[SOI] Blue Mardu Superfriends!

Standard* ComputerizedMTG


So the deck is clearly a mess, the landbase is probably trash, splashing blue for Jace and counters in the side is probably an aweful idea. This is me throwing together a deck in a few minutes and seeing how it can be improved.

And because of that I am going to go ahead and bring UpperDeckerTaco in here.

December 19, 2015 8:19 p.m.

I like the idea. There has been a Mardu Super Friends deck circling around. And there's no issue using Jace in here, but why not utilize some more blue in the main, just a tad though. Also, 3 Sorin's is a little much. You could take out 1 Sorin and be fine for it. Also, Ugin is a better sideboard card in this deck than main. Which will free up some space. Also, 4 K Command is a little rough, it should be at 3. I like the 4 C Doom. The 4 Wild Slash should be Fiery Impulse. If you're splashing for Jace, he should be a 4 of. Exquisite Firecraft is rough on the mana base. I would use at least 2 Ojutai's Command here. You can support the blue rather well. Also, Mardu Charm as a 2 of is decent. Also, since you have Blue, a 1 of Narset Transcendent main could be very useful for your spells and draw. Plus it wrecks Control. Another thing I suggest is some Form of card draw. You're going for a big end game so you need to find more spells and keep filling your hand to keep playing till you get to the long game. I would suggest some number of board wipes in here too maindeck! Your walkers that become creatures are indestructible so after a wipe, you can keep swinging. I like the idea. You just need to tune it and use just better removal to help you get to where you want to be. Also, Secure the Wastes is not that impressive in here

December 19, 2015 9:10 p.m.

Thanks UpperDeckerTaco, as always, for the elaborate response!

Reason I didn't add a 4th Jace is because I wasn't really sure if he would even be good for this deck, will definitely add a 4th in then. I do agree I need more draw, and since you suggested that I run more blue as well, I would imagine Dig Through Time as a 2 of at least? I initially skipped it cause I wasn't sure I could fuel the delve that well, and not sure why I thought that with Jace here to do it for me.

Yeah, I agree with Sorin, It's just that since I threw it together so fast I couldn't think of anything off the top of my head and threw in a third Sorin. Will cut it back down to 2.

As far as Ugin, I will be honest, he was there because I needed a 6th planeswalker to make that edited picture in the Description work haha. I couldn't think of any other walker that would match the deck so I picked him.

Yeah I added 4 K Commands because I wanted more burn and more utility and that command offered both in one. I assume by "rough" you mean because of the dual mana requirement for an early play? Wild Slash was there for the option to burn my opponent, does the Spell Mastery on Fiery Impulse worth running over Wildslash strictly as removal? Exquisite Firecraft was there for the same reason as Wild Slash, to be both removal and burn, you really think the double red is too intense here? Ojutai's Command was something I completely overlooked in this deck, and it does look pretty good. Mardu Charm was something I initially looked at, don't really have a reason as to why I did not include it.

Good point on the boardwipse. Planar Outburst looks really good in here. I also agree with you on Secure the Wastes, I just needed a filler card and figured it had a cheeky synergy with Sorin and Gideon if need be. I was also thinking about Narset, but wasn't sure if I could support it with my mana base, I can always replace Ugin with it.

Will make some changes and see how it looks. Thanks!

December 19, 2015 11:53 p.m.

Here's the deal...Jace fuels delve perfectly and works in tandem with Narset. Give a spell rebound with Narset, cast the initial spell. Upkeep cast spell again for free. Jace flip, cast the same spell again! Boom! Also, Dig may be a little too mana intensive. Cruise would work fine. It is only a "splash" of blue anyway. Here's the deal. You don't want burn in your deck. You are running super friends because they are your wincon. You are more worried about keepin the board clear so your planeswalkers can finish the opponent off. And the spell mastery on Impulse can matter a whole lot. I feel 12 walkers may be a little much. 10 would do justice. Since Ob Nixy and Sarkhan aren't necessarily win cons on their own, you can drop Ob Nixy to 1 and Sarkhan to 2.

December 20, 2015 12:06 a.m.

TMBRLZ says... #5

I see what you did there.



December 21, 2015 1:32 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #6

Now don't judge me too harsh for this... but I'm going to make a bold argument.

Ojutai's Command would be more helpful to you being a straight counterspell. My personal favorite is currently Calculated Dismissal, a card which would serve you well in a four color deck that's splashing blue.

Now why in God's name would I say this? Crazy right?

O's Command:

  • Return CMC2 creature
  • Gain 4 Life
  • Counter Creature
  • Draw a Card

Your only target in Mode 1 is Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip. Yeah that's really freaking good. However Jace isn't essential to win and Kolaghan's Command can do the same thing without bias, not that it has anything to be bias about.

