Beautiful? Absolutely. Harmless? Definitely not
Commander / EDH*
Mandalorian says... #2
Thanks RandyRanderson! Trust me it didn't start off this way. I had a pretty cheap base and slowly but surely one card at a time it evolved into this
September 2, 2015 4:03 p.m.
verdeloth606 says... #3
I play Karamertra as well. I really like Constant Mists. With Crucible of Worlds it is pretty dope.
September 4, 2015 11:22 a.m.
RandyRanderson says... #4
Constant Mists would be sick. Being able to play it multiple times would be really helpful, especially in EDH...
September 4, 2015 2:55 p.m.
Mandalorian says... #5
Haha that would be hilarious. It's combinations like this that make me love commander
September 5, 2015 3:05 a.m.
Burgeoning might be good, both for early-game ramp and late-game triggers. Same for Three Visits and Nature's Lore, both of which see competitive play due to their early game ramping potential.
September 8, 2015 11:57 p.m.
Mandalorian says... #7
I thought about Burgeoning and I think it would definitely be good early game but might be too reliant on other people playing land to trigger it instead of my own synergy. I think Exploration, though it wouldn't be as fast early in the game, still has the best late game with other cards like Crucible of Worlds being able to play a fetch land from my graveyard twice for 4 landfall triggers in one turn. The only other card it would replace is Mirri's Guile which is also just too good early and late game.
So I started this deck with cards like Three Visits and Nature's Lore; I played cards like Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Skyshroud Claim, so on and so on. The thing is, is that this deck just doesn't need that much ramp. I don't think Ive ever played a game with it where I didn't have 7-8 lands by turn 4-5 and that's without spells like these. After much playtesting I simply found that they were taking up potential slots for other spells.
Thanks for the suggestions! I appreciate you checking out the deck!
September 9, 2015 10 a.m.
Mandalorian says... #9
Had it in. Took it out for Horn of Greed. Probably put it back in I just have to figure out what to take out.
September 9, 2015 3:43 p.m.
Welcome2egypt912 says... #10
I feel like Courser of Kruphix isn't that powerful in this deck, and it should be replaced with Eladamri's Call, although this is my personal opinion. It just seems to me that the creature tutor would be more useful than life per land (Which you have Grazing Gladehart for) and a land off the top. I do see the combo potential with Courser, but a tutor may be more powerful in most situations. Also, I love the effort you've put into the deck and the description is well done!
September 13, 2015 12:49 a.m.
Mandalorian says... #11
Thanks Welcome2egypt912!! Your support and suggestion is appreciated!
I do have Eladamri's Call in the maybeboard but would probably only put it in for Worldly Tutor or Chord of Calling because I already have a good amount of tutors.
I think I would play Courser of Kruphix even if it didn't have life gain, that is just icing on the cake. Her real power for this deck is the ability to play lands off the top. It's card advantage and allows me to trigger landfall from a different zone other than my hand or graveyard.
September 13, 2015 1:06 a.m.
Welcome2egypt912 says... #12
I didn't realize you had 7 tutors... Maybe I should look at the deck before i suggest. Anyway, I guess I'm just tired of Courser in standard. Also, does Genesis Wave count as a tutor? I mean, with the amount of mana you can pump into it, it might as well be! Also, what would you cut for Sword of the Animist? It seems pretty powerful.
September 13, 2015 1:26 a.m.
Mandalorian says... #13
Haha it's all good and I agree with Courser, it's more than had enough time in the standard lime light but I can't deny its good here as well.
Ya, Genesis Wave is real good. If I can get it for eight it misses nothing in my deck. One time I just did it for 4 and got three land and a Lotus Cobra. So after tapping out for Genesis Wave I still ended up with 6 available mana to cast another spell. Very powerful.
I played it for a while but didn't like that I HAD to attack to trigger it. I wish it were like a Sunforger effect that I could trigger without being aggressive when I don't want to/can't afford to be.
I may return it eventually, possibly for Amulet of Vigor.
September 13, 2015 1:45 a.m.
awesomealex77 says... #15
You can fetch Dryad Arbor, Mistveil Plains and Sapseep Forest with your commander.
