Just personal opinion I like knight of the reliquary better for this deck in place of tarmogoyf.
My reasoning is that you can sneak in things that are useful or get that Minamo more often. Also you would then be able to fit some other utility lands into the deck. Worth a test perhaps?
I do understand I'm pointing you towards a control version of knightfall but maybe having retreat to corelhiem as well helps to protect ojutai even more and give the oops I win factor that control usually lacks.
I can see this as a possible angle to go with a bant control deck.Just a thought I had hope it is useful.
November 9, 2016 2:48 p.m.
Apakakuta - I appreciate the feedback. Your idea is intriguing. What does a more controlling version of Knightfall offer? In other words, what match-ups would be better if we shifted to a more control-focused shell. Would this include Noble Hierarchs? What would you cut/add? Perhaps this warrants an alternate build as a control/combo variant of this deck. Would be interested in developing this idea with you.
November 10, 2016 12:53 p.m.
It would likely be a different build as you've properly analyzed. Sure that would be a fun and intriguing endevour.
November 10, 2016 2:03 p.m.
Eiyros - Voice of Resurgence is a great card, but I do not believe this would be the right shell for it. I see it belonging to more creature-based lists that can make sure the token is much bigger. Would there be a position for inclusion in this list? What match-ups would improve with this addition? What to take out?
The_Grape - Rancor is more of an aggro card and takes away from the control game plan. Sure, I have a more aggressive strategy with Tarmogoyf, but at heart this is a control deck can hit hard at times. Rancor is better suited in more creature based aggro deck to push through damage. I would be fearful that I'd have them stuck in my hand with no creatures, and it would likely take the place of my permission spells.
Thinking of ways to improve matchups with lists that use Lingering Souls as well as vs Tron, Merfolk, and Ad Nauseum.
November 17, 2016 5:12 p.m.
Voice of resurgence is amazing against control because it hates on instants
November 17, 2016 7:40 p.m.
My apologies I don't play competitive modern with control decks.
November 17, 2016 9:52 p.m.
darter0111 says... #11
I don't see anything to deal with tron. Might I suggest Spreading Seas or any Ghost Quarter?
November 21, 2016 2:28 a.m.
Eiyros - yes, I agree about your assessment of Voice of Resurgence; however, my control match-up is pretty good already with the extra permission I bring in.
No worries The_Grape - appreciate the thought!
darter0111 - I've added 1x Ghost Quarter in place of the Mystic Gate. Gives me a little extra vs. opposing creature lands (e.g., Inkmoth Nexus, Raging Ravine, etc.), Gavony Township, and, as you've mentioned Tron. I could see an argument for a second one, but don't want to compromise the mana base. Not sure if I want to go below 8 fetchlands or 4 Celestial Colonnade.
Some other cards I'm thinking for SB or MB inclusions:
Would appreciate any thoughts on this.
November 22, 2016 4:23 p.m. Edited.
Both Surgical Extraction and Engineered Explosives deserve considerations
November 22, 2016 5:57 p.m.
Apakakuta - I agree. Now, numbers. I'm thinking Engineered Explosives is worth MB consideration. I've noticed that I struggle vs. Merfolk and Elves as well as lists that run Lingering Souls. Since I'm in three colors, I could hit anything from tokens to Liliana of the Veil. Of course, I'd have to play around my own two- and three-drops, but that's doable. The question: what to take out? Maybe Detention Sphere?
I think I need to add 2 Surgical Extractions to the SB. Would be a way to fight off cards like Lingering Souls, Karn Liberated, and Dredgers.
Runed Halo could help the Valakut match-up, and target other problematic cards.
November 22, 2016 7:24 p.m.
Detention Sphere deserves it's slot it handles most of the pro lees you just highlighted.
Engineered Explosives is worth considering maindeck but I'd only do 1 copy main.
If you can figure out where to slot it Surgical Extraction
November 22, 2016 7:54 p.m.
What do you think of my deck Ojutai Control? It's an esper themed take on your deck.
November 23, 2016 11:02 a.m.
Ugh it's linking you to some other guys deck with the same name so you will have to find it on my page :/
November 23, 2016 11:03 a.m.
