
Summary: Bant Tempo

Deck has lots of synergy and utility creatures. You kinda need to playtest to see how well it does. Turn 4-5 The deck starts to get hard when you have full control of the board and huge, value creatures beating them down. The deck has a pretty consistent curve and happens to draw a lot of cards, and almost all the creatures (Including Tamiyo, Nissa) can crew the heart. Very fun deck. You will feel like you're playing with multiple broken Serra Angel, Tarmogoyf, AEtherling, Time Walk, and Ancestral Recall. The deck may be a little more complicated than current meta decks, but its worth it.

Creatures/Walkers- synergies, etc:

The creatures act as combat tricks and removal. The par to be considered for this deck is utility. I love creatures/cards with lots of text and options, and preferably at instant speed. Flying is relevant against the meta, with Kiran, Avy, and Queller being strong, evasive threats.

Greenbelt Rampager -
comes down T2 off of Attune with Aether, allowing you to play a tapped a land, and smooth out T3, while having the biggest creature. Being able to crew Kiran, bounce to your hand, than replay Rampager T3, allows for Kiran to block and attack T3(crewing, while on the stack). Most people realize a 1 mana 3/4 is pretty crazy, and this deck squeezes every bit of value out of it, even making its downside, an upside sometimes. In tight spots, the elephant is even mana fixing with Aether Hub. Being able to casually throw down a 3/4 "wedge creature" along with other creatures mid-game provides a strong mid game tempo effect, and curve.

Heart of Kiran -
is a 2 cmc generic costed serra angel. Who knew this card would be broken? Most of the deck can crew this card, making it a reliable and much needed early evasive card. The elephant, miner, and walkers can also crew this card on blocking and offense, making it a little more reliable in this deck than others. Tempting to play 4. Lots of synergy with most of the deck, but special notes to Tamiyo, Field Researcher, making Kiran even more busted.

Aethergeode Miner -
feels like a mini aetherling that can crew, block, blink, and stay alive, and has surprised me in playtesting. 3/1 is an aggressive body at 2 cmc. The energy is on attack, so even during trades you get to go up on your energy. This creature has pseudo hexproof, vigilance, and indestructible. Being able to blink to block, blink to survive combat, and blink to juke targeted removal- it shouldn't be underestimated. You SHOULD be attacking with her every turn! Bait blocks or bluff combat tricks. Worse case scenario you use the energy you just got from attacking to blink. Special synergy with crewing (Kiran specifically) and attacking with Cub (adding two energy before blocks, enabling tricks.)

Longtusk Cub -
takes full advantage of the extra energy this deck casually makes. Right now I went down to 3, to make sure the cub is more impactful when it does come down, and multiples are much worse than the first one. On curve the creature isn't too bad, usually being a 3/3 on turn 3. This card is kinda lackluster on it's own, but with all the energy it's not crazy for one to be the biggest threat on board when you have 6 energy sitting around that you casually accrued. It's not hard for Cub to get that +1 counter, being able to crew Kiran. Good synergy with Attune with Aether, Rogue Refiner, and Aethergeode Miner .

Rogue Refiner -
is a perfect bait creature, netting most value just entering the battlefield- fixing mana, replacing itself, letting your two drops have extra utility energy, and being a great creature to sac for your eFiend/or to block and net cards with Tamiyo. Refiner can also crew Kiran, and trade favorably. After it comes down, nets energy, draws a card, makes cub bigger, or crews Kiran, it already gained massive value. Refiner also has keyword "bad" on it, and your opponents wont want to spend mana to remove it or trade with it, than sacrificing it for Elder Deep-Fiend will feel all that much better.

Spell Queller -
prevent most removal(Fatal Push, Grasp of Darkness, Unlicensed Disintergration ) and early game broken creatures (Winding Constrictor, Walking Ballista, Rishkar, Peema Renegade) from running away with the game. This deck is low on removal, and if this card could reliably crew Kiran, I'd play 4. Playing 3 also allows for slightly better mana, since this deck is mostly green. Also- there is a slight non-bo with Elder Deep-Fiend . The tempo of this card is super real, and is what Bant Aggro wants to do. The flying evasion is also super meta relevant. This card is only synergistic as another creature with flash, and as being a utility flier. Leaves a little to be desired, but still super strong. Best friends with Blossoming Defense.

