Hi all!! First time asking for help, relatively new to this, but I would appreciate some insight. The deck is UW with the ability to combo and control. Originally I wanted it to be able to rush by finishing the game turn 4, which it could, but it's quite the stretch.
T1: Hypnotic siren/Triton Shorestalker.
T2: Swing for 1, Raise the Alarm at opponents turn.
T3: Spear of Heliod, swing for 6, total 7 damage.
T4: Battlefield Thaumaturge
Launch the Fleet
placing 3 more attackers, then using Ajani's Presence on 1 of the attackers, swinging for 13, total 20 damage.
Odds of an opponent not playing anything by T3 is not probable so I'm not really banking on this. Plus the fact it needs 10 cards specifically doesn't help. Anyway as I playtested and realized how much of a long shot that would be, I started to really like the Battlefield Thaumaturge and its interactions. So now I want to switch the deck to work with these combos, and at the same time have some control and protection. My question is if this deck is balanced enough to be competitive? Do I need more creatures? What can be switched out for what?
Here are some of the interactions and combos I currently have and an explanation as to why I have it:
Main Man! The Bossman and his shenanigans:Battlefield Thaumaturge -- This guy makes Ajani's Presence, Launch the Fleet, Curse of the Swine, Hour of Need all cheaper! Herein will be called Bossman to save time.
Ajani's Presence -- Saves lives and can be used offensively. With Bossman out it goes 1,3,5,7,etc. CMC per target.
Launch the Fleet -- more tokens and potential finisher. Bossman makes it only a 1 CMC spell!
Curse of the Swine -- Exiles threats and can even pump my own 1/1 tokens to 2/2. Combos with Bossman making it a 2 CMC spell!
Hour of Need -- A bread and butter card in this deck. 4/4 flyers at instant speed is a win condition. Has great utility. With all the mini tokens this can help create medium sized blockers, it can exile very huge and dangerous threats, if opponent uses removal it can "counter" it, or it can just win the game. With Bossman the CMC goes 2,3,4,5,6,etc. per target! Hell yes I want 4 4/4 flyers for 5 mana! Even 3 4/4 flyers turn 4 sounds amazing.
Hypnotic Siren and Triton Shorestalker -- 1 CMC evasion mainly goes with Military Intelligence and Bident of Thassa. Both can easily be targets for Hour of Need. Hypnotic Siren can also be used late game to steal creatures, which is nice.
Chasm Skulker -- 3 CMC that can get huge provided it stays on the field. If it pops It leaves tokens I can use. With some draw effects he can become a decent threat. He was a last minute addition so not sure how he works yet.
Raise the Alarm -- Although not a creature card, it creates 2 creatures which is what I mainly want, especially on the opponents turn. With this and the other 1 drops I should be able to get some damage in or start benefiting from Military intelligence.
Other Spells:
Military Intelligence -- Card draw. If I have it by turn 3, odds are I'm drawing extra cards starting turn 3. Very key in this deck as i might be sacrificing soldier tokens just to start getting some cards. i definitely wouldn't mind losing a token for a card. Obviously the evasion creatures would be more ideal so i don't lose anyone.
Bident of Thassa -- More card draw, but requires connecting. What makes this better though is that each creature can trigger it as opposed to Military Intelligence which will only trigger once. It also can force your opponent to attack with things they would not want, which combos great with Spear of Heliod.
Spear of Heliod -- I got a lot of weak creatures and not much removal, what card can help with that? Bam! Spear answers both! Pumping everyone and threatening some of your opponents creatures is always nice.
Banishing Light -- Decent pseudo removal. Gets rid of Planeswalkers, Indestructible Creatures, Artifacts, Gods and their weapons, etc.
God's Willing -- Protection is such a useful ability! Prevents most removals that are not boardwipes, is a combat trick, or if there is a pumped Chasm Skulker you can protect it to swing hard. The scry is nice too. Also against black this helps against bile blight.
First I am not 100% on my sideboard as of yet. What i do know is that I wanted some counters and removals hence the Curse of the Swine, Deicide, Devouring Light, Dissolve, Negate, and Revoke Existence. Not entirely sure about the Polymorphist's Jest as it may or may not give me very good trades. Hushwing Gryff is also a bit of a maybe floater. It can prevent some effects and is a flash flyer. And as for that 1 Godsend, I like its potential to make blocked exiled creatures into dead draws. Problem is I don't know how to fit it in the deck or when.
Alright this seems long enough for my first time. I tried to be as detailed so you can see what I'm doing. While typing this I realized having only "18" creature cards may not be the most ideal to use Military Intelligence and Bident of Thassa. Please let me know what you guys think!
Edit: I voted on my deck just to see what happens. So you can.. Cool!