Bellock's Witch's Brew

Modern Bellock86


Dreno33 says... #4

this deck would be super annoying to deal with if you snatched a few Athreos, God of Passage s

But I assume it will become even more expensive so Idk your budget(:

April 22, 2014 8:42 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #5

didn't notice your update :D haha. yeah, make that switch i agree. Also you can easily go down to 23 lands and add in one Dark Prophecy for complete tempo advantage. I, personally, would find room for a total of 2x but am uncertain what to replace. This enchantment and Athreos out SUCKS for your opponent. It's almost as if they just want to give back your creature in hopes you will have to discard down to 7 EOT. Kind of gets pointless as an opponent to keep paying life to put them into graveyard while you still fill up your hand.

April 22, 2014 8:55 a.m.

Bellock86 says... #6

Dreno33--Dark Prophecy is genius. that is exactly what I was looking for. pseudo free card draw as I can easily gain life back. also Sin Collector is a digital proxy for athreos as this is my testing version for which doesn't have the JOU cards in yet. What about dropping the Gift of Immortality and dropping one land. That would free up 5 slots. Thoughts?

April 22, 2014 10:03 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #7

that's exactly what you should do, 23 lands is fine. Also, on you can add custom cards, you just need the URL to the picture of the card. Type in this format and fill in the URL when you find it

Athreos, God of Passage (shift + 6) URL

the (shift + 6) is the "up arrow" on the keyboard. It doesn't display here for some reason, probably due to HTML formatting. but don't add the parentheses, just the name, up arrow, then URL, okay?

April 22, 2014 12:51 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #8

Take out a plains or two and add in swamp. All of your white cards are only 1 symbol while the black are heavy in mana symbols, you want to be able to drop Dark Prophecy T3, it is crucial. I would drop 2 plains and add 2 swamp for now. see how that goes.

April 22, 2014 12:58 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #9

Dreno33 changed that lands and in testing it was quite helpful but I got matched against someone who main boarded Whip of Erebos so

i'm really liking how the deck plays without Gift of Immortality . I get to spend resources on permanent solutions rather than waiting for removal to fizzle the gift (happened quite a lot in testing on untap)

April 22, 2014 2:29 p.m.

MrBradDanger says... #10

Fun deck! You may want to consider running Grave Pact . You quickly become the only person in the game with creatures lol

April 30, 2014 5:35 a.m.

Bellock86 says... #11

MrBradDanger ~ that would in point of fact be a lot of fun but this is a standard deck. I am considering running Dictate of Erebos that just came out though.

April 30, 2014 7:10 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #12

Bellock86 - in all honesty, you don't really need the standard grave pact. you have the -1/-1 or -4/-4 whenever you star dies, you can destroy non land permanents when the priest dies, you can charm away creatures, plus you have 3 pharika's cures.

  • I have been play testing this deck and man it is fun. At instant speed I brought back the newt with orzhov charm therefore activating my athreos, blocked with both killing his threat, then sacked the newt with the cauldron to deal them 4 life and gain 4 (and killed his elf damper by the -1/-1), plus I have athreos out and since it put him to 6 life he was forced to pay another 3 so I didn't do it again, it was painfully awesome.

I would recommend cutting out 1 land and adding 1 Tenacious Dead .

  • This guy is perfect early and late game. every sack outlet is going to smile and look right at him. blocking any non-trampler and then bringing him back for 2 mana is freaking amazing.

  • What I really like about the card is his interaction with athreos. When he heads to the graveyard, place his ability on the stack first, then athreos. Let the opponent choose whether to take 3 or bring him back to your hand. if they take 3, you can still bring him back if you have 2 mana. if the opponent doesn't, you then get to bring him back for 1. So basically, as long as you HAVE two mana open, it costs 1 mana to bring him back giving you a bit more oomph on your turns to do more.

  • I don't feel like you need to run more than 2 of him and in all honesty 1 is fine, but I definitely feel he is worth the inclusion.

April 30, 2014 8:06 a.m.

Bellock86 says... #13

@Dreno33 ~ thank you very much for the feedback. I hadn't even thought of Tenacious Dead . I like it. What do you think of Returned Reveler instead of Drainpipe Vermin ? It's not hand disruption but killing someones top decks seems like it might be worth it and also more tempting for them to go ahead and pay the three life so I don't keep doing it?