Elder Deep-Fiend -
is probably the best 4 drop in the game. Being able to tap lands or artifacts on flash, makes your opponent dread their upkeep. 5/6 is a huge above curve body "on turn 4", and can rival B/G that early as far as a big body war goes (at least at that stage). Being able to almost time walk your opponent is good. Who knew? The ability to tap down creatures also helps get in that damage to end the game. Emerge triggers Archangel Avacyn  , wiping their smaller creatures, the extra "tapping down" get's exponentially better with other things that tap stuff (i.e. Tami). I know this card is 8 mana, but sacing a Rogue Refiner, or Spell Queller makes this a 4 drop in tempo. Using a Queller for emerge has it's ups and downs; one one hand you can "permanently" deal with some cards that are unfavorable to cast when you emerge (walking ballista, fatal push, a late snek, removal with no targets in general) but giving back their cards is general not good. That being said- being able to counter a card, and flash in an octopus still generally provides a lot of tempo. Best friends with Rogue Refiner, as he is the best sacrificial lamb.

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar -
is simply too strong not to play in almost any environment this Standard will take.
+1 A 5/5 indestructible is still a viable threat. But B/G decks can get multiple 6/6's out fairly easily, so this isn't guarenteed to kill or get damage in. The interaction with this is combination of other cards in deck. Being able to crew Kiran and swing with both Gideon AND Kiran, make for a strong team. If you must you can sac Gideon (and crew) to emerge mainphase. (Generally a not optimal because you want to tap their stuff on their upkeep). But times get rough, and maybe you can also get passed their blockers in a pinch and do something else with 1-2 mana.
0 2/2 Tokens aren't too great. Walking Ballista shoots em' down fairly easily, fatal push can kill any token. Verd Gearhulk can trample. They can at least slow down decks enough, and if they aren't answered, they provide a huge threat. One, small interaction I like is, if you have the 7 mana, you can sac a Gideon token to emerge a, efiend without costing an actual creature. 2/2 Tokens make great peons to block and draw cards with Tamiyo's +1 on them. 2/2 tokens also give your deck a little bit of "go wide capability", that BG's decks might struggle facing. Two knights can crew Kiran if you must. This Bant build can use tokens better than other decks.
-4 This is a realistic third ability on a walker. You can do it right away. You get an emblem that cannot be removed. Useful. This bant deck still wins by turning creatures sideways. Using Gideon as simply an emblem the turn he comes down has been a common play. Getting some creatures to 3 power and some toughness to 5 means you get around Grasp, and you can crew Kiran. Your creatures also get around the burn of Dynavolt, Walking Ballista, and other direct damage. Having the biggest idiots is always a viable strat in standard.

Tamiyo, Field Researcher -

+1 is amazing. Card draw is light in the meta, and being the only deck with generally +3 cards more than your opponent feels pretty good. Generally by 4-5 you have 2 creatures on the field, and even if you don't, your opponent does. So worst case scenario, she dies and you net a card. Imagine if her minus was just- -4 draw two cards, prevent the damage two creatures will do next turn? That's worst case. The synergy is too real with the plus. +1 on vigilance is great. +1 on fliers is great. This deck has both. I think may favorite thing about Tami's plus is the ability to crew, then plus on Kiran(and another creature), and swing and have that ability ready on the defense. Who said Tami's plus couldn't protect her? So is Gideon better than drawing 3 cards the turn it comes down?
-2 + crew can be back-breaking, almost ensuring there will be no one blocking Kiran. Tamiyo, and Fiend do a good job keeping the midgame in your favor, tapping relevant creatures/mana to allow a turn or two of easy combat. Tamiyo's ability to tap artifacts, makes it strong against enemy Kirans. Have multiple Tamiyo in your hand? Minus, Tamiyo hits grave, play Tamiyo, minus again. Their board is tapped. Not optimal, but not bad. Is the token better defense than tapping two creatures down for a round of turns?
-7 The Omniscience emblem + Recall isn't too useful, because the deck is cheap and you can easily draw 2 cards per combat anyway, but she doesn't need an ult. The fact that board might be so gummed up, you keep drawing cards, and replacing creatures, you get up there in long games. (obv not often)

Blossoming Defense -
deals with the minimum meta removal from being guaranteed, and is a huge blowout early. Casting Defense on a Spell Queller just feels trolly, as their card remains caged, and they take a small spectral beating in the air. Pump spells generally aren't considered in combat math and adds just enough tricks to be strong everytime. It might even be correct to go to 3-4 (on the play maybe).

