Got my second FPush. 2 to go
2-0 Jund Death Shadow: I haven't lost yet to DS, and this was it wasn't any different. First game, Thought-Knot to discard what's relevant, he top decked a Terminate, then attacked me with a Tarmo. He was at 7 (all by shock lands and fetches), and I top decked a Smasher, he was at 2. He didn't attacked, and I drew a Displacer which I was able to cast and activate. Game. Second match, Temple Temple TKS, Rest in peace. RIP.
2-1 Infect: It was my first time playing against Infect, the deck wasn't part of the meta anymore when I first started playing Bant Eldrazi in April 2017. Lost first match. The 2 others were well fought. I got lucky that my opponent had not played in a year or so and wasn't aware that Blessed Alliance was a card. I had one in my hand in game two but didn't have to cast it to win, so it was a total surprise in game 3 and allowed me to steal the game.
0-2 Jund Death Shadow: Ah, that's what you get for bragging being undefeated by DS. I didn't get to draw any of my sideboard cards. Both game, which I get to stabilize, my opponent cast a Liliana, the Last Hope and steals the game.
2-1 Jeskai Control Blade Splicer (one of my friend's): There was an error in the registration of previous results, my friend was 3-0 and I was 2-1 and was matched with him. He won first match. I won the second with a Worship into play. A smasher and drowner attacking. He was planning to survive the turn with Deflecting Palm but I just drew a Stubborn Denial and got the game. We had 3 minutes for the last round. He had a pretty slow start, I went Displacer T2 (5 active turns), Smasher T3, Smasher T4 for lethal but he countered it, he ended up at 2 life, then at his turn didn't have anything, it was the end of the 5 active turns, so it was technically a draw. He was really kind and gave me the match nonetheless because I would have won at my turn. We both ended up getting our Fatal Push. So in a certain way, it was kind of cool to be matched with him since playing against someone else, that person could have decided to keep it a draw and secure his promo.