Bargain life plus hate sphinx - looking for input!

Commander / EDH Spydurr


Robric101 says... #1

Phyrexian Processor is awesome in life gain decks as well as Rhox Faithmender and Whip of Erebos

I would also get rid of jace because he doesn't do anything special regarding life gain or artifacts

May 12, 2014 9:31 a.m.

Spydurr says... #2

I actually already have a Processor in the deck :)

Good point about Jace...he's more in there because he was my first & only planeswalker for a time :) - he's on the chopping block.

I'm not sure about Rhox though, simply because I tend to have more than enough life...pretty rare I lose on life unless/until someone goes infinite, and Rhox doesn't mean more triggers.

I am actually thinking maybe even something like a Riot Control or Counterspell ...the last couple times I've lost, it's been a sudden KO with Mimeo/Skithiryx or hasty Blightsteel. Oloro inspires a lot of hate, and playgroup doesn't buy I'm completely harmless anymore ><

May 12, 2014 10:47 p.m.

TheMagicalNerd says... #3

I play an Oloro, Ageless Ascetic Commander deck, and Beacon of Immortality is an amazing card. It counts as gaining life, too, so if you have Rhox Faithmender or Boon Reflection out, you can quadruple your life total. Also, even though it is 10 mana, Storm Herd is hilarious if it goes off. I really like Soul Warden + Beacon of Immortality + Storm Herd. I've pulled it off once, and it was glorious. :D

April 2, 2015 11:04 a.m.

Spydurr says... #4

The big problem I have is translating high life total to wins, at least in my playgroup. I can get my life high - but don't have enough ways to leverage that, and then eventually someone gets huge or sneaks in a Blightsteel/infect or pulls off a combo & I'm hosed...most times the high life total makes me a multiplayer target as much as anything.

Storm Herd could help with that...

Thanks for the suggestions!, I'll give them some thought & also check out your deck :)

April 3, 2015 8:53 a.m.

TheMagicalNerd says... #5

No problem! I love helping people out, especially when it comes to a deck that I actually know how to play it.

A really funny win-con (that I am looking to add to my deck, too) is False Cure. At first glance, it seems bad. Well, Beacon of Immortality + False Cure, both being used on another player, kills them instantly. So can a nicely timed Congregate or something in place of the Beacon. But the Beacon is an insta-kill when combined with False Cure.

April 3, 2015 11:53 p.m.

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