Attune with Aether -
fixes mana, provides energy, and takes lands from your draws. This card has lots of synergy that most can grasp. This allows for hands of Aether Hub and an Attune, and lets you get away with it. Putting a basic in hand also lets you play 'hand lands' untapped ( Fortified Village ). If you don't have the elephant, having any T1 play is good. Attune, and Oath make this deck able to be light on lands, making all the extra card draw hot steam.

Baral's Expertise -
is a one-sided wrath with upside/tempo capabilities. Undecided on the amount I should have of these in deck, but this card is bananas against G/B. Fighting for a spot with Avacyn and not being to cast Avy or Fiend, and in general not getting max value out of the 2nd ability, is a little rough. Update: This card is as bananas as I thought. Playing at least 2 in main. As blow-outy as Blossiming Defense can be. Fun interaction with Gideon being a creature. This card blows out a lot of the meta. Kill clues, bounce Marvel, Dynavolt, etc. Bounce you're own refiner. Important to note- is if you bounce your own sub 4 cmc creature, you can play it again with the second effect, for free. So if you only have two enemy targets, you can play Baral's to basically blink your refiner, or spell queller even. Remember- you don't HAVE to show the spell your casting till AFTER the pass priority back to you and allow you to resolve the spell. You may even have situations where your mana is a little messed up but as long as you have double blue and 5 mana you can cast that walker you've held.

Taken Out:

Archangel Avacyn  
is arguably a pretty busted card Serra Angel for standard. Probably best 5 drop, and probably on the top 5 cards in format. The ETB and flash make the creatures have more survivablity, and makes the minimal standard removal even worse. A lot of your creatures can naturally survive the flip effect, being able to bolt your opponent will often be just enough to end the game in many situations. Being able to protect your spell queller can make more strong tempo plays. Fiend's ability to tap mana makes it extra relevant against Mardu's 3 color decks, and G/B's large pool of slow spells. Again, flying is good. This card is in a love triangle with Tami and Kiran.
Removed because the meta has too many answers for a 4 toughness creature. Avacyn is good- (and might come back)but isn't a 2/3 for 1 the turn it comes down.

Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
I was worried Nissa might be too slow for the deck, but having 1 to curve into, or having 1 late game to buff your board isn't that bad. At first I was a little apprehensive including any, but in testing, and low amounts- it checks out.
+1 can make valuable blockers, while you crew Kiran. Making the threat of a short aerial clock quite scary. This deck isn't the most defensive, especially with 1 toughness cards like Miner. But even 0/1 plants can do good things when a lot of the cards on the ground don't have evasion. Plants can also be sacrified for 'free' emerge at 7 mana. Big Squid, little plant...
-2 is a little lackluster in this deck when compared to G/B because of the superior counter synergy, but when your creatures have 'more time' and evasion, the minus is actually pretty good. Sometimes the right board state even lets you crew Kiran, than minus for a 5/5 Kiran that jukes grasp.
-7 probably not coming up too often, but sometimes the game might drag out, or the threat of Ulting Nissa, with a Tamiyo Ult, is pretty silly. Yes that's a lot of Xmas land, but we're talking about ults anyway. The board state may AT LEAST be gummed enough to make Nissa ult an impending, pressuring threat.
Removed because Gideon is a stronger walker and there are enough 3 drops in the deck. Baral's 2nd ability gets more use from Gideon than Nissa.

Oath of Nissa
basically Attune #5, letting you find that important mana fixing, one of the many utility creatures, or a the right walker to curve out just right- selection and card draw is very useful in this deck. Even sometimes helps mana fix with walkers, but generally this deck doesn't have mana fix problems.
Removed because the extra card selection and mana fixing isn't necessary if it doesn't give energy.

