

Creature (2)

Artifact (1)

The standard take on a control deck, with some slight differences and another entirely different win con that takes advantage of superior mana and a tapped out opponent when the game needs to end fast. That card being Mind Grind.


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So some explaining: Blind Obedience doesn't need to be explained, it allows you to survive things with haste, or big nasty creatures like Falkenrath or Thundermaw, since their haste advantage is now gone. I only have 1 in my sideboard, but with the coming of Burning tree decks, I will most likely have to make it 2.

Alchemist Refuge allows me to see them populate the field with all their wonderful creatures, then send them all to the grave with an nicely timed flashed supreme verdict, Supreme verdict cannot be countered and makes for an amusing show when apparent victory goes up in flames as you send all their minions to the graveyard.

Terminus follows suit in that I should have 1 more in the sideboard against decks that like to reanimate or things such as blood artists/geralf/gravedigger rage. It makes zombies easier to play against.

Snapcaster mage is in there for the early game mostly, by the time I have ramped up enough mana to use my big guys, I usually never need to use him, but being able to flash block and survive the first couple of rounds, especially if i dont have a farseek to find mana really helps.

Save the dissipates for the things that are hard to deal with, such as lilianna of the veil, which is very rough on this deck, not really because of the discarding, as there are plenty of ways to work around that (loxodon sub....and my card drawing ability with sphinx) but because of the fact that i dont run many creatures, so it becomes tiresome to keep having to sac them. The nevermores can be used for the plainswalkers as well, and i never feel bad about using them for such, but those are saved for things that finish out a combo. You cant humanimate without angel of glory rise, and stopping that from casting is basically game over.

Thrags are thrags...enough said. Angel of serenity runs interferance, especially after a complete board wipe, she lets me return my thrags to my hand when needed. Once that is done, an opponent has a choice to make on whether or not they want to kill her when I swing and let me pull out potentially 10 more life, or take the 5 damage. Once she dies, its as easy as pulling another out and targeting the original out of the graveyard so that you are never in need of ol Serenity.

if there are any questions, leave them in the comments below and ill respond back.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 2 Mythic Rares

39 - 8 Rares

10 - 2 Uncommons

0 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.47
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Beast 3/3 G, Emblem Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
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