
I don't even know what this deck really is anymore.

Once upon a time it was an Innistrad block standard angel deck that was flicker themed because I thought the art on restoration angel was cool (which it is), but after RTR cycled some cards into extended I thought I might as well just go with it and turn it into a modern deck (technically an extended deck but I don't think anyone actually plays that).

Since then it's had a bit of an identity crisis (is it a stall deck? Is it aggro? EVERY PLAYTHROUGH IS DIFFERENT FOLKS) and has been perpetually under construction -

It began as a slow lockdown deck, quite frustratingly robbing people of their attack phases by flickering Stonehorn Dignitary stupid amounts of times, and then it turned into a deck that took advantage of flickering other things like Blade Splicer for added oomph, but those got switched around for some lifegain from Cathedral Sanctifier. After that it became a faster aggro approach with some mana ramp from Birds of Paradise, and Somberwald Sage, and then it became re-angel themed with Call to the Kindred and Luminarch Ascension which got some big game winners out quite quickly.

So now it does a bit of all of that, because I'm indecisive and because it's cheaper than building 3 similar decks that all focus individually on those things. Plus, the more gimmicks are in your gimmick deck, the cooler you become. Coolness stacks.

The deck's life story aside, I describe it as the butthurt deck because people scoop more than they let it win. Plus, even if your opponent wins, they'll probably complain about, and that alone makes it totally worth using in my book.


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 6 Rares

9 - 4 Uncommons

10 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.17
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Emblem Venser, the Sojourner, Phyrexian Golem 3/3 C
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