Baral Bodacious Booty (Original)

Commander / EDH* Profet93

SCORE: 25 | 13 COMMENTS | 2091 VIEWS

erabel says... #1

Deck already looks really solid as is. Talrand isn't too difficult to build, but you've definitely got a good list here. That said, my thoughts:

  • The two vote cards (Split Decision and Plea for Power) will always end up being the mode you don't like, unless you're down to the last two people and you want the "tied" mode. Both modes on both spells are still decent, don't get me wrong, but it'll still mess you up when you absolutely need it.
  • Domineering Will is mostly a meta call, I suppose. How's your experience been with that card?
  • Stolen Identity has always felt slow to me. It's a large initial investment, and it only really pays for itself if you can stick it on something both evasive (so it can keep connecting) and large or protected (so it doesn't die immediately).
  • Future Sight is a neat card, but also, in my personal experience, slow. You can't really afford to play it and nothing else, so you have to wait until you have something in the realm of 8 mana, and by then there's probably more productive things to do (unless you're comboing off with Future Sight, which this deck, in its current state, can't do).

If you decide that my advice is totally valid, some of the cheap cards from your maybeboard that I'd add first would be Peer Through Depths, Reality Shift, Whispers of the Muse, and Chain of Vapor.

If you're deciding which cards from your "too expensive right now"-board to splurge on first, I'd recommend either Snapcaster (I'm pretty sure it's the cheapest of what you've got there, and it's incredible value) or Pact (because it's a good counterspell and you can find it off Tolaria West).

All I got on first glance. A lot of what I say might not apply because of how you like to play, or how the group you play with plays, or if I suggested you cut a pet card that you enjoy. My word ain't gospel, however, just advice, since that's what you asked for. Have fun with your deck!

October 16, 2016 4:25 p.m.

Profet93 says... #2


Thank you for your suggestions! Split Decision and Plea for Power are both interesting cards I want to try out. I have not yet had a chance to fully test them, although I am pretty sure you are right. More testing will need to be done.

Domineering Will is one of my FAVORITE cards in the deck. It doesn't look much, but it really help you out of a tight spot. It's also really funny to use Bident of Thassa's second ability, use domineering will and then Twincast.

I feel the same about Stolen Identity. It has been too slow. I'm gonna give it another shot, but it looks like it will be the first on the chopping board.

Future Sight is interesting, as it helps me go through more and more of my deck. It also shows me opponents whatever card is coming up next which can often times be very negative. A potential card to cut.

For the cheap cards you recommend me to add, do you think I should take away some higher CMC spells (as discussed) and/or remove some lands? I've been confused as to the appropriate amount of ramp/lands for this kind of deck.

October 16, 2016 5:22 p.m.

erabel says... #4

All seem like real good changes. I'm still testing Insidious Will, so I'm iffy on taking it out just yet, but I can see the reasoning behind it (dropping the curve, mostly).

October 20, 2016 7:23 p.m.

Profet93 says... #5


If you had to rate the deck as it is 1 -10, 1 = bleh, 10 = Perfect, what would you rate it? Anything else you recommend to put in/out? My apologies for all of my questions, I'm just unfamiliar with Talrand.

I am looking into purchasing the pieces (most of the expensive pieces I own). I will slowly trade for the expensive wants listed in the sideboard.

And exactly, it's nice to have a lower curve, and most of the time you want to counter a spell than copy or change it's target.

November 2, 2016 1:24 a.m.

Snap157 says... #6

Would Omniscience or High Tide Work in a deck like this? Also I think Gitaxian Probe, Peek, and Spy Network would really help. +1 neat deck

February 6, 2017 2:07 p.m.

Profet93 says... #7


Thank you for your suggestions.

Omniscience is too costly. I am already trying to reduce the Avg CMC of the deck.

High Tide is a potential addition. I will definitely consider that seeing how I need ramp.

Gitaxian Probe is already in the deck. I had Peek but it wasn't that helpful surprisingly enough.

Spy Network isn't a cantrip so I am unwilling to include it

February 6, 2017 2:14 p.m.

hetwiel says... #8

Hey man,

Had a looksy at your deck, its alot more streamlined and focussed down then mine and obviously has a few more pricy cards i was skipping.

How good is Bident of Thassa? Worth getting that instead of 4 instant/sorcery draw spells? I imagine a few drakes flying through does the trick.

And how does your game usually end? You don't seem to have any endgame bombs, is having a few drakes really enough to close out the game before it gets to a massive boardstate where drakes become obsolete?

Both questions could result in opening up like 7 slots in my deck :P

August 25, 2017 4:52 p.m.

Profet93 says... #9


Yeah, I designed this to be as competitive as possible. You can replace the expensive cards with budget replacements.

Bident of Thassa is VERY GOOD. Repeatable card draw is nice. The second effect can be useful (Ex: They have a Royal Assassin and they are holding it back as defense but you can make it attack and block it to death).

My drakes are my bombs. If not, Blatant Thievery, Bribery, Vedalken Shackles.

Runechanter's pike can be your finisher if you like since it is cheap. I also reuse Snapcaster Mage with Riptide Laboratory

August 25, 2017 5:06 p.m.

muse99 says... #10

Hi, I came here since you visited my Talrand deck. +1 for this list, it looks tight. Only thing I find surprising is you're not running Dramatic Reversal, which combo's so nicely with Isochron Scepter and some rocks. I think your land counter is quite high by the way. If you add more rocks, especially net positive ones, you can probably cut quite a few lands and still do alright.

October 8, 2017 4:06 p.m.

Profet93 says... #11


This deck doesn't run infinite combos due to the playgroup I use it on. But yeah, 38 is high for an Avg CMC of 2.85. I'm just not sure what other rocks (preferably CMC 2 or less) to add

October 9, 2017 1:36 a.m.

Bjosx says... #12

depending on your budget: Chrome Mox, Mana Vault, Mana Crypt, Fellwar Stone, Mox Diamond would be good mana rocks to add. might be worth adding Personal Tutor and Merchant Scroll. Can usually find a use for Dispel in an EDH game aswell, although that's meta dependant.

October 29, 2017 5:08 a.m.

Bjosx says... #13

Delay and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip, might also be worth playing. Windfall is good if you find yourself running out of gas and Frantic Search might be worth playing, especially if you put in the high tide. If you find yourself dying to Mana Crypt you could try putting in cards like Reshape or Into the Roil.

I'm not going to go into 1 to 1 replacements but I'd be looking at Serum Visions, Caged Sun, Sky Diamond, Dismiss, Twincast, Remand and a couple of Islands for swapping out.

October 29, 2017 5:24 a.m.

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