Perhaps Dovin Baan? He's not as good at protection as Gideon or Elspeth, but he does provide card draw in a pinch, and he comes down a turn earlier. Tamiyo, Field Researcher has a +1 that can both amplify your Dragonlord Ojutai attacks and give your opponent a reason to hold off on attacking for that critical turn or two. However, the colors make it adding her a little risky. I suspect that this isn't quite good enough, and has a spot filled already, but Tireless Tracker will go wonderfully with the 8 fetch lands you're running, and provide needed card draw in a pinch. I fear I'm not familiar enough with Modern to really give good advice, I've just recently gotten into it via Xmage (physical Modern is too expensive sadly), but this looks really good. Keep it up!
December 11, 2016 2:37 a.m.
kruppe - Thanks for the thoughtful suggestions. I really do appreciate your comments! Dovin Baan and Tamiyo, Field Researcher are solid choices. I like both of those options (actually ran Tamiyo, Field Researcher in a previous version of this list) especially because of the blanking effects and card draw potential. My aim for this flex spot is to replace 1x Cryptic Command, so the card would have big shoes to fill. Dovin Baan, as a four drop, seems a little lackluster and think I might rather have the Cryptic Command. But who knows!
Tamiyo, Field Researcher is an interesting option, and I think she could be great and is just waiting for the right deck in Modern. In the limited playing time I've had with her, she was pretty cool. I dropped her because I thought she belonged in a more creature-oriented list. However, Her +1 almost certainly will draw me cards or prevent attacks, and her -2 is a tapdown effect (could function as a Cryptic Command. Not too worried about the mana cost, as I've had little problem acquiring by turn four or so. Her ultimate is sick and tilt-inducing. She doesn't just win the game, but certainly powerful. Serious consideration!
Tireless Tracker is an intriguing option, but I don't want too many options that require me to tapout.
I would say that my serious considerations now are Tamiyo, Field Researcher and Batterskull. Yes - I know they do two different things, but you can see I'm looking for powerful cards to build around the Dragonlord Ojutai/Tarmogoyf theme.
December 11, 2016 5:09 p.m.
Frenchiee27 says... #20
Have you considered Sun Titan for the sake of returning tarmogoyf, snap caster mage and vendillion clique? He is a massive stabilizer in many U/W control lists and I believe he could be a huge utility when you've thrown tarmogoyf into the mix. I also believe that with thus in mind, this may be a really great shell for an emeria land base considering you are certainly heavy in white.
December 19, 2016 7:36 a.m.
Thanks Frenchiee27 for the comment and suggestion. Sun Titan does sound like an intriguing option for recursion and is certainly worth testing. Adding Sun Titan pushes us into mainboard, which may make it a little more challenging to cast when I want to hit for Vendilion Clique and for Cryptic Command while also hitting for Tarmogoyf. Also, Sun Titan comes down a turn later than Dragonlord Ojutai.
Regarding Emeria, The Sky Ruin, while we do go further into after sideboarding for certain match-ups, we are still a predominately -based deck. Might require a bit of mana overhaul for that. I don't think I've ever seen an Emeria, The Sky Ruin shell run Cryptic Command.
btreuther says... #1
Eiyros - Thanks Apakakuta for the explanation and the +1. I plan on updating with more results. Re: Blessed Alliance in addition to what was said, the untap mode also helps Dragonlord Ojutai to gain hexproof again (or even use as a blocker) if we do not have access to Minamo, School at Water's Edge. In addition the ability to escalate and use multiple modes is nice too late game. Having your opponent sacrifice/you gain life or sacrifice/you untap blockers can be useful mid/late game. It is also another target for Snapcaster Mage.
Thank you Dismay for the comment. Tarmogoyf and Dragonlord Ojutai do entirely different things. In addition to coming down at different times, Ojutai is hard to remove, and when he attacks and connects being able to sift through three cards is fantastic, as it provides card advantage and selection. Being able to pluck out a Cryptic Command, Elspeth, Knight-Errant, or removal spell is gas.
November 9, 2016 2:38 p.m.