gawk in awe! In a certain flash game, Trixie grants you your choice of unicorn horn or wings. Granting you any color is almost like that right?
• Vryn Wingmare
Cozy glow. The only child in the show to go to hell. Not neccesarily helpful, but what can you expect from a cute little ball of evil.
• Perplexing Chimera
Discord. The embodiment of chaos. Absolutely perfect fit. A chimera with a wacky ability.
• Stolen Identity
Chrysalis. The changing mother. She is technically an insect, but being a shapeshifter that has, in fact, stolen identities, makes this card perfect for her.
• Dreamshaper Shaman
Lord Tirek. A magically destructive Minotaur heck yeah. Shame that he can't destroy a land though.
• Ronon unicorn
King Sombra. The only character in the show to legitimacy die. Absolutely immolated it was insane. Dies and still gets the last laugh.
• Aegis Turtle,
grayscale gharial,
Judge's Familiar,
Sacred Cat,
Selfless Savior,
Zodiac Rabbit,
The mane6's pets. Tank, gummy, owlowiscious, opalescence, Winona, and angel bunny respectively. I wanted to keep them CMC 1 because they are relatively unimportant, but still deserve love.
• Armored Warhorse,
Park Heights Pegasus,
Revered Unicorn,
The CMC "cutie mark crusaders", (not the mtg CMC "converted Mana cost"). Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle respectively. The CMC is CMC 2 because the CMC are fillies, not mares, so the CMC being a low CMC 2 was a chosen over the better, higher CMC creatures that the CMC would have been a lot better suited for, but like I said, the CMC having a low CMC is flavorfully as the CMC aren't all that skilled themselves. Low CMC creatures with pretty weak effects fit the CMC well I think.
• Legacy Weapon
The elements of harmony coming together to remove a threat, or many. (I wanted to use door to nothing but flavor wise legacy weapon had the best resemblance)
• War Room
Mane 6 HQ, more specifically "the castle of friendship".
• Mirrorpool
The Mirror pool Pinkie pie found. I wish that had made another appearence.
• Folio of Fancies
The storybook from the first and last scenes of the show.
• Maskwood Nexus
Chrysalis's hive/invasion event. This would technically make your entire board changelings, so if that's so, where's the real crew??
• Timeless Lotus
Poison joke. I couldn't find a more accurate depiction for poison joke. Poison joke is a flower with only downsides. Most flowers in mtg are just upsides oh well.
• Cleansing Wildfire
Twilight's house/library being destroyed by Tirek in that "how the heck is this a kids show" 2 part episode. After which she got a new "house".
• imprisoned on the moon
Luna's exile to the moon after the attempted murder of her sister.
• Necropotence
King Sambra's unique type of magic that isn't neccesarily "dark", but it is powerful. (also has nothing to do with the undead, however he is technicality the only character to utterly die in the show. Twice.)
• Propaganda
Free yourself from your cutie mark. (Starlight glimmer and her communism episode where she forced/convinced a small town to collectively sacrifice there uniqueness to become equal)
• Possibility Storm
Discord and his wacky antics haha I love that guy.
• Extravagant Replication
Pinkie's clone army episode. This ties into the Mirrorpool reference.
• One with the Multiverse
Twilight's transformation into an alicorn after finishing and using an incomplete spell by Starswirl, the bearded.
• Crystal Quarry
Diamond dogs dwelling. (bet you forgot those guys existed huh)
• The World Tree
The tree of harmony
• Gaea's Cradle
The Everfree forest. The Everfree forest is actually very hostile and not a friendly place.
• Ceremonial Knife
Everyone knows "cupcakes". It's a surface level fanfiction about Pinkie pie dissecting rainbow dash and using her organs to make cupcakes as she wears an outfit made of multiple other ponies flesh, wings, and horns. Pretty typical Fandom content anyways on to the next one.
• Sacred Mesa
The rainbow factory. Overrated. Pegasi who fail a certain flight test are secretly shipped off, shredded, and ground into Cloudsdale's rainbows.
• Clockwork Steed
Sweetie-bot. A defective little Goober from the abridged series "friendship is witchcraft".
• Food Coma
A reference to a couple of old YouTube videos "epic cupcake time" and "epic pie time" where Pinkie pie and a few others make some bomb-ass deserts.
• The title of this deck "banned from Commander": is a reference to the flash game by a certain artist called "band from Equestria". Guess what the objective is. That's right! bang all of Ponyville in under 3 days!