Basic Azorius

Legacy PreatorElsh


ikethammond says... #1

Dissipate is better than Cancel .

June 17, 2012 12:54 p.m.

ChowsMTG says... #2

Hi, if this deck is meant too be un-standard, i am sure you are still looking into improvising.....Hmm, i recommend having more synergism involved, i am sure with the budget you are looking for, you can make something excellent....

June 17, 2012 6:02 p.m.

Clusterfucker says... #3

Few things....

You have a few cards that aren't standard. Mirror-Sigil Sergeant and some of your lands. If your goal is to make the deck a modern or legacy deck, you should include cards from the larger card pool. If the deck is standard, remove the nonstandard cards. For example, in legacy, Counterspell is played over Cancel and maybe run some better lands. I don't have time to look into card choices, but I'm suggesting that you should explore your options more. If this deck is budget-restricted or casual, just ignore this part.

Run Dissipate over Cancel . Helps with those annoying flashback spells.

If your goal is to lock your opponent out, don't run Safe Passage . It's good, but your deck is trying to lock the board down with enchantments, annoying hatebear creatures, and counterspells. If it does its job, you should never be able to use Safe Passage well. I suggest replacing it with Vapor Snag or Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Gut Shot or really any spot removal card. (My suggestions are for standard decks. There are some better options if the deck is modern or legacy)

Finally, you need spot removal. If your opponent has, say, an Inferno Titan , one of two things will happen:

1) You have a bounce spell (AEther Adept ) AND a counterspell. You just spent two cards to remove one card, and they got a free lightning bolt off their titan. Sure, they spent 12 mana, but if this deck is trying to make the games last a long time (it is) you will need a source of card advantage.

2) You don't have a counterspell. Your opponent now gets to replay his titan over and over while you bounce it.

Condemn is a good option. Not the best, but I am just using it as an example.

Anyway, great idea for a deck! It's original, plus, it uses Mirror-Sigil Sergeant which is one of my favorite cards. +1.

June 17, 2012 10:03 p.m.

PreatorElsh says... #4

Thank you for your feed back. I am seriously considering Counterspell . Safe Passage is useful because most of the people i play have some big end move, and Safe Passage stops it and leaves them vulnerable for me to attack. Although Sigil of Sleep is a good card that i might consider getting. Cryptoplasm can copy Mirror-Sigil Sergeant making multiple copies of Cryptoplasm and with the multiple copies you can copy another creature. That's just a combo i would like to point out.

June 19, 2012 8:57 p.m.

Royberto says... #5

Man, this just looks painful to go against. +1There are better artifacts than card:Wayfarer's Bauble but if its preference.

February 3, 2013 7:44 p.m.

Weston Ayarza says... #6

Stonehorn Dignitary says Hi.

He's best friends with Venser.

February 11, 2013 11:41 p.m.

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