This is a versatile combo deck with a backup plan of generating immense 420 reefer value and going beat down. This deck can combo win as early as turn 3 vs. linear decks or can overvalue its way past more controlling or attrition decks.
The combo consists of using Altar of Dementia, Vesperlark, and a Clone to mill all libraries and reanimate Thassa's Oracle for instawin.
- Have an Altar of Dementia in play.
- Have a Clone of Vesperlark in play. This is either done by having Phantasmal Image come into play while you have a Vesperlark on the board, or having a Body Double enter the battlefield while you have a Vesperlark in the graveyard. If you're using Image, then Vesperlark needs to stay on the field.
- Activate Altar, sacrificing the Clone of Vesperlark, targetting yourself or your opponent, have the Clone reanimate itself, and repeat. Each loop mills for 2 (Vesperlark's power), loop until you and your opponent have no cards left in deck, sacrifice a Vesperlark to reanimate Thassa's Oracle and win, otherwise they lose at their draw step. If Thassa's Oracle is in your hand you can usually discard it at cleanup and reanimate it at your opponent's upkeep.
420 Walue
Also featuring baby reefer.
Risen Reef gets out of hand quick. Having a playset of Phantasmal Image as copies 5-8 of reef (also serving as combo pieces) gets a ridiculous amount of triggers on the stack, ramping and drawing into the combo.
To help generate value, this deck mostly consists of Elemental Creatures, such as
- Voice of Resurgence
- Unsettled Mariner
- Vesperlark
- Phantasmal Image will usually enter as some Elemental
- Master of Waves creates multiple Elementals on ETB and also serves as an Lord
If the walue is strong, and theres a Vesperlark in hand and an Altar in play, you can aggressively mill yourself by saccing creatures and huge Voice tokens -sac the tokens first- until the Body Double hits the GY, then Vesperlark leaving play establishes the game ending loop.
Evolving a Voice into a Reef will not give you an additional trigger off the token.
Evolving a Vesperlark into a Body Double with an Altar in play wins the game.
Having a Vesperlark and a Clone Lark in play will let you indefinitely block with the clone without losing walue.
The biggest part of piloting this pile is knowing when to play for the quick combo and when to play the walue line for the long game.
Hope you enjoy