CENTAUR BOY: I'm a thunder, you're never gonna catch me!
CENTAUR GIRL: I'm faster than all thunders, you can't get away from m...
CENTAUR BOY: WOW! What is that?
CENTAUR GIRL: That must be a castle, remember what the elder told us? But, I think it is unfinished.
CENTAUR BOY: Right! The houses of unkillable men. I wonder if they still live there.
CENTAUR GIRL: Look! They are carrying rocks and woods. Maybe they are completing the castle, don't you think?
CENTAUR BOY: Wait... That's right! They can't do that in our valley. Let's take a look!
CENTAUR GIRL: I don't know, what if the unkillable men catch us?
CENTAUR BOY: We'll face them. Besides, they don't look unkillable. They don't have swords or spears. C'mon, we'll be quick as a thunder...
CENTAUR GIRL: Quicker than all thunders... Ok, let's go.
SOLDIER: Hey! What are you doing?!
The last part of this trilogy of centaurs tribal deck, which is a prequel actually, showing how it all started. I'm finding pauper deck really hard to build, because I'm often tempted to include rares cards, but at the same time I'm discoverying a whole new world of very good common cards.
As always, I'd appreciate a lot your suggestions!