Bant Midrange Control-ish
First FNM Results —Dec. 3, 2016
Will be posting how the deck does and what happens vs certain matchups. Results for the day: 1-1-2 Day one First match vs Aetherworks G/W/B Results: 1-1-1 This matchup was pretty hard but the dec. in stone and stasis snare where the heroes. Game two ceremonious rejection and negate wrecked aetherworks or a hard cast emrakul. game three went to time with lethal available if we had one more turn. Match 2: vs U/W/B Control Results: 1-0-1 Game one was grindy but gideon plus a huge tracker and Sylvan had teamwork that makes the dream work. Game 2 ended at time with Bant in a safe 20-11 lead. Match 3: vs U/W Flash Result: 1-1-1 Game one he won the dice roll and we just played who was gonna quell what correctly and then he reflector maged the quell to get his stuff back. Game two we had sylvan on board pinging for two while holding the queller for stuff. Easy win with a sided in blossoming and more dec in stone. Game three went to time with a tamiyo stopping his big beaters while I was swinging....needed maybe two turns for lethal. Match 4: vs Black white Aristocrats Results: 0-2-0 Got land flooded game one and 4 creatures all game. Game two had lethal on board but he top decked a blessed alliance to save 2hp. Close game but will definitely side in Sigarda for thie matchup.