Bant Superduperfriends!!! (feedback appriecated)
Thank you so much Fizzz for the input. I have been thinking about dropping the prophets for a while now and playing more walkers. I think i'll add 1 kiora and 1 verdict, and consider dropping advent of the wurm for more walkers. I don't want more jaces because sometimes he is just god awful. I might consider playing more elspeth but one seems enough at this point.
June 3, 2014 4:06 p.m.
Seeing that Elspeth, Sun's Champion is your win con, I would run 2, maybe 3. I could see you taking out just one Kiora for one more Elspeth. Sweet deck though! +1
June 18, 2014 10:47 p.m.
all those who are still subscribed to this deck, please post a comment of rememberance of all the children we made cry and the laughs we had when the opponent thought they have won.
LONG LIVE Sphinx's Revelation !
cries into pillow while eating icecream
Fizzz says... #1
There is a really successful version of this deck at my local shop, but it runs:
4x revelations3x jace3x elspeth3x kioras4x verdictsand no prophets.
This deck is annoying as fuck.
June 3, 2014 3:59 p.m.