Standard* teambob


rscisciani says... #1

phenax + consuming aberration = happy fun time ( for you )

February 25, 2014 6:10 p.m.

teambob says... #2

Indeed it is!

February 26, 2014 12:42 p.m.

MagicHands88 says... #3

Well, you already have green in here. Why not find room for a Prophet of Kruphix or two?

February 26, 2014 12:47 p.m.

teambob says... #4

I thought about Prophet but I feel it is too slow and with all the removal out there right now I don't feel like she will do much. It takes too many pieces for her to be useful I think.

February 26, 2014 1:05 p.m.

MagicHands88 says... #5

To each his own. I put her in mine, but your point is very valid. The potential awesome involved with her is too good to pass up, imo

February 26, 2014 2:53 p.m.

Anublet90 says... #6

So why do you have green in there?

March 3, 2014 1:03 p.m.

Anublet90 says... #7

Abrupt Decay and Putrefy . If they're in there to prevent regeneration, then you could use spells like Wring Flesh , Lash of the Whip or Fatal Fumes (though mind the costs on those). Splashing colors for one or two spells is hardly worth it when when can get the same results in colors you already have. Personally, I would switch those two out for Psychic Strike (milling plus countering in a defensive mill deck is yay) and Pilfered Plans (fully optional, I just like drawing cards). Pilfered Plans also goes great with Omenspeaker , so all the more reason. Plus, you know, milling. You'd also get a much sleeker deck in the form of one less color. More basic lands usually equates to more speed.

So how about Mind Rot ? Thoughtseize ? Disciple of Phenax ? Undercity Informer ? Returned Centaur ? Hired Torturer ? Even the lowly Drainpipe Vermin ? Might come in handy in conjunction with Liturgy of Blood .

March 3, 2014 2:01 p.m.

teambob says... #8

The deck started with Sylvan Caryatid and Axebane Guardian and has been evolving this past week. Green has slowly been coming out of the deck but the reason it is still in there is mainly for Abrupt Decay because Detention Sphere is just about the only thing that can take care of my God Phenax and the deck centers around him being on the board. Putrefy is a good kill spell but it can always be switched out for something else that is better costed. Psychic Strike was in the deck and it might be coming back and Pilfered Plans I don't think works for me because I'm basically using all the scry in my deck as card draw so I can keep other answers in the deck and Thoughtseize is already in the deck. I think the creatures in the deck are just about what I want, some of the suggestions you made seem a little too overcosted for what they do. Thanks for all the suggestions I really appreciate the input!

March 4, 2014 9:37 a.m.

Anublet90 says... #9

Oh, I didn't mean those cards in particular, just cards with similar effects. I've yet to find a reason to include Liturgy of Blood in a deck.

March 4, 2014 1:38 p.m.

Aptrgangr81 says... #10

Have you considered using Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker or Kiora's Follower ? Having (4) Omenspeaker isn't a bad deal, but they're in range of most burn removal and won't stay on the board too long. Mirko may be a bit expensive, but he's evasive and rips through a deck pretty quick. Kiora's Follower could be a good addition to the deck with Phenax, God of Deception in play as it will allow you to untap a nasty creature to either act as a blocker or use of another mill ability. The only problem is it's a 2/2 creature and easily removed by most spells.

March 12, 2014 1:14 p.m.

teambob says... #11

Mirko Vosk isnt' bad but I think I have too many 5 drops in the deck to put it in too and I think the others are better than Mirko. I have been thinking about trying Kiora's Follower but I use Omenspeaker to dig through my deck and all the scry in my deck acts as card draw and Omenspeaker is extremely helpful in that. Thanks for the suggestions and I will keep Kiora's Follower in mind.

March 12, 2014 1:52 p.m.

kg77wiseguy says... #12

Are you playing against a lot of fat decks? Like, 80 to 85 cards? If not, I would say lose the Traumatize . Running 4 in my mill deck, I found that I was only hitting for about 12 to 14 cards by turn 6, because turn 5 I want Phenax, God of Deception or Jace, Memory Adept way before it. Not sure about the Daring Thief either... Maybe scrap them too, and add 3 Psychic Strike for everything.

June 16, 2014 11:34 a.m.

teambob says... #13

I have been thinking about putting some counter magic in so I will give it a try. The Traumatize has been great for me though. I usually hit over 20 cards when I cast it, and depending on the situation I would rather cut half there deck before I start milling with Phenax because depending on what creatures you have out you could mill them out next turn by dropping Phenax after Traumatize. Daring Thief has been ok but it is just in there to still a big threat since phenax can tap him without attacking. Thanks for the suggestions!

June 23, 2014 4:19 p.m.

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