Bennie and the Jets

Commander / EDH dinosaurzez


you're actually the first one I've seen who's posted a Talrand EDH deck and I didn't have to remind them about Talrand's Invocation .

September 18, 2013 3:57 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #2

Isochron Scepter would be magnificent here Sphinx-Bone Wand not so much really

November 8, 2013 2:45 a.m.

dinosaurzez says... #3

I like the idea of Isochron Scepter in the deck, the only reason Sphinx-Bone Wand is in there is to provide an alternate win condition if Talrand happens to get tucked.

November 8, 2013 2:55 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #4

could spring for a Pili-Pala for your Grand Architect and go for a Blue Sun's Zenith infa-draw deck out.

November 8, 2013 3:05 a.m.

YouGotFranked says... #5

Diluvian Primordial , in a 4 player game, that's 3 free spells + 3 free tokens along with a big body. I dunno where you live, but where i live, we call that value.

November 8, 2013 3:51 a.m.

Drilnoth says... #6

Might I suggest Turnabout ? It can be really amazing and has so many uses. I usually use it to untap my lands (ramping), but it can also tap down an opponent's army, so they can't attack you or so you can swing in unblocked.

For instants and sorceries, I would also recommend Gush , Annul , Faerie Trickery , and (perhaps most of all) Mystic Speculation .

Leyline of Anticipation would be really good here, allowing you to keep your land open in case you need to counter something, but letting you play your creatures and sorceries if you wind up not needing to respond to anything.

As was already mentioned, Isochron Scepter would be amazing, but I actually like the inclusion of Sphinx-Bone Wand . When I play it in my Toshiro Umezawa deck, it either draws removal (which you can counter) or deals a lot of damage even after just two or three turns.

November 8, 2013 4:51 a.m.

dinosaurzez says... #7

Some really good suggestions Drilnoth there are quite a few of these that I really like and I'll probably try to work them in slowly over time as I make room for them.

November 17, 2013 9:34 p.m.

TrailMix says... #8

No Clone /Phantasmal Image type stuff? Copying an eldrazi or blightsteel is always fun, as are some commanders.

November 21, 2013 7:43 p.m.

DarkHero says... #9

In my experience AEtherling isn't that good in EDH

July 18, 2014 11:50 a.m.

dinosaurzez says... #10

@DarkHero In my opinion it was just what this deck needed; it's impossible to get rid of, and allows you to slowly beat down your opponents as counter their spells and draw cards. There is too many boardwipes in my meta for drakes to be a win-con most of the time, and Talrand tends to get tucked/killed a lot.

July 18, 2014 1:32 p.m.

AttilatheFun says... #11

I can't begin to describe how good stuff like Favorable Winds, Gravitational Shift, Jace's Sanctum and Arcane Melee are in Talrand. Same goes with Caged Sun effects.

September 24, 2015 1:23 a.m.

dinosaurzez says... #12

@AttilatheFun I used to play both Favorable Winds and Gravitational Shift, but eventually took them out because they are slow and generate no advantage on an empty board. If you can get talrand to stick it's never really a matter of doing enough damage, and I dread tapping out on my turn.

Similar can be said for Arcane Melee, but it also often benefited my opponents more than me, as the spells I play are relatively cheap. I might test Jace's Sanctum, because the scry seems appealing on top of the one sided cost reduction. I feel if I was to try a cost reducer I might try Sapphire Medallion.

I try to avoid making the deck rely to heavily on talrand, which is why I cut the anthem type stuff for beatsticks/combos as alternate paths to victory in case he is dealt with.

October 14, 2015 3:34 p.m.

moloy559 says... #14

This deck looks sweet. I really like the breakdown you did too, really helped get a better idea of the deck.

my only problem is that it's a little bit expensive. Do you have any ideas to get the price under $100(or less if at all possible), I was looking through the sideboard and they all look good but I don't want to accidentally remove a combo/essential piece in the process.

May 13, 2017 5:37 p.m.

dinosaurzez says... #15

@moloy559 Thanks for your comment!

If I was trying to make this deck on a budget the first thing I would cut is Snapcaster Mage, while he's very powerful, there are cards that can mimic his effect for a bit more mana at sorcery speed such as Scrivener, Pull from the Deep, or even Mnemonic Wall.

Another card I would cut is Visions of Beyond; I don't actually see it's "draw 3 cards" clause trigger all that often, so I can see it being a Sorcerous Sight or Quicken instead.

