Bant Snojutai Blade

Modern* btreuther

SCORE: 136 | 196 COMMENTS | 22275 VIEWS | IN 41 FOLDERS

Dragaan says... #6

I just got into UW Control myself and I've been working on an Ojutai deck this week, and I like adding Goyfs to just about anything, so I like this deck (even though I have no idea how it will actually work). I personally like Think Twice more than Serum Visions in these decks, though, since they allow you to leave up mana for countermagic and still play the cantrip on your opponent's end step if you don't need to counter anything. Turn 1 is almost always a tap land anyway (in my limited experience, anyway).

I'm gonna have to try this out for myself. Ojutai's Command gets SO much better when you ad in the Goyfs, lol. I like using 1 Command even without them, just for Wall of Omens and/or Snapcaster.

October 8, 2015 11:17 p.m.

Dragaan says... #7

I even prefer Anticipate to Visions in these decks.

October 8, 2015 11:19 p.m.

Dragaan says... #8

I would also highly recommend considering Spreading Seas for the sideboard. One of the things adding the third color forces you to give up is playing several copies of Ghost Quarter/Tectonic Edge in the main deck. Adding the Spreading Seas to the board ensures you have answers to problem lands like Urza lands, Raging Ravines, Blinkmoths, etc.

I also think you should consider using more than a single Stony Silence. Affinity is no joke. I personally almost always use 3 in every deck that has access to white mana, lol.

October 8, 2015 11:34 p.m.

btreuther says... #9

Great points. I like the synergy in this build, as it is essentially more of an Control-Midrange splashing to support a playset of Tarmogoyfs and Kitchen Finks. Ojutai's Command bringing back a Tarmogoyf is neat, and snapping back an Ojutai's Command to bring back a larger Tarmogoyf is nice late game.

I, too, question Serum Visions. However, being a sorcery, adds another card type early to grow the Tarmogoyf. This may be somewhat negligible, though. I could see Anticipate or Think Twice taking the place of Serum Visions.

I appreciate help with the sideboard. Will make some adjustments. Maybe 2 Spreading Seas?

October 9, 2015 12:05 a.m.

Dragaan says... #10

Yes, I was thinking maybe -1 Celestial Purge and -1 Disenchant, or something like that, and adding 2 Spreading Seas. Also, I didn't think about the fact that Serum Visions adds an early sorcery to the graveyard. That's a good point, but I'm not sure if that makes up for it not being instant. Guess you'll have to test it and see, heh.

October 9, 2015 12:23 a.m.

Dragaan says... #11

In fact, with that change (spreading seas) and the additional Stony Silence you added to the board, this deck is looking nearly exactly how I'd probably build it myself. I like. :)

October 9, 2015 12:28 a.m.

Dragaan says... #12

Oh, btw - One thing I did myself was replace my 2 Kor Firewalker in my sideboard with 2 Leyline of Sanctity. I'm not sure if that's actually correct or not yet, but I kinda thought it made sense because it protects you from discard (jund/abzan/grixis/etc) as well as burn. Kor Firewalker is probably better vs burn, but I thought maybe the Leylines wouyld be enough since the deck already has 4 Finks, Ojutai's Command, and Angels to blink the Finks. Just something to keep in mind. Like I said, I dunno if it's entirely correct. I haven't played against enough burn yet.

October 9, 2015 12:33 a.m.

Dragaan says... #13

My build currently doesn't have any Snapcasters in it, though. Snapcasters make discard not quite as bad for your deck as it is for mine, I guess.

October 9, 2015 12:36 a.m.

btreuther says... #14

Leyline of Sanctity is definitely a consideration. I find Kor Firewalkers to be really effective versus burn. I think I may actually sideboard 3 in my Azorius Ojutai Control build, which is really susceptible to burn. Paired with Kitchen Finks, it can get you stabilized early.

Honestly, I cannot see myself running a deck without at least 2 Snapcaster Mages. They really are that good. They shine in Jeskai builds to snap back burn spells, but can be pretty sweet in snapping back countermagic. It is a control player's dream to snap back a Cryptic Command.

October 9, 2015 12:50 a.m.