April 30, 2014 12:22 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #14

Nope, not worth it. Sure it may mess up a scry, but not nearly as powerful as hand disruption. The good thing is that when Drainpipe Vermin rotates, you can simply bump Tenacious Dead to a 4 of and I am sure they will have other awesome fits for this deck. if only Black Cat were still standard, that would be awesome.

April 30, 2014 2:05 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #15

@Dreno33 ~ even if they get to choose what card gets discarded?

Also won't Tenacious Dead and Drainpipe Vermin rotate at the same time? When "huey" comes out?

April 30, 2014 6:01 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #16

Tenacious Dead is a first ever print in a core set. I have a feeling it will get reprinted regardless. I didn't know RTR and M14 rotate together. I'm dumb.

and yes, even if they get to choose. Just because they have a choice doesn't mean they have a good choice(:

April 30, 2014 8:30 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #17

Hmmm. I see your point Dreno33 about the discard. Especially since holding tons of cards is kind of a thing in MTG. Lol. No you aren't dumb.

Like you said though, even if the don't reprint Tenacious Dead there is bound to be some B or W creature just begginoutg to be sacrificed in either M15 or "Huey" when it hits. I'm really wanting to abuse the crap out of him now though. Lol. I really need to figure what I could cut for at least 2 of them. What about -1 plains and -1 Altar's Reap ? I should have plenty of card draw engines left even if I cut one. What do you think?

April 30, 2014 9:03 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #18

Altar's Reap is WAY too powerful to have less than 4x. All my play tests I LOVE blocking then sacking with the Altar's Reap at instant speed to Fog there creature for 2 mana and draw 2. So OP, haha. Take out 1 plains annnnnnnd.... maybe a Bogbrew Witch , because that witch is nothing special on its own. This decks should be meant to play well without the "combo" of the three or any two. a body with a CMC of 4 sucks, so I wouldn't mind you dropping it down to 2. Plus, it helps balance out the dropped land.

April 30, 2014 10:03 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #19

good call. gonna try that out. thanks Dreno33. also I posted a rules question in the Q/A that I would love for you to look at as it came out of a playtest of this deck

April 30, 2014 10:43 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #20

May 1, 2014 3:34 a.m.

Bellock86 says... #21

@nbarry223 ~ he might be good for sideboard to come in for aristocrat if I come up against a red burn deck or something but my main board is geared at getting my sac engines running to force tough decisions for my opponent. I don't really want to sac a fiendslayer.

May 1, 2014 11:56 a.m.

Bellock86 says... #22

Dreno33 ~ I did some testing with Tenacious Dead and I must say OH DEAR GOD THE SHENANGINS it causes with this deck are staggering. I really want it to be at least a 3 of but would love to make it 4 but I ha e not the slightest clue what I could even begin to cut.

Also I'm noticing an issue with the deck though. If I happen to get Bogbrew Witch into play and she survives long enough for me to start using her, my top decks turn into lands which is not optimal. It could have just been a lousy draw but three times after I used her I drew a land the following turn but I hesitate to cut anymore lands. Thoughts?

May 1, 2014 6:05 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #23

you can't afford to cut lands, that was simply bad luck, i promise. Ya, I had a feeling Tenacious Dead might be good, glad you are liking it. Are you going to create a Sideboard for it? If so, let me know and I can suggest some good cards for you. Glad you are liking your deck, I like it a lot and it's fun to play.

May 1, 2014 8:14 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #24

Dreno33 - I am currently working on a sideboard for this as I think it will be competitive enough to hold its own at FNM. I was thinking Hero's Downfall as I already have 3. i'm also looking at Aegis of the Gods to foil Thoughtseize , Lifebane Zombie and that new maggot card that I've seen quite frequently being main boarded during my playtests. what are your thoughts?

May 1, 2014 8:24 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #25

Both good inclusions.

Also, add like 1 Immortal Servitude due to the board wipes still out there and massive removal. get some Deicide as well since everything is an enchantment now (the God Extirpate is merely a bonus). Maybe add like 2x Ultimate Price and 2x Doom Blade as well.

May 1, 2014 8:39 p.m.

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