Better Burn

Modern Tyrannosary

SCORE: 13 | 67 COMMENTS | 1942 VIEWS

emilyonfire says... #1

Nixin72, I agree with Tyrannosary. One of the best things about the Soulfire Grand Master to me is that it only costs 1 white 1 other. I usually run the whole game with three lands out tops. 2 white would just be pushing it.

April 23, 2015 3:19 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #2

Really? With respectively 14 and 16 white sources or potential white sources (ie: fetches), you shouldn't have an issue siding in a few Kor Firewalker. I run 12 white sources or potential and have never had an issue with casting it. Usually siding out 3 Eidolon of the Great Revel to minimize the amount of damage I take in the process of a mirror match. The life gain from it also tends to make up for the lots of life lost in aquiring the white sources and then some. I dont know, I've favored Kor Firewalker in the past, but I'll try the Dragon's Claws if you're both favouring those.

April 23, 2015 6:15 p.m.

emilyonfire says... #3

It's not really so much not having the mana to play him, but most of the time I end up wanting to use my turn for something else, like getting rid of an artifact or creature that could potentially become an issue later such as AEther Vial or Tarmogoyf, rather than laying out a creature of my own that I may spend extra time and mana trying to protect, or just using as a chump blocker.

April 23, 2015 7:07 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #4

Why would you be siding Kor Firewalker against something running goyf or AEther Vial? I'm talking about for sideboard in mirror match.

April 23, 2015 7:21 p.m.

Tyrannosary says... #5

The reason I prefer to use dragon claw over firewalker is because i don't have to take as much damage from getting my double white source, and yeah dragon claw and kor firewalker would only be for mirror matches, never against goyf or vile decks

April 23, 2015 9:35 p.m.

emilyonfire says... #6

I see what you're saying. No one else I play with likes burn so I rarely ever get into that situation. I would like to see how it would turn out though!

April 23, 2015 10:13 p.m.

+1 for Burn! I am also a Burn player. One question. How is Rugged Prairie? I play Clifftop Retreat as a one of and never thought to play Prairie. Maybe you could give me a little insight. If you have the chance, check out my Burn build Grim Monastery's Guide to Bolts, Bumps & Spikes.

January 25, 2016 11:52 p.m.

Tyrannosary says... #8

soullessredafro I use that card because it comes into play untapped and if I have a card like Kor Firewalker then I won't need another white source.

January 26, 2016 8:14 a.m.

DuBie15 says... #9

I would suggest Lightning Helix. It is a super important card against the mirror or any other aggressive strategy and can hit creatures as well as players.

January 28, 2016 12:07 p.m.

Tyrannosary says... #10

DuBie15 Lightning Helix is a card only good for the mirror. Burn is going to beat any deck before they can win unless they have a way to stop the damage from affecting them, you just get a bad hand, or a ton of lands. If I play a mirror then I can sideboard them in. The sideboard in this deck isn't 100% completed this is just something I have for now.

January 28, 2016 1:30 p.m.

HSF117 says... #11

Tyrannosary: I wouldn't necessarily say that Lightning Helix is "only good for the mirror." I agree that it is great in the mirror match, but there are plenty of other places where it's going to help you, especially since now the modern meta will be more creature focused so having any extra creature removal will help. Also I know that I'm like the only burn player that ever says this, but I feel that Grim Lavamancer is just too slow. Yes it's a great card, but it doesn't do anything the exact turn that it is cast, which is something that burn does not want to do. Of course the same can be said for Eidolon of the Great Revel, but that ability is just too good to pass up.

January 31, 2016 9:24 a.m.

Tyrannosary says... #12

HSF117 yeah now that I think about it Lightning Helix is somewhat good (in my opinion it is the worst card in the main board but that's okay). I also agree with you about Grim Lavamancer but since she is too good I've narrowed it down to a single copy of her. I also added another land and changed the sideboard a little.

January 31, 2016 1:39 p.m.

HSF117 says... #13

Tyrannosary: I don't really like how situational Searing Blaze is but it's still a good card. If the modern format ever becomes control heavy then I'll start running Grim Lavamancer.

January 31, 2016 1:55 p.m.

Tyrannosary says... #14

Searing Blaze is a huge card for its great removal and damage dealing capabilities. HSF117

January 31, 2016 2 p.m.

Tyrannosary says... #15

Oh yeah sometimes it is hard to get the land drop for Searing Blaze

January 31, 2016 2:01 p.m.

HSF117 says... #16

Tyrannosary: I usually side Searing Blaze out in a lot of matches but I guess since Twin and Bloom Titan are gone and the format will be more creature-based then I'll have to change my strategy. And why not run Rootbound Crag instead of Copperline Gorge?

