Variation of Alexander Hayne's miracle Deck. Also made a few changes to Minigiants deck posted at essential magic. ( .
This is a changed variation and I hope to get some more input and make this a more well-rounded deck. I currently play it online a lot (MTGO) so if you want to see it in action feel free to add me and request a duel. usernames are the same.
anyway to explain : Tamiyo and Entreat the Angels are the Main win conditions. usually if you can get Tamiyo's Emblem out, no matter what your up against its game. you CANNOT lose.
The Goal is to get Tamiyo out if you can, start CC'ing creatures / Mana of the enemy player. You can usually draw a couple terminus by then to board wipe, etc. once you have 8 stacks drop the Emblem ASAP.
Once the Emblem is out, its pretty much gg. Your going to want to Thought Scour yourself adding 3 cards to your hand, rinse and repeat until you have a decent amount of cards to work with. I've won many games by getting an emblem out and top decking a Safe Passage.
The main point is to try and get a miracle Entreat off, if not possible drop Zombie Infestation to get rid of it then Noxious Revival it. Thought Scours and Think twice may be played on the Opposing Players turn, this enables you to trigger Miracle again.
Temporal Mastery was added for fun, its just convenient to help with mana acceleration. I've gotten numerous turn 3 Temporals out. Also extremely good late game when you have the mana to cast from hand.
miracle some Angels, Pop a Temporal. attack, etc.
Also just realized if you get Tamiyo's Emblem out and a Zombie Infestation you can have infi Zombies in Stanard. fun fun. The main reason it was added is because early game I wouldnt have any Discard mechanics to increase my miracle cast speed.
If you have any suggestions please let me know! Thanks again!