Become the Nightman

Commander / EDH nagonjin


DirtyDan490 says... #1

You are running Cabal Coffers,but not Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth???

August 28, 2015 7:50 p.m.

nagonjin says... #4

Picked up a copy with a smaller order today.

August 31, 2015 8:01 p.m.

Takno says... #5

I would suggest adding Attrition, you seem to have enough creatures that don't mind dying or keep coming back for it to be good in the deck. I also think that you should play Hero's Downfall over Doom Blade, not only does Downfall lack Doomblade's very existing drawback of not hitting black creatures but also has the line "Destroy target planeswalker" which is probably one of the strongest card types in the game. Another card I think would work well in this deck is Champion of Stray Souls. If you want to add even more of an inevitability feel there are a number of rather nasty enchantments that comes to mind, such as Painful Quandary, Bottomless Pit, Necrogen Mists, Tainted AEther, Contamination, Gibbering Descent, Oppression, Spreading Plague and Polluted Bonds. Liliana's Caress and Megrim function well with these, although these might fit better in a more Stax oriented deck.

September 8, 2015 11:11 a.m.

nagonjin says... #6

That's a really useful comment, Takno. Thanks a lot!

I do like Attrition. I may think about snagging a copy at some point in the future. One of the main reasons for running Doom Blade, despite the fact that Downfall is indisputably better, is that I happen to own a full art textless copy of Doom Blade, and I want my deck to feel visually distinct from other mono-black lists. Also, as of now, I only own a single copy of Downfall that is currently in my Lazav list.

Champion of Stray Souls and Polluted Bonds are really solid suggestions. I'll have to try and see if I have space for Bonds at least. The 6-drop I'm less sure about, but I am excited by the prospect of having a repeatable Wake the Dead on my side.

Strategically, I'm not a fan of Stax. I do identify as a more Control-oriented player, but I have to draw the line somewhere, and I prefer to do that before I start interfering too much with interactivity. For that reason, I had to remove Contamination from an earlier iteration of this build. The discard enchantments you suggested are also good, but I would have to make too many changes to implement them into my game plan since they already don't jive that well with the life drain theme. Plus I already run a discard oriented list helmed by Nath of the Gilt-Leaf. As far as Tainted Aether, I plan to draw and cast many more creatures than my non-token opponents, so I feel that Aether would hurt me disproportionately as I lack both the mana rocks and the land ramp to effectively play around it.

I appreciate the effort and thought that went into your comment, and I feel that my deck, even if just my ability to rationalize the cards I've included, will be better because of your input. Thanks!

September 9, 2015 12:33 a.m.

JoshRigone says... #7

+1 just for that amazing deck description!

Very cool list. If it's alright with you I may use this as a jumping off point for my Mono- Commander deck.

September 9, 2015 5:39 p.m.

nagonjin says... #8

By all means. Ideas are open knowledge, so you should see fit to take from this as you choose and change however much you want. I won't claim ownership of my ideas. Let me know if you want any tips in the future.

Thanks for the support as well!

September 9, 2015 5:42 p.m.

enpc says... #10

As was previously mentioned, Hero's Downfall is really good, but I would also recommend Go for the Throat and Silence the Believers.

Also, any reason for not running Myriad Landscape?

September 11, 2015 7:50 p.m.

nagonjin says... #11

Underworld Connections is a bit redundant given all of the draw already present in the deck.

Rise is a good card. I run my only copy in my mill deck, so I'll have to wait for a second copy before i put it in. It's a pretty nice finisher, I admit.

Lord of the Void is also pretty good. However, I don't think I'm keen on running him in this deck because he would have anti synergy with all of my Reanimation suite.

Thanks a lot for your comment!

September 11, 2015 7:54 p.m.

nagonjin says... #12

Yeah, i almost hate that Heros Downfall exists because of how often it ends up suggested, haha. The fact is that i only have a couple copies and I'm not about to buy one for each of my black edh decks. I admit it's very good. For now, I'm pretty happy with the removal suite so far, but i have a spare GftT if I need more later. The Strive cost on Silence is fairly prohibitive. For that much mana (2+ targets) I may as well run Dregs of Sorrow and draw.

