Beat Down Gruul

Modern Thesecretbatsauce


MadScientist says... #1

Ditch the gates for scry/fetch/shock lands.

There is way to many 1 of and 2 of you want to pick a few key wincon cards and make sure that you have 4 of them

April 13, 2014 2:29 a.m.

TheGoop says... #2

Well, you should for sure switch a lots of cards, for stability add more playsets of cards and try look up some other decks to get inspiration :) for instance here is mine i was playing this deck for a while and i think its pretty good . You should try to stay in one format too, if you are new in the game i suggest Standard, because on modern or Legacy you would get crushed :D

April 13, 2014 2:14 p.m.

ok cool thanks, i was thinking of replacing guildgates with Kazandu Refuges?

April 13, 2014 3:07 p.m.

dickfacemcgee2 says... #4

I saw that your deck was listed as standard, so the problem I'm seeing is that Flinthoof Boar , Garruk's Packleader and Searing Spear are all from M13, which isn't standard.

April 13, 2014 3:23 p.m.

so which means i'll probably have to just build and tweak my deck for modern?

April 13, 2014 5:18 p.m.

dickfacemcgee2 says... #6

@Thesecretbatsauce If you're just playing with your buddies then yeah; but if you want to go to Friday Night Magic you'd have to replace those cards with standard ones.

April 14, 2014 9:22 a.m.

Seraphicate says... #7

What I have to say has likely been said before: if you want more consistent draws, try putting playsets (4-ofs) of crucial cards in your deck. Do you want to draw an Archetype of Aggression ? Putting 4 of a card in a standard sized, 60-card deck would increase the chance of drawing one at 1/15. If the deck only contains 1, your chances of drawing that 'one crucial card' will be 1 in 60. Although that chance goes higher every turn, you probably wont ever draw it when you need it most.

Your deck is tagged as modern, so I will start by saying: get rid of those guildgates, add in some Stomping Ground , Rootbound Crag or some other way of fixing mana. Temple of Abandon would also work fine, it enters tapped but you can get rid of something you wont need from the top of your deck. Also try and do without Titan's Strength . Giant Growth is far better, as it pumps toughness more than Titan's Strength .

Onto the topic of draws and draw rates, having cards that thin out your deck is a very good thing, and will help in the long term. This is about increasing your chances of drawing that one crucial piece you need to swing for lethal. Valley Rannet could work well in your colours; it could be a 6/3 vanilla body, or a fetch for 2 mana. however, things such as Rampant Growth also do fine. The less cards you have in your deck, the better your chances (unless you're going against mill)

Try 4 Burning-Tree Emissary . Those things pay for themselves. A 2/2 body, for 2 mana, but gives you RG (small fix in mana for when you're colour screwed) to chain another 2 mana spell.

You also need some draw-power in this deck. Explore recommended here, lets you play 1 extra land and draws you 1 card. I can see this deck will be playing by topdecking quite a bit. Cantrips like these are very useful.

On the note of draws and the like, as a method preventing land top-decks, maybe Oracle of Mul Daya or Courser of Kruphix is what you want. These will almost ensure you don't draw land and get flooded. Courser also gives a slight band-aid effect if you top-deck lands, though it does not bypass the 1 land-per-turn rule.

Sedge Scorpion .... what to say here ...... you could be getting mana out of your 1-drops rather than defense, this is a Gruul deck you have here. Elvish Mystic s or Zhur-Taa Druid s will do you some good.

My compliments for Chandra's Phoenix being used, though not enough of them. If you like recurring creatures, you can also take a look at Firewing Phoenix

Gruul ... what to do ... Mage Slayer should be a fine addition to the deck, as long as you try to fix up that mana. You need not worry about having trample on your creatures, they will deal damage whether they're blocked or not. Even funnier with double strike on an unblocked creature (highly unlikely to happen, but still funny when it does)

Efficiency ... 2 mana for 3 damage? Or 1 mana for 3 damage? As you have no cost-reducing cards in this deck, I'm going to assume you'd rather pay 1 mana for 3 damage. In this way, Lightning Bolt is VERY strictly better than both Lightning Strike and Searing Spear . 4 bolts could easily replace the 3 spears and 2 strikes in this deck. The spare mana is better used elsewhere.

Mainly, what I'm going to say is, instead of going for great amounts of variety and trying to pack it into a 60-card deck, you wanted stability, so get playsets of the cards you want/have to use. Having 1 really good card in the deck will not help if you never draw it.

Playtested it for a good while, found mana to be inconsistent (i already mentioned) and not really running as ... same-y as i'd thought? Topdecks really are becoming a problem a bit around mid-game, and that's where you want to be dominating.

holy crap o_o i didn't even plan to have at least half of this written up

April 27, 2014 4:10 p.m.

thanks !


so thorough ><

April 27, 2014 4:23 p.m.

thinking of replacing marauding maulhorn for something??

June 11, 2014 1:56 a.m.

hassankachal says... #10

If this isn't budget then +4 Stomping Ground , +2 Temple of Abandon , +3 Rootbound Crag , -5 mountain, -5 forest. Also consider putting in 3 more lands because you have 5 drops. I know the swine is there for bloodrush but better safe than sorry. -4 lightning bolt, +2 Awaken the Ancient and +2 Nylea, God of the Hunt .

In the SB put in 2 Archetype of Endurance for the 2 Advocate of the Beast because you have 2 beasts Ghor-Clan Rampager .

June 14, 2014 11:02 a.m.

hassankachal says... #11

June 14, 2014 11:04 a.m.

hassankachal says... #12

+2 Xenagos, God of Revels rather than the Nylea, God of the Hunt s and +2 Domri Rade and +1 Xenagos, The Reveler . Walkers for the 2 Farseek and only 1 of the 1 Ordeal of Nylea

June 14, 2014 11:07 a.m.

hassankachal says... #13

oops and -4 forests

June 14, 2014 11:09 a.m.

Whats your budget?

June 16, 2014 8:34 p.m.

I'm sorry, But there needs to be many changes to make it modern playable.

June 16, 2014 8:42 p.m.

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