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Behold These InGlorious Bastards Top 4 Finishes

Standard Control Midrange Ramp RGW (Naya) Superfriends Theme/Gimmick



This deck is inspired from saffronolive's against the odds - glorious superfriends. When he made this deck, he had a lot of planeswalkers that were standard legal to support his colors like Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, Nahiri, The Harbringer, etc. Now that they are not standard legal, I need to replace these guys to make his deck alive and make it my own.

Anyways, Glorious End is a very tricky card to build with. while it ends your opponents turn, it might be your last turn if you dont use it wisely. Also, it ends your opponent's shenanigans like ending their attack phase, cancelling their crucial spell that they're trying to resolve, ending their turn before their draw phase, etc you name it...but with a risk. Fortunately, we have cards that prevent us to lose the game as well as other cards that we can rely if in case glorious end doesn't go well in our favor.

With Rivals of Ixalan, I made a lot of changes and playtesting because the new dinosaurs are provoking me to transform this deck into one. In the end, I changed the deck back into normal naya midrange-control superfriends. Although to be fair, I changed and added some SB cards from RIX to fight against the current metagame. Wait I lied, I added one RIX card in this deck: Arch of Orazca which helps me draw cards in later stages of the game.

Without further ado, lets break this deck down.

  • This will be my first time im gonna focus on planeswalkers first because these guys are the best tools to take advantage of glorious end. They can finish the game for you although they're not as many as before using this colors. Still, they can finish the game for you.

  • Gideon of the Trials - he is the reason why glorious end is possible to build with. He might not have another support from his former standard predecessor, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, but it can still do the job for you. Just be careful with Lightning Strikes, Vraska's Contempts and Cast Outs.

  • Samut, the Tested - ill give this guy a chance to shine in this deck. He gives you a double strike to your guys that can finish the game for you. Also, he can be a quick removal to small creatures in worst case scenarios. If you crew Heart of Kiran with this and you give it double strike, it hurts a lot.

  • Chandra, Torch of Defiance - do I need to elaborate her skills? no wonder why she's moneywise expensive right now lol :p

  • Nissa, Vital Force - she is always helpful in any midrange or ramp decks providing free draws, free attacking big guy and free Eternal Witness.

  • Ajani Unyielding - since The Scarab God swarms a lot in my local metagame, I brought him back to answer it. He also helps reload my hand and find permanent answers like Cast Outs or planeswalkers.

  • Drover of the Mighty and Servant of the Conduit - are your mana ramp creatures. This helps you cast big threats as early as turn three.

  • Heart of Kiran since im playing with planeswalkers, why not include this vehicle anyway especially when it crews it with samut and give it double strike.

  • Glorybringer - it is one of the best creatures in this current standard season. It is a 4/4 flyer that clears the way for you as well as fighting planeswalkers from above.

  • Combustible Gearhulk - for some reason, i considered adding it in our arsenal due to the fact that he is a big guy that can either give us a card draw or deal burst damage to our enemies.

  • Carnage Tyrant - welcome to the main board, big bad dinosaur, that prevents your blue opponents get rid of it and another way to finish the game quicker.

  • Exquisite Archangel - she is another reason why this glorious end decks are viable for now. She might not be as effective as Gideon of the Trials but it will change the course of the game if in case you messed up with glorious end.

  • Magma Spray - our early game spell against these pesky vampires, merfolks, Bomat Courier and some small red creatures. You can also use this as a followup dealing combat damage specially with The Scarab God

  • Abrade - with vehicles and some God Pharaoh's Gift decks popping up in this current metagame, it is nice to have answers to them in the main. Also, a Lightning Strike is still significant for other small creatures.

  • Sweltering Suns - another early game spell against these pesky tokens and small aggressive creatures. Also the cycle ability is always useful when you dig for the spells that you need. Don't worry about your mana dorks, they will always be targeted anyway lol

  • Treasure Map   - recently, I love this card because it gives you card advantage as well as it triggers ascend quick for your Arch of Orazca. I should thought about adding this card instead of Lifecrafter's Bestiary because its 1 less mana and its more helpful in addressing screwups in early game. Now, Lifecrafter's Bestiary is in the main to help me further dig for more answers.

  • Settle the Wreckage - it helps you wipe your opponent's creatures by exiling them. Don't worry about giving them more lands, at least you prevented them to swarm at you. Just use this spell wisely. Some players are smart not to attack all of their creatures thus exiling some, not all creatures on their way.

  • Fumigate - the best boardwipe in standard today and also gives you extra lifegain. nuff said.

  • Cast Out - your perfect permanent removal against pesky gods and planeswalkers.

Again a +1, comments, suggestions and constructive criticisms are welcome. Please leave a comment here to improve this deck more and I really need your help too!

For more shenanigan decks I have, you may click any of the links below:

Meet the Dino that Cheats Spells [RIX]

Standard* usurphling


Keep Cascading and Flashing with Rashmi [RIX]

Standard* usurphling



Updates Add

Recently, im preparing for our LGS Store Championship Weekend and I will base our metagame with this:

Hareruya Metagame

You know, these Japanese players are unpredictable so I also prepared for them unlike in the US, its easier to predict the metagame there. (this is just my observation). I did adjust my sideboards to address the current metagame we have. Also, I brought back Ajani Unyielding in the main reducing a copy of Nissa, Vital Force. I think I have more fighting chance against the Gods The Scarab God, Hazoret the Fervent and among bigger threats. I also added a copy of authority of the consuls against hasty red creatures and dinosaurs. It is also favorable against GPG decks...although I have enough answers to them.

Main Board:


Let me know any suggestions how to improve this deck and surprise our opponents this coming Saturday.


Revision 8 See all

(6 years ago)

+1 Ajani Unyielding main
+1 Authority of the Consuls side
-1 Chandra's Defeat side
-1 Nissa, Vital Force main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #42 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 10 Rares

13 - 5 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.38
Tokens City's Blessing, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Emblem Gideon of the Trials, Emblem Nissa, Vital Force, Energy Reserve, Treasure
Folders Favorite, Cool Decks, Interesting Standard Decks, Decks sympa, Dope, cool ideas, Standard
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