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Bantserk (Lucre Contest)



For KrazyCaley's "Lucre" deck building contest. I've been absent from the past few contests, but I had the free time for once.

Basically, the goal here is to ramp with diamonds in the early game, and cobras + titans late game.

Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Sensei's Divining Top and Gifts Ungiven serve me as a juggernaut of a draw engine.

Win con is smashing face, but it has some neat tricks.

Isochron Scepter + Berserk = oh god why on Jenara, Asura of War or Serendib Efreet , and then repeated Sun Titan swinging to get them back. THEN YOU CAN GO BERSERK ALL OVER AGAIN. (Now with theme music to enjoy while you muck around with the deck!)


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