It's possible to cut Cunning Wish and the corresponding wishboard, and just run Blue Sun's Zenith and/or Brain Freeze in it's place, since those are the only combo pieces in the board. All the other cards in the wishboard are there to give Cunning Wish utility in games where you aren't going to combo off.

I'd say 95% of why I run Mind Over Matter is for the combo with Azami, Lady of Scrolls or Arcanis the Omnipotent, otherwise it's a nice effect to have, but not terribly useful. If you're not a huge fan of that combo then by all means cut it, although it is nice to have a hard combo to Blue Sun's Zenith into when you've generated ~40ish mana with High Tide but can't win through storm.

Finally Tectonic Edge is a great budget replacement for Strip Mine.

Hope this helps.

May 14, 2017 4:19 a.m.

moloy559 says... #16

Thanks dinosaurzez, those suggestions seem pretty good.

May 14, 2017 2:22 p.m.

Cicjose says... #17

June 18, 2017 11:29 p.m.

Profet93 says... #18

Hey I like your deck, +1 from me!

Caged Sun is BEAST in Talrand. Small anthem combined with Double Mana? Yes please! Extra points if Future Sight is on the field :)

Academy Ruins to recur artifacts (Ex: Helm)

Consecrated Sphinx (or as I call him, Constipated Sphinx because he looks really mad as if he can't go #2) is great for card draw to get your combo pieces.

Torrential Gearhulk - Almost like snapcaster

Since those cards have a high CMC and it looks like your curve is low, here are other suggestions...

As Foretold - Counterspells and draw for free EACH TURN! This gets out of hand FAST!

Back to Basics - Punishes those greedy manabases

I don't know your budget so I'll refrain from more expensive suggestions. If you get a chance, please provide some feedback for my deck Tisk Tisk Talrand

August 13, 2017 2:36 a.m.

dinosaurzez says... #19


I played Caged Sun for a while, but I didn't like that it was more expensive than any card I wanted to cast. The double mana is nice, but 6 mana is pretty slow and talrand doesn't reallllllly need more than 6 mana anyways.

Academy Ruins is a good idea, although I only have 5 artifacts.

Idk why I'm not playing Consecrated Sphinx, I guess I just never bothered to pick one up, I should definitely find one.

I'm not playing Torrential Gearhulk because he's not a wizard. Also he's $20, I'll snag one if it ever goes down in price.

I've been meaning to test As Foretold, but I'm still not sure if it's that much more efficient than something like say Jace's Sanctum.

I don't think I'm mean enough to play Back to Basics; I'm already winning a good amount of the games I play so I don't think its worth it to draw more unnecessary hate to myself.

Thanks for the comment and the suggestions, I'll be sure to look at your deck and leave some feedback when I find the time.

August 14, 2017 8:01 p.m.

NV_1980 says... #20

This looks like a really nice deck to play in multiplayer EDH (FYI, I really like what you've said in your description on the differences between single/multiplayer EDH).

As you tend to use High Tide in your combo's a lot, I was thinking Extraplanar Lens could also be a nice addition (although I get that you're using Tide purely when you want to combo off; still worth considering though).

You don't want to wipe your own dragons, I get that. You could however consider Wash Out or Inundate; they wouldn't bother your side of the battlefield.

September 15, 2017 1:28 a.m.

dinosaurzez says... #21

@NV_1980 I have considered running Extraplanar Lens a few times; I think the main thing keeping me from it is that I don't run enough counterspells to protect it, and if it get's destroyed it sets me really far back. I might test it in the future, since the mana doubling is a lot more desirable than something like Sapphire Medallion, but the associated risk is also much higher.

I'm not a fan of Wash Out in multiplayer, but Inundate is a cool card I've never seen before. My main issues with Inundate is it's 6 mana and sorcery speed; I'd rather play something along the lines of AEtherize since it allows me to keep my options open instead of tapping out for a board wipe. I've also though about playing Ixidron since it is more permanent 'removal' than the bounce board wipes and also deals with commanders handily. The main reason I'm not playing any of these cards though is that the deck doesn't really feel like it needs more board wipes, so I'm content with the ones I have for the time being.

September 27, 2017 3:15 p.m.

aceofrainbows says... #22

How about River's Rebuke? Solid card.Also Primal Amulet  Flip.

October 14, 2017 1:12 a.m.

dinosaurzez says... #23

River's Rebuke is way too slow. Definitely gonna play Primal Amulet though, as soon as I get one it's replacing Jace's Sanctum.

February 18, 2018 6:04 p.m.

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