A deck for Battling your enemies with your Hp as much as with creatures. Suggestions are welcome for improving the deck. If there are life gain cards or other that are simply more efficient than one that i already have i would love the hear them. If you enjoyed this deck concept then check my profile for other decks that i have made, you might enjoy those too!

Combo List:

Rhox Faithmender + Rite of Replication : This combo gives you a ton of life gain.

Alhammarret's Archive + Boon Reflection + Rhox Faithmender : all of these amplify your life gain going from x2 to x4 to x8 and with enough of these stacking it can get to x16, x32, and even x64.

Oloro, Ageless Ascetic + Well of Lost Dreams : this gives you up to two extra cards every turn.

Tree of Perdition: So much cheese can be pulled off with this card Including but not limited to. Block then switch if it does not die to give them 6 or 7 Hp hopefully. It combos well with other cards such as Exquisite Blood, were you Gain the difference in life (if they were at 40 and go to 13 then they lost 27 life and you gain 27 life). This also works if you then turn around and use it with 40 life to make someone gain life (they are at 27 and you swap for 40 they gain 13 life, Meaning they lose 13 life from 27 instead and they are at 14 and your tree is at 27, do it again and they are at 1) when you have Tainted Remedy out.

Debtors' Knell + Grave Betrayal Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim + Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter : Some fun graveyard recursion and Sacrifice engines to add more life gain and control.

Debtors' Knell + Grave Betrayal : These two can combo well with Angelic Chorus + Proper Burial for enter and leaving life.

Serra Avatar + Wall of Reverence : Double your life every turn this combo is out. Add Cradle of Vitality for tons off power as well.

Magus of the Mirror: More Life total manipulation cheese. Use with Tainted Remedy if you are higher in life (you should be?) and if you have double their life they die

Beacon of Immortality + Tainted Remedy : This equals a dead player.

Cradle of Vitality + Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter : This can give you more counters to control the enemy board with. Alternatively you just get a big Flying lifelink Demon who doubles his power every fight with anything when you have 2 mana open.

Angelic Chorus + Storm Herd : Double life total

Emeria, The Sky Ruin + Plains : Welp it does say it on the card but a creature back everyturn is great.

Crypt Ghast + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth : every land is an Extra swamp for your Debt to the Deathless or Exsanguinate

Quick Victory List:

Celestial Convergence: You should be at the Greatest Life total throughout the game, however this can make you a prime target or it can possibly be killed before it goes off, so if you really want to reliably win with this card i suggest adding a Vampire Hexmage to your list. Place out Vampire Hexmage and win the next turn by removing the counters.

Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond : Any damage Dealt after this to any opponent will insta-win the game for you. As well as any life gain so worst case wait for your next turn and Oloro, Ageless Ascetic will proc the combo for you.

Test of Endurance: Have 50 life and win, not really that hard

Felidar Sovereign: Have 40 life and win,easier but also easier to remove on average.

Magister Sphinx: 10 life is easy to smash to death.

Sorin Markov: As Above in convenient Planeswalker form.

Black Market and/or Altar of Shadows: These will give you the Mana to Explode Enemies with Debt to the Deathless or Exsanguinate. Remember these are more effective versus team life totals (For a team it will still hit eaach player so effectivly its X time number of players on opposing team(s) damage dealt and life that you gain).

Avacyn, Angel of Hope: Play her, normally you win after that. But if you need more play her and Combo Day of Judgment + Grave Betrayal or any other field wipe and then its Game over.

Tree of Perdition: There are plenty of ways to win with this thing. Block and switch and they cry but you can always Stack Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter up to 12 +1/+1 counters and target this tree to make it a -12/1 and switch. I am sure you can do 1 damage after that.

Storm Herd: Your life should be high so this makes easy alpha strikes.

Rogue's Passage + Serra Avatar : Unblockable Life Total, Should be an easy kill.

Update 1: I have removed Ruinous Path and Hero's Downfall from the list. I have replaced them with Vindicate and Utter End as they are pretty much exclusively better cards.


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