Unfortunately, i think Myriad is too slow early game where ramp is crucial. It ETBs tapped, spend T2 fetching, then T3 finally using your land. I'm more in favor of Artifact fetching (Hart can block), but I'll at least give it a shot. I definitely didn't like it in my Dimir deck.


September 11, 2015 8:05 p.m.

enpc says... #13

If you run Myriad Landscape in dual coloured decks you're going to have a bad time.

And I don't like Silence the Believers for the strive, it's an instant speed exile effect. And as for mana costs, just run more ramp, it fixes everything :P

September 11, 2015 8:37 p.m.

mentor6 says... #14

an absolute must is Painful Quandary.

September 18, 2015 3:56 a.m.

dejayducky says... #15

Add the new Ulamog :D

October 2, 2015 10:48 a.m.

nagonjin says... #16

Yeah, I want to.. First got to get a copy, and I want to test it in my mill deck first. Thanks!

October 2, 2015 10:50 a.m.

LordOfDispair says... #17

I have a mono black EDH list (, so I can offer a few suggestions.

Reiver Demon is a 1 sided board wipe on a body. Geralf's Messenger is a great beater that can be sacrificed twice and pings each opponent for 4 damage. Massacre Wurm slaughters token decks and takes a chunk out of your opponents' life totals. Harvester of Souls is a great body and a great source of draw.

Diabolic Tutor and Increasing Ambition are the cheapest tutors, and tutors are good, especially in combo decks. Diabolic Revelation is the granddaddy of all tutors, and he can grab you all the combo pieces you need for an infinite combo while also getting you removal. Demonic Tutor and Vampiric Tutor are even more absurdly good, but I understand if they're out of budget. Promise of Power is draw and can get you a huge creature in the late game. Phyrexian Arena is also effective draw, as is Underworld Connections.

Sickening Shoal is incredibly good removal that can be grabbed with Diabolic Revelation even after you're tapped out. Gatekeeper of Malakir is also quite nice because it's a removal and a 2/2 for 3 mana, which is quite good. Dismember can be cast for 1, 2, or 3 mana, which makes it quite versatile.

October 11, 2015 7:01 p.m.

No sir. I am sorry. I am forever loyal to...





October 11, 2015 7:03 p.m.

nagonjin says... #19

Thanks for the comment, LordOfDispair. Unfortunately (or fortunately), there are just too many good black cards to build a deck out of. So, regardless of what I keep in I have to leave something else out that I would rather have played. In addition, there are a couple cards (Arena and Demonic Tutor) that/ I have singleton copies of, but serve better in other decks of mine.

Having played with this several times, I am definitely not wanting for card draw. I also prefer running light on tutors, just as a personal preference. Removal is one facet I can see myself stocking back up on if I ever find a Reiver Demon or Mass Wurm up for trade. until then, this deck plays smoothly enough. Thanks!

@canterlotguardian Your resistance is futile!

October 11, 2015 10:09 p.m.

LordOfDispair says... #20

@ecmmyers I totally get it man I listed off a whole bunch of different cards some of which might not fit your deck. Those are just what function well in my deck, which is more control oriented than yours anyway.

October 11, 2015 10:40 p.m.

Ruffigan says... #21

Don't know how well they would slot in here, but in my Volrath the Fallen deck I run Illusionist's Bracers and Rings of Brighthearth. I have, multiple times, used them to double the output of cards from Erebos and it is pretty nuts.

October 12, 2015 10:36 a.m.

nagonjin says... #22

Bracers us a bit more narrow here than in a Voltron-ish build like Volrath. My copy of Rings is in my Slobad Junkyard Combo deck. Thanks!

October 12, 2015 10:45 a.m.

Valentine35 says... #23

+1 just for the Always Sunny reference! canterlotguardian if i could +1 comments i would! LOL!

October 12, 2015 4:14 p.m.

Takno says... #24

You should change the Swamps to Snow-Covered Swamps, in order to use the wording of Extraplanar Lens to the fullest.

October 15, 2015 6:33 p.m.

Quicksilver says... #25

Dayman, AH AH AHHHH!

November 7, 2015 2 a.m.

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