Do you like spells?
We're casting spells in Bant colors that will hopefully allow you to control the game until you can pull off a fun/strong advantage combo like:
Baral's Expertise + Splendid Reclamation, Glimmer of Genius, or Tamiyo.
Surge a Crush of Tentacles after a Declaration in Stone, or other low-cost card advantage spell.
Use Torrential Gearhulk to keep bouncing the board with Engulf the Shore and, of course, draw cards.
Cast big instant speed bounces, or play "big tempo" spells, and Time Walks.
Use Mirror Pool on any of your "big" spells (I'll take two turns, okay?)
Does it work? No idea. I'll keep a record here and update it according to my results.
The Plan:
Keep hands that have the ability to get cards going into the graveyard early (Time Piece, Piece of the Puzzle, or Contingency Plan) and then try to build up as many Islands on board as you can.
Don't die on turn 4, if you can, keeping the Copy Cat in mind or just good ol' fashion BG, you'll need to reset the board soon.
Typically by turn 5-7 you have kept making land drops (but fixing can be a touch rough) and you have one of the fun combos from above loaded up. Lots of land in the graveyard, or a big octopus with an open board.
If you suddenly have 8-12 lands because you got a Splendid Relcimatuon off (maybe for free!) then start having fun! Cast Time Walks that also give you 6/6's and attack with giant robots, waterfalls, and octopi. Otherwise, keep building advantages until you can do that, or cast a Wildest Dream for 3-4 cards to keep the party going. Smash a watch and reset your library if you run out of cards (this deck can see more than 30 cards by turn 7 if you're able to go off).
Any thoughts are welcome!