Also, in your custom categories you can put a space between your card types like so,
"#Trigger_Landfall" and "#Card_Draw"
September 15, 2015 1:53 p.m.
awesomealex77 says... #16
Mosswort Bridge has been pretty mean in my EDH.
September 15, 2015 1:54 p.m.
awesomealex77 says... #17
Also, your Green Sun's Zenith could grab Dryad Arbor turn one, its a legal target and a legal ramp.
September 15, 2015 1:57 p.m.
Mandalorian says... #18
Thanks for the formatting tip awesomealex77!!
I'm familiar with the Green Sun's Zenith Dryad Arbor combination but was so fixed on keeping my basic count high that I guess I forgot about those are lands that Karametra could still fetch like Temple Garden. In fact I think it would be smart to run cards like those and fetch them first with Karametra to leave more basics in the deck for cards that strictly interact with only basics like Boundless Realms. With that being said though, that is the reason Im not running hideaway lands or any other dual lands that don't have a basic land type such as Razorverge Thicket.
September 15, 2015 3:31 p.m.
verdeloth606 says... #19
Hi there again. I have recently been playing Grove of the Guardian in my Karametra deck, and although it is generally a meh card, it is a pretty sweet easy 8/8 with vigilance with Karametra. It also triggers Knight of the Reliquary and Titania, Protector of Argoth. Just a thought :)
September 16, 2015 2:26 a.m.
She doesn't really fit with the flavor of the deck, but, have you ever considered adding in Captain Sisay? You're running a fair number of legendary cards (I believe I counted eight), so she definitely has a slew of targets. She can pull anything from ramp (Nykthos, shrine to Nyx), to the perfect answer (Linvala, Keeper of Silence), to whatever else you could possibly need, so long as you have an appropriate legendary permanent in the deck to begin with. Very strong toolbox / tutor creature. It's quite easy to play to her strengths as well. Cards like Flagstones of Trokair and Gaea's Cradle (budget breaker), which are already play-worthy in the deck, can easily be slotted as upgrades that have the added bonus of synergizing really well with Sisay.
September 16, 2015 3:06 a.m.
Mandalorian says... #21
verdeloth606, thanks for commenting! The card seems pretty sweet and I can definitely see the synergy with Titania, Protector of Argoth and Knight of the Reliquary. Unfortunately I'm not sure I have room in my land slots for it. Its not as easy, as Im sure you know because you run Karametra, that I cant just take out a basic land for it. It would mean taking out Nykthos or Emeria, The Sky Ruin and Im not convinced it would be worth it....
NarejED, thanks for the comment and +1 support! Do you have any experience with Captain Sisay? I took a look at her when I was first building this deck and rummaging through G/W good stuff but felt that if she died before it was my turn again than it wasn't worth it and even if I only got one tutor off of her that it would be just as good as any other tutor at that point. What is your experience?
Ya Gaea's Cradle is always good but I have a 50$ cap for cards I like to keep on myself; for my bank account and for the sake of fair games.
September 16, 2015 10:10 a.m.
Mandalorian I've used in Derevi, Empyrial Tactician Stax. She was absolutely bonkers there. As long as she was able to tutor at least once, I rarely lost. I didn't have too much of a problem with her dying. Of course, the deck often had opponents in at least a soft lock by the time I cast her, so it was more of a challenge to remove her than in normal decks. Still, I can attest to her power. At worst, she's soaking up removal (not a completely terrible thing for a 4-drop). At best, she's ensuring victory.
September 16, 2015 10:48 a.m.
Mandalorian says... #23
I can see how she could be a powerhouse in a deck like that. I will give it some thought and see about switching her out for one of my tutors.
September 16, 2015 10:57 a.m.
magicevan11 says... #24
Amazing! My Karametra deck doesn't hold a candle to this one.
September 19, 2015 6:27 p.m.
Beautiful deck and a well thought out description. Great work on the deck! +1
RandyRanderson says... #1
Dude, this deck is absolutely sick. I love it! Wish I could afford it lol.
September 2, 2015 2:25 p.m.