
Enchantment (4)

I've been wanting to build a Bant deck for years now, and I finally felt like it could fit my playstyle with the enchantment creatures. Eidolon of Countless Battles is the true hero here, he turn almost any decent board state into a win in this deck. The idea is to have hexproof platforms for great enchantments, but to have enough midrange options to recover from wipes, edicts, or hand disruption. Evasiveness and lifelink usually let you ignore everything else your opponent is doing while you beat them down.

At first glance this seems like a very straightforward bad aggro hexproof deck, but in the current meta it's been a pretty solid midrange-ish deck that capitalizes on knowledge of what your opponent is doing or can do. You have to make sure that you're going hard enough against the decks that it's safe to do so against, while holding back just the right amount and playing around other decks.

Sideboarded indestructibility helps against wipes, as does the bestow creature(s).

Selesnya Charm is mainboarded specifically because of how common Far / Away, Devour Flesh, and Celestial Flare are in the meta right now. It allows me to easily spawn a guy to sacrifice in response (or in Celestial Flare 's case, to hang buddy with), as well as removal for their threats or gods, and a possible trample win condition if necessary. Spell Rupture is also in the sideboard in case Selesnya Charm isn't enough, as well as being an extremely versatile card in this deck (thanks rubeerubin and DocMan).

Suggestions are welcome, especially JOU cards that I may have overlooked. I've removed Trollhide and Indestructibility from the sideboard in favor of Ajani's Presence . Any suggestions to fill out the rest of the sideboard?


Monoblack Devotion

So far monoblack devotion hasn't been a problem. You need to make sure to always play two creatures before loading one of them up with enchantments. Having a Selesnya Charm in hand before making big play with one creature is a good idea as well. Otherwise your threats and lifelink will snowball much harder than their own, so it's usually a pretty easy win. Your hand should be pretty resilient to disruption as long as you have more than one platform to start with (you'll draw enchantments). If necessary you can board more counterspells or Detention Sphere if you're worried about Erebos, God of the Dead or Pack Rat.

Spell Rupture

Control (Esper, Azorious, America, etc)

Just play carefully the first game, while still being aggressive. Drop early threats with Gladecover Scout and Bassara Tower Archer . Keep an eye out for Cyclonic Rift and Supreme Verdict the first game by never committing more than one creature to the board. Play around counterspells by only dropping your lifelink enchantments when you're sure they'll land.

-3 Selesnya Charm+3 
Spell Rupture
 if Cyclonic Rift+3 
Ajani's Presence
 if Supreme Verdict

The rest of your games against them will be leaving mana open for Ajani's Presence in response to verdict, or making sure to leave mana open to counter Cyclonic Rift. Other than those two cards your threats will beat them on their own.

Aggro (Mono-black, burn, etc)

Just race them. You just need to land Gift of Orzhova or Unflinching Courage and you win. You may want to board in Spell Rupture vs burn or non-creature spell heavy decks, but it's really just going to be a race. It's possible for you to beat them on the play before they beat you, but more likely it's going to be your lifelink that gets you out of range too fast. Sideboarding will be situational.

I'll add more matchup tech as I come up against decks that require it.


Updates Add

I took this deck to it's first FNM on Friday. I finished out the night at 2-2.

Round 1 - (2 - 0)

My first game was against a monoblack devotion deck which I won 2-0. Just playing smart by always having at least two creatures out (or a Charm in hand) was enough to get around all the edicts he had. The charm also worked well as a way to get Desecration Demon out of the game, and I was gaining more life than Gary could ever leech for. Both games were won pretty handily.

Round 2 - (1 - 2)

This round didn't go as well. My opponent was playing Selesnya beatdown, but we didn't really get to play any games. The first game he was stuck on two white mana, second game I was stuck on two (blue and white), third game I was stuck on two again. Would've liked to see how this game actually played out.

Round 3 - (2 - 0)

This round was against a U/B Phenax mill and control deck. I won pretty quickly, he never had control early enough to stop the buildup that outran his mill.

Round 4 - (0 - 2)

This round was against a U/R spells deck. It ran Young Pyromancer, Goblin Electromancer, and the sorcery/instant flying goat whose name I can't remember. These were pretty fun games. Game 1 I ended up losing because of a play mistake (I played an Aqueous Form with a Dispel in hand, and promptly got hit with an overloaded Cyclonic Rift at the start of his turn). Game two I was flooded and didn't have a chance to play anything meaningful until around turn 6. I played a few games with him afterwards and won, so I don't think any changes are really necessary unless I run into this problem some more in the future.


Revision 10 See all

(10 years ago)

+2 Forest main
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

27 - 4 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.29
Tokens Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance
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