Other Thoughts/Strategy:

Playing very little 'actual' removal feels kinda bad. Debating on some number of Disallow, or Blessed Alliance, or maybe some others. But I think Baral's Expertise could be just right in this deck. This deck sometimes doesn't curve and gets crushed by B/G's overwhelming force due to lack of removal. The mana base feels good, not a lot of issue with it. A lot of this deck stays after rotation, so I'm excited to see what else we get to improve this already (IMHO) tier 1 deck. Stream-lining certain numbers, maybe going down to 20 lands, or removing the Oath, there are a lot of potential places to enhance the deck. Eager to see what you come up with.

General Strategy:
G/B The secret here is Tempo. They will play more value, generally early on unless you get a elephant or Kiran to swing in. They key here is to take to the skies and slow them down as much as you can. All it takes is 5 hits with a Avacyn or Kiran to end the game. Put things in their way, go over the top.

Sideboard: Bring in more Baral's if you're on the play, you get more tempo and stop their build up. Force them to sac their ballista, or invest a lot of mana in it again. G/B works best when it can chain synergistic creatures, break that build up, and go in. Feels like a pretty solid 3/4 for 1. On the draw you can bring in some removal, counters, or Fumigate to give you an answer to falling behind, you can extend into being more control.

Mardu: Generally you shouldn't have a whole lot of problems with this deck. If newer variants continue to put in ballista, Baral's is even better against them, because they require even more effort to put in counters. Spell queller hits all targets in this deck. Attacking passed all the ground units and overall having much bigger creatures isn't that hard.

Jeskai: The key here is speed. Use your spell quellers and efiends correctly to stop the combo and maintain tempo. It's sorta a race, where your stuff is hard to deal with and you don't have much interaction against them. Sideboard, negates and counters will especially become handy. Might be the weakest match up game 1, especially on the draw, but should have enough options in the side games 2, maybe 3.


Trying a 1 of Gideon, Ally of Zendikar taking out a Nissa. And a 1 of Baral's Expertise Main over a Avacyn. Gideon is just powerful, but he's kinda a Tamiyo #4, as in, if I draw multiple Tamiyo its kinda bad, but drawing a Tamiyo and a Gideon isn't as bad. Gideon still has synergy with Kiran, and allows the powerful interaction of swinging as a 5/5 indestructible, and crewing Kiran in the same turn. Can spit out a 2/2's but sadly they don't crew Kiran. The emblem is interesting in the fact it makes Queller and Cub be able to crew, and puts avacyn outside of grasp range. Baral's Expertise could be a strong enough meta call, and with the extra 4 drop- there is another good card for BarEx to "combo" with. Bouncing B/G's board and playing a Gideon/Tamiyo is a brutal T5. I'm happy with them as 1 ofs rn, because I'm not convinced seeing a bunch of them will make me Tempo.

Trying a 1 of Recruiter over a one of Oath. Might be worth advantage over another 1 cmc card.

+1 Gideon, +1 Oath of Nissa-1 Duskwatch, -1 NissaOath and Gideon compliment each other. Basically, Gideon is too strong to not play 2 of. Emblem helps keep Miner a 4/2, Kiran & Avacyn a 5/5, cub as a 3/3 pilot, rogue has bigger trades,


  • Baral's Expertise might be the 5 drop SB card of choice against the meta, allowing you to play a Tamiyo, or something smaller and bouncing G/B's boardstate, great swinging the tempo in your favor. Bounce clues if you have the extra targets. Might be worth playing up to 3 if the tempo becomes that great. On the draw, T5, you bounce their Walking Ballista, Verdurous Gearhulk, and Winding Constrictor, play a Tami. Plus or minus Tami- swing in. MASSIVE TEMPO!

  • Selfless Spirit is best friends with Fumigate, and Avacyn, more fliers could be good. Might be a good 1-2 of?

  • Aethersphere Harvester provides energy, provides lifelink, a fat butt, and (sorta) easier to crew stipulation, and more fliers. Might be a good 1-2 of?

