
I plan on attending my shop's next Friday Night Magic, and I'd like to get this deck up to snuff. It is a ton of fun, but I am unsure how it will fare in the current standard meta, or if it is competitive at all. Any suggestions?

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The strategy is to buy time with cheap enter-the-battlefield effects ( Azorius Arrester , Cathedral Sanctifier ...) and control to establish some flier presence ( Faerie Impostor , Emancipation Angel ...) and card draw (Curiosity, Mentor of the Meek). If you are lucky enough to get a Quirion Dryad early, you will have a bruiser too. Even when drawn late-game, the dryad is the real bomb.

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There are some nasty interactions in here with Peel from Reality . You can shut down aggro hard with the Azorius Arrester , gain life with Cathedral Sanctifier , permanently exile some things with Fiend Hunter , and keep Snapcaster Mage safe. Plus, doing all these things makes Quirion Dryad huge.

Some of the cards in this deck are not held in high regard on gatherer, but I encourage you to give it a playtest! I have a great time playing it. One hint; PEEL EVERYTHING

Again, I am really new to this type of play, so all suggestions are appreciated!


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Aggro is turning into a big thing. I scaled down some of the "growing" things and increased the number of enter the battlefield effects.

In order to keep the tempo alive, I added Avacyn's Pilgrim and some counters.

Dungeon Geists give the deck a great late game drop that still interacts with board.

The side board is intended to give me protection against the strong decks in the meta today. Clone will help me deal with terrible things like Thragtusk and Thundermaw Hellkite. I have run Elusive Krasis against some Red Deck Wins decks, and it is a very solid shutdown to those decks.

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Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 4 Rares

8 - 9 Uncommons

20 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.22
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