January 31, 2016 2:06 p.m.

Tyrannosary says... #17

HSF117 lol I just took out Copperline Gorge but I put in a Stomping grounds since I'd rather for sure have the option of whether it comes into play tapped or untapped and so that I can fetch for it. Thanks for the suggestion though!

January 31, 2016 2:10 p.m.

HSF117 says... #18

Tyrannosary: I agree. I like having options in Magic unless I'm giving them to my opponent.

January 31, 2016 2:13 p.m.

Check out my list!

February 23, 2016 3:50 p.m.

Tyrannosary says... #20

RedandBlueistheguu I like your deck, but I'm sure you wanted me to take a look at it so I can give you some helpful criticism, here it is.

MAINBOARD:In your mainboard I don't see any copies of Grim Lavamancer a lot of people don't like her but they know they need her for her great utility. She recycles burn, can help you save your better burn spells, and she can deal uncounterable damage.

Another thing is that I see Lightning Helix this isn't a big deal but I just don't really like it so in this case it's just more of an opinion thing, it's also on the higher end of the casting spectrum of the deck.

Other than that awesome mainboard!

SIDEBOARD:In your sideboard I see you run 1 Stony Silence 2 Ancient Grudge and 2 Destructive Revelry. For sure you want to have 2 Stony Silence because it COMPLETELY ruins affinity, as for the 2 Ancient Grudge you should take those out for another 2 Destructive Revelry it'll give you more damage to close the game sooner.

I also see 3 Path to Exile that is too many, if I were you I would only run 2 at most. Those are great cards for match ups where they get big cheap creatures, but it also slows down your deck giving the opponent more time.

I find it VERY clever that you're running Reality Hemorrhage for the mirror match. I actually didn't think of that. My only problem with this is that having 2 Kor Firewalker for the mirror is going to be far more effective than having 2 Reality Hemorrhage maybe you could replace the cards I told you to take out for a couple Kor Firewalker? I don't know it's up to you.

I also see another Lightning Helix again just opinion I don't really like it.

I see you have a Rest in Peace, I'd replace it with Relic of Progenitus. Not only will it be easier to cast, but it also draws you a card when you use it (only downside is once you use it your opponent gets to use the graveyard again. I'd also put another copy of it in by taking out 1 Skullcrack. I think there should only be 4 Atarka's Command mainboard and 2 Skullcracks sideboard for every burn deck.

All in all I really like your deck, but I think you can do some editing to your sideboard.

February 24, 2016 12:17 a.m.

Tyrannosary says... #21

RedandBlueistheguu also are you that Trey Faircloth that plays Yu-Gi-Oh?

February 24, 2016 12:33 a.m.

Tyrannosary says... #22

RedandBlueistheguu I've been doing some play testing and I changed my mind about Path to Exile 3 is fine, I am now running 4 for my sideboard.

Also I don't really think graveyard hate is that important anymore so I guess you can get rid of that.

Other than those suggestions/fixations on my part because of recent changes, I think your deck looks good.

February 24, 2016 10:06 p.m.

Bovine073 says... #23

What do you think about Deflecting Palm? I recently wrote a small article about it in the Modern Forums, and consider it to be MB worthy in all Naya/Boros decks (especially with the rise of Eldrazi). Your thoughts?

As for the deck, I just find Naya burn to be too vulnerable to removal. Pyroclasm, Volcanic Fallout, wrath, and many other sweepers just are gonna give you a hard time. Not to mention the life you're losing on Shocks and Fetches, though, it seems Naya/Nacatl burn must have a terrible mirror. (Sorry I'm going for constructive criticism here, don't get me wrong). Your thoughts?

As for the SB, why 4 paths? I would think in a burn deck you would take in anything but paths, do try Deflecting Palm I would suggest.

Thanks, and sorry for the small(ish) wall of text.

March 1, 2016 1:43 p.m.

Tyrannosary says... #24

I actually use Path to Exile instead of Deflecting Palm so that I can get rid of eldrazis my opponents use that way I get more damage in with creatures and I don't have to worry about 5/5s or anything like that.

March 1, 2016 2:45 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #25

Trust me when I say this- do not use Deflecting Palm in your mainboard. Burn is a proactive aggro/tempo deck, when you start playing reactively in game 1, you start losing. Your biggest advantage is the flurry of spells that you're able to cast and holding off in hopes of being able to cast a defecting palm isn't a great idea. You have 26 sorcery speed spells in this deck, meaning you'll find yourself wasting an entire turn trying to deflecting Palm their creature. Game 2, it's good in the right matchup. Game 1, it's a cute choice, at best.

March 1, 2016 4:58 p.m.

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