Dragaan says... #15

I have 2 lists atm. I have 3 Snaps included in my Ojutai Control build, which I have yet to actually build because I don't own any snapcasters yet (along with several other things). I also think they're really important, but I was under the impression that they aren't as crucial in the more midrange-y creature-based build (~15 creatures). My current deck is based off Yuuya Watanabe's list from the World Championships (as well as a dozen or so others that are based off it that placed well recently), so that's why I don't have any included in that particular list. So far it seems to work really really well, though. Once I obtain some I'll try 1 or 2 in that list as well, though.

October 9, 2015 12:57 a.m.

Dragaan says... #16

This is the one I based both of my UW lists off of.

October 9, 2015 12:58 a.m.

wakawakawaka says... #17

Telling Time is generally better than Anticipate in my opinion.

so like run that or Think Twice if you ever do want to add some instant speed draw (Think Twice is my personal preference because I played a bunch of esper in innistrad/rtr standard).

October 10, 2015 5:25 p.m.

btreuther says... #18

wakawakawaka - Think Twice seems good here. Cut Serum Visions for it, mix and match, or cut something out? I agree that instant draw is VERY helpful, and the option to draw two is even better. But, like I said before Serum Visions gives me another card type to grow my Tarmogoyfs. Thoughts?

October 10, 2015 6:11 p.m.

Dragaan says... #19

One other card I've seen in a few winning lists is Azorius Charm. That's worth considering in the 2mana instant card draw slot, esp since the Goyfs make the lifelink mode better in your list than most. I have no experience with the card, though, so it's something you'd have to test for yourself. I agree that Think Twice is the most obvious choice for the slot.

Have you ever tried or considered Eiganjo Castle? I've seen that in a lot of Ojutai lists, since it works with both Ojutais and both Cliques (and even Venser or Geist in some other lists).

October 10, 2015 6:53 p.m.

btreuther says... #20

Azorius Charm is a nice flexible removal spell in some cases, and the lifelink option does have its application now that Tarmogoyf is a threat in this build. Using it mainly as card draw makes it weaker than Think Twice because of the required . Of course your are paying for the flexibility. Maybe a 1-of in the main, or SB. Case of two many good cards to consider.

I'm liking Think Twice more and more. It seems to be that Serum Visions may be a better card for a proactive control build while Think Twice really has its strength as a draw spell that's more reactive control builds. Getting the Tarmogoyfs out early is a proactive goal. Although the instant speak is really good.

Eiganjo Castle is an interesting option, but I think it really doesn't help me as much as it can be hurt me, as it makes me more susceptible to Blood Moon.

October 10, 2015 10 p.m.

wakawakawaka says... #21

idk I really like serum visions. You don't have many 1-drops, but instant speed draw is excellent for obvious reasons. I'd be conflicted too and I wouldn't have a concrete answer for you without extensive playtesting.

October 11, 2015 1:44 a.m.

teamawesome1 says... #22

I get your arguments about instant speed draw potentially being better here, and sympathize with the argument against serum visions because it is not all that spectacular, but compared with Anticipate or Telling Time, Think Twice is just not as good IMO. You have to pay a cumulative 5 mana just to get two cantrips with no fixing of the draws, whereas you could pay less than half that for 1 draw and the ability to load your next draw. No hate of course, it's your deck so do what you think is best, but I hope this helps!

October 11, 2015 11:57 a.m.

Dragaan says... #23

I think you're missing the point about Think Twice. It's better than the other cards you listed in many permission-heavy decks because it's actually 2 spells off 1 card. It gives you that many more opportunities to cast something on your opponent's end step if you don't need to cast the counterspell you held up. That said, maybe this particular deck isn't the type of deck that's going to utilize it best, as it's much more of a midrange/control hybrid with lots of creatures. Best way to find out would be to test them both.

October 11, 2015 1:01 p.m.

Dragaan says... #24

Serum Visions is more of a "digging" cantrip, very well suited to combo decks and decks with a lower curve. Think Twice is more of a filler cantrip, allowing you to do something (as opposed to nothing at all) at times when you're not given an opportunity to use the countermagic you left up.

October 11, 2015 1:11 p.m.

wakawakawaka says... #25

What I like about serum visions is that it lets you keep 1 or 2 landers, which is sort of what midrangey control wants to do.

October 11, 2015 2:08 p.m.

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