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Better Business Boros




While I like this Deck, after play testing and it not performing well this deck seems really good it seems like it could do well, feel free to run it at your local FNM, but it just doesn't seem to be able to perform well enough. I'm moving on to a different deck, in the mean time, maybe someone will come up with a list that does better, but meh.

Aurelia, the Warleader, I chose this as my 6 drop over Elspeth, Sun's Champion because if she hits the field and I attack the game should be over, Elspeth seems to allow the deck a bit more longevity and resilience, but I don't want games to go any longer than turn 7 really.

Boros Reckoner , I mean what can I really say about Boros Reckoner he is effectively a brick wall against bigger creatures without flying (Polukranos, World Eater) he is a sufficient speed bump against any deck who wants to kill me with big creatures on the ground, he is also good in the slowing down the aggro decks coming down on turn three and being able to kill any of the smaller creatures that you would see in an aggro matchup.

Brimaz, King of Oresko, this cat is also good against the aggro matchup and not half bad in the control matchup it makes the control player have to deal with him or otherwise he'll start flooding the board with tokens.

Chandra's Phoenix , this Is a really good card it has good synergy with the bit of burn I have in the Deck as well as Chandra, Pyromaster .

Iroas, God of Victory, not only does he protect my creatures he also allows me to get more damage through with his madcap skills effect. With Boros Reckoner I can get Iroas online as a big creature by turn 5 (if of course I play him turn 4)

Stormbreath Dragon , I mean as a 4/4 flying with haste who has potential to get bigger not only is he a great follow up to a turn 4 Iroas, he also can just win the game sometimes.

I am running a 1 of Banishing Light main board, because while Chained to the Rocks is normally enough for this deck in a lot of match ups, being able to deal with my opponents Planeswalkers as well as some enchantments main board seems good to me.

I am running Legion's Initiative because when I was play testing the deck it seemed to have a sever lack of things to do on turn 2 in a lot of games with Legion's Initiative not only does it make my creatures bigger, it can also give some protection against Supreme Verdict and other potential Board Wipes.

Mizzium Mortars Is a way for this deck to deal with Stormbreath Dragon, but it is also servers a potential one sided board wipe later game.


I can bring in Boros charms to help my deck survive through board wipes.

Banishing Light grants me more answers to opposing Planeswalkers and less dead cards against control decks.

Rest in Peace I can bring in against G/B dredge I mean only having it as a 1 of might seem less effective, but you I am not expecting this deck to much, however I am still expecting it.

Deicide helps me deal with Enchantments and well the gods.

Skullcrack is for Sphinx's Revelation decks.


Updates Add

Updated for Journy into Nyx i beleive this still needs some tweaking, but the list as it is seems like it will be alright until I figure out what tweaks need to be made

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Revision 10 See all

(10 years ago)

-1 Aurelia's Fury main
+1 Chandra, Pyromaster main
-1 Iroas, God of Victory *list* main
+1 Warleader's Helix main
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 1 Mythic Rares

19 - 10 Rares

8 - 4 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.25
Tokens Cat Soldier 1/1 W
Folders SL, Nice idea
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