Bant Collected Allies

Modern simbioide


dsagent says... #1

Run 4Cavern of Souls

Halimar Excavator is pretty cool but I feel that ally decks are better off going full aggro,

Also I feel that most of the time Spell Rupture is outclassed by mana leak or Path to Exile

August 3, 2014 3:59 p.m.

dsagent says... #2

Also Iwanted to say that Umbral Mantle with Harabaz Druid and Rancor can lead to an instant win.

August 3, 2014 4:04 p.m.

simbioide says... #3

I don't have 4 Caverns, but of course I'm looking to complete the playset.

I run Halimar Excavator as a plan B, Most of the time I change it in the sideboarding, but It come on handy on time to time.

I'm testing the Spell Rupture , I prefer a counter than a Path to Exile because of the versatility. But, as I said I'm testing the Spell Rupture, I will test Mana Leak , Rune Snag and Condescend as well.

Also, the combo with Umbral Mantle is awesome! I will definitely take a look on that.

Thank's for your comments dsagent

August 3, 2014 4:14 p.m.

simbioide says... #4

After some testing is obvious that Spell Rupture suck in this deck. I changed it for Condescend that synergizes with Descendants' Path and can be paid easily with the druid

August 4, 2014 12:10 p.m.

JLenzen says... #5

I really like this build! A couple suggestions:

  • Definitely consider Tracker's Instincts, Lead the Stampede and/or Commune with the Gods. For your build I would recommend 4 of the first (because of flashback) and 2 Commune with the Gods because of the Descendants' Path. They're really invaluable after your hand runs out of gas or you're getting burned to death in the first few turns.
  • Take out Halimar Excavator. If you're dedicated to the aggro, he could be better replaced. If you want to keep mill as a realistic option against certain matchups, put 4 of him in your side board.
  • Consider a non-ally win condition like Craterhoof Behemoth. You have a lot of allies in your deck, so you can afford to branch out a bit to make the deck either more consistent or more explosive, whichever you prefer.

I'll definitely add this build to the Primer next time I update though! It needs more decks that I didn't build.

February 15, 2015 6:04 p.m.

downie78 says... #6

Would the new card Lantern Scout from BFZ be better than Ondu Cleric for the burn/aggro matchup? Kind of awkward cause it does nothing if you get it from coco at your opponents eot, which may result in you cocoing mainphase.

September 14, 2015 3:15 p.m.

simbioide says... #7

Thank you. Actually, I'm planning to include Lantern Scout in place of Talus Paladin in mainboard ('cause it has more synergy with Collected Company).

I still like Ondu Cleric against aggro/burn match ups. But my sideboard is still a work in progress

September 15, 2015 10:55 a.m.

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