  • Durable Handicraft lets miner be a 4/2 almost always. Lets spell queller able to crew Kiran. Lets your board get bigger if need be to win. Lets eFiend be a 6/7, Avacyn a 5/5, making your big creatures, even bigger, works well with flash and Avacyn away from grasp, 4/5 Rampager is also relephant (2 mana 4/5), 1/2 Nissa plants can help combat when you start to have 2-3 of them, (Think Ishkanah spiders without reach). Might be a good singleton?

  • Gideon, Ally of Zendikar almost seems like this guy is supposed to be in the deck, but honestly it feels a little slow. Right now, EFiend, and Tamiyo are 'faster' T4 drops. Might be worth playing some in the side.

  • Anticipate would maybe be okay as a 1-2 of. Basically helps filter, and being able to find a flash creature late game, or mana fixing, or just represent a threat, or even just T3, find a Blossom Defense could be worth. Worried this card is simply too slow.


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+2 Avy  Flip, +2 Bristleback Hydra|Hydra +Counterspells, +1 Blossoming Defense, +2 Walking Ballista, +1 Aethersphere Harvester
-1 Barrels, -1 Tamiyo, Field Researcher, -2 Longtusk Cub, -2 Elder Deep-Fiend
Cards that are still consistently overperforming in the Meta:
Miner(still), Spell Queller(still)
Card of the week:
Aethergeode Miner
Disappointment of the week:
Elder Deep-Fiend
With the Meta finally seeming to be settled on Mardu and KynTiro as the reigning decks with G/Br variants and Dynavolt decks taking the seat as a lower tier, Bant Midrange has to keep up. I realized bant does well with resilient creatures and creatures with evasion. Miner, Hydra, Kiran/Harvester, Avacyn, Gideon and Spell Queller are all very hard to deal with threats that generally do well against removal. With more negate and bdefense, its even hard to deal with the board.
Avy  Flip is a super sweet card that will go back into the deck. I realize that Elder Deep-Fiend was better suited against G/B, and with less Grasps being played, Avy can more easily take to the skies. Flying aggro is what takes a lot of these Bant victories and Avacyn is really good at it.
Longtusk Cub is a card that made really good use of energy and was good as a low cmc card, but just wasn't impactful enough in the deck. Bristling Hydra has proven to be much stronger, giving the deck another pseudo hexproof body, but one that has toughness too. So when you dump your energy reserves, you don't feel as bad, and your energy is more threatening.
Spell Queller is actually better positioned than I thought, as fatal push need revolt to kill it, and that matters. The tempo gain is relevant. I even found just playing the Spell Queller with no counter targets, just playing it end of opponent's turn, is worth. (This was the old entry and it still holds true. Also- this card is strong against Jeskai, and another flier helps get in the last bits of damage.)
Baral's Expertise has been shining in the meta- up until G/B started to see much less play. It's removal helps leave room for Avacyn to come in and do some work at th 5 drop slot. Baral's is another card that might come back, but I doubt ill play Baral's and Avacyn in the same deck again.
Walking Ballista finally has a good place rn, as the NB Saheeli deck becomes popular again. The 2 ballista can stop the combo, give the deck a man sink, of which its basically absent rn, and can be easily cast with the mana base. And also gives another 2 drop body. The card is just plain good enough to be in most decks. There may be an increase of these later. Also works with Avacyn.
One of the biggest problems with the deck before was the lack of removal, so the addition of counters has been great, and there is even a place to add more in the MB or SB. The deck retains most of its power having flying threats, and many cards that can win the game on it's own. Cutting a Tamiyo feels bad, as she is one of the reasons I wanted to make a Bant deck work. Fact is- she is too slow in the meta to want to see a couple of her each game. Seeing 1 and being able to have more things to protect her, is in the long run, a better strategy.


Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors BR

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 7 Rares

12 - 4 Uncommons

4 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.45
Tokens Emblem Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Emblem Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Energy Reserve, Knight Ally 2/2 W
Folders Bant, Aer, Kaladesh, Energy, Bant Tempo, Standard Bant, Bant Midrange Tempo, Cool Decks
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