Early test of the build, assuming to face a lot of mono-u and mono-red, since they're super common in my LGS.
Match 1 | Mono-U | 2-1
This went way better than I anticipated. My Opp was relatively new with the deck, and I'd played with it a bunch. Knowing his best plays throughout helped a ton. Dovin, Grand Arbiter was an all-star throughout the match, essentially fogging most of his early attacks throughout all three matchups. I won game one handily with Hero of Precinct One providing a ton of early pressure and Knight of Autumn keeping Curious Obsession in check.
Game two was a close loss thanks to land-screw, but even then, Dovin, Grand Arbiter made a good effort. Game three saw misplays from my Opp, but also a near-perfect curve locking up the game quickly by hitting three Siren Stormtamer with Deputy of Detention.
Match 2 | Temur Reclamation | 2-1
This match felt weird, since game one saw my Opp play linearly into Knight of Autumn killing Wilderness Reclamation, and failing to deal effectively with either Dovin, Grand Arbiter or Teferi, Hero of Dominaria. Game two saw me mana-screwed early and then too far behind to be able to deal with Niv-Mizzet, Parun defended with counter spells. Game three played out clean in the first three turns, hitting Search for Azcanta
Flip with Deputy of Detention, and then holding up Negate and Frilled Mystic while swinging in for a single damage a turn.
Match 3 | Mono-Red | 2-1
Probably my favorite game of the entire night, I mulled to six on the draw and still managed to pull out the first-game win. Hero of Precinct One and Dovin, Grand Arbiter shut down most of the Opp's game, as did a x=7 March of the Multitudes. Knight of Autumn killing Flame of the Keld was back-breaking for the Opp. Second game saw me playing catch up the entire game, losing to repeated Risk Factor and a Flame of the Keld I couldn't remove. Game three gave me three sideboard cards in my opening hand: two Baffling End and one Settle the Wreckage. Opp had no board by turn four, then I cast Hydroid Krasis on turns 5, 6, and 7. Game was well up by then.
Wrap up thoughts
I didn't like Teferi, Hero of Dominaria mainboard. It struggled to be useful into the aggro matchups, and only marginally helpful into Temur Reclamation. For now I've moved it to the sideboard.
Hydroid Krasis was an all-star, as would be expected. I'm convinced having the full four copies is correct, as even an x=1 Krasis can slow games. Beyond that, I'll need more games into other decks to know what else needs adjusting.