Schrödinger's Menagerie (Bant Morphs)

Modern SmokytehBear


Only 1 Den Protector main??????!!!!!

October 8, 2015 7:54 p.m. Edited.

SmokytehBear says... #2

Normally I do love the Den Protector, I just haven't found it as useful as the other low cost guys in this deck. I feel like the normal choice to get from the graveyard is an instant or sorcery and I have none so...

Not bad, just when I was running 3 it often seemed like I would have rather had another Dragonslayer or Aven.

October 9, 2015 12:49 p.m.

SmokytehBear says... #3

As far as putting in cards from Battle for Zendikar, I'm thinking the new Kiora might work here. Every one of her abilities works terrifically with the dino. Attack and they probably won't want to block, then +1 to untap. The -2 adds to the card advantage I already have, but again is even better with the Raptor because I can put it into the graveyard. Lastly the ultimate, can't go wrong fighting with Raptors.

October 10, 2015 11:16 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #4

Hey! You commented on my Morph deck. Given that I got trounced this past week with the rotation of BFZ cards into the format, my best advice is that if you enjoy the deck, just keep running it.

I would swap out 1 Trail of Mystery for another Den Protector because even being able to get back an Icefeather Aven or another card that died to removal is good for you.

4 Ainok Survivalist in the board seems a bit much. I would advise cutting two for counterspells for control or ways to deal with red. Ghostfire Blade in the sideboard doesn't strike me as particularly useful either because it seems like a win-more card. I would say to put in something like Gaea's Revenge and perhaps a removal spell such as Surge of Righteousness or Swift Reckoning.

October 11, 2015 10:54 a.m.

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