Here's a link to the Sultai Midrange Version:
A faster version of mutate that suffers from being an aggressive deck that isn't as aggressive as you'd like it to be. It toes the line between mid-range and aggro without ever really committing to either side. 8 creatures with 0 power is a tough sell for a deck that's trying to race which is why I personally feel that Sultai is a better color combination for mutate. White also offers fewer toolbox creatures than black does for mutate targets (though vigilance isn't a bad mechanic on something like Segovian Angel)
The ideal play order goes: Lagonna-Band Trailblazer (Mysterious Egg works too) --> Essence Symbiote --> Vulpikeet on top of trailblazer to give you a 2/3 Flier, 3 +1/+1 counters for said flier, and 2 life so +2 Life, and a 5/6 with flying that can immediately swing and set your opponent on a clock.
Winding Way and Lead the Stampede are there to back you up with card advantage and Squadron Hawk acts as an extra utility piece to always have a creature you can mutate on top of.
Kor Skyfisher is a decent body in itself that can let you pick up a mutate stack or replay a Grove if you want to change its color.
Gnarlid Colony helps turn Ram Through online as well as gives you an extra way to push through if you're against Faeries or Monarch which both run a fair number of fliers themselves.
You can swap Squadron Hawk out for Arboreal Grazer and then run bounce lands if you so desire but in this particular version of mutate, that felt less useful than I wanted. That also puts your total of 0 Power creatures up to 12 which further draws the deck away from the plan to beat down everything in sight. (But that's my opinion!) Similarly, you could forego the mutate synergy creatures and run Slippery Bogle and Gladecover Scout but at that point you really are just playing bad bogles. :(
The sideboard comes with a mix of cards to help you change things up or keep your key players safe.
Here's hoping we get some more mutate mechanics in the future!