Mode 2 I can't argue. That's nifty, but it will often be pushed to the bottom of the barrel in favor of the Mode 3 and 4 combo.

Mode 3 = Most of your deck says "LOL creatures. You must be new here." So having a counterspell centered around something you can just nuke in any damn way you like later seems a little lackluster to me. If it's an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger you still have answers for it main and side.

Mode 4 = Can't argue that either. Card advantage is nice. But so is scrying 2.

Consider the following regarding Calculated Dismissal:

  • Three mana vs Four mana
  • Only one required mana color making it far more playable in four color
  • Nobody is going to pay three mana for something unless they're desperate. But you're smart enough to use it appropriately.
  • Spell Mastery is a joke to you. You'll be scrying two in no time and that alone is highly beneficial in my opinion.
  • You have all the card advantage you need in Treasure Cruise and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip. If you need more I'd consider an Ugin's Insight given your high CMC permanents.

I understand I have highly separatist opinions. But it's something to consider.

December 21, 2015 1:45 p.m.


Greatly appreciate the well thought out reply! Always love when people go into details when making comparisons, or suggestions for a card.

As it stands I will keep Ojutai's Command in here because of the versatility, and because I consider it the baby version of Cryptic Command. "Counter your threat and draw a card? YES PLEASE!". You do bring up good points, and Scry is a very powerful effect (and Scry 2 may even be better than draw 1 in some/most cases), but what I don't like about Calculated Dismissal is that if my opponent has 3 mana open then I have a dead counter in hand. It's the same reason why I am not a big fan of Clash of Wills anymore: the longer the game goes, the less relevance the counter has. Now the player no longer needs to play around my counter, he just needs to make sure he has 3 mana open when playing something he wants to actually resolve.

Still! Good points, and I might test it out if I build this deck. I forgot about Ugin's Insight is something I completely forgot about and I might throw in the sideboard to have more card advantage against control matchups.

December 21, 2015 10:05 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #8

Glad to be of service.

-tips hat-

December 22, 2015 9:41 a.m.

Would Monastery Mentor be worth running in the SB over Soulfire Grand Master? Opinions?

Grandmaster is there for the lifegain and recursion, but the Mentor would be easily clog up the board. It just looks like an interesting cards and I am half and half.

December 25, 2015 6:41 a.m.

Penthoplayer says... #10

While I don't have any suggestions, Yore is always an interesting color combination. It's unfortunate how rare it is.

December 25, 2015 2:39 p.m.


I wouldn't really say it's rare. Maybe in other formats, but in the current Standard meta Dark Jeskai (which is the same color combination as this deck) has been one of the winning decks, and one of the most popular played decks for quite some time now.

December 26, 2015 4:06 a.m.

Penthoplayer says... #12

The_Riddlebox, usually I look at Modern, Legacy, and Commander. Sorry for the confusion.

December 26, 2015 5:23 p.m.

No worries :D

December 26, 2015 5:57 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #14

I feel like Monastery Mentor would be of more value thanks to all the rebound and flashback power from Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip and Narset Transcendent.

December 28, 2015 11:38 a.m.


Appreciate the reply! My original thought behind Soulfire Grand Master was "Cool, all that burn now gains me life" as a SB tool against more aggressive decks to pad my life total, and then I thought "but wait, I can be aggressive too!" and figured that spending a burn spell to kill a creature and getting a dude, is better than killing a creature and gaining 2-3 life.

I don't own the Mentor, but I do own the Grand Master, so if I want to try it I can just swap it out without needing to waste cash. Out goes the Master and in comes the Mentor.


December 28, 2015 12:44 p.m.

I think Oath of the Gatewatch gave this deck a new toy: Oath of Jace.

Curios to see the other Oaths.

December 31, 2015 11:52 a.m.

frogkill45 says... #17

fun to play test, not fun for my wallet

December 31, 2015 1:32 p.m.

Haha, well I apppreciate the fact that you found it fun to play test frogkill45!

It isn't fun for my wallet, but I pretty much owned everything except the Jaces, which are almost half of the deck's value :X

Do you happen to have any suggestions on how to improve the deck after testing it, or do you think it's solid and ready for a round of FNM as is?

December 31, 2015 1:41 p.m.

muppetman47 says... #19

I'm new here and not nearly the best MTG player ever so you can Complete Disregard my ideas but I'm just saying you might want to add 1-3 creatures. You don't need that many planeswalkers plus don't forget you can't have more than one planeswalker of the same name on the battlefield at a time. Also if the person has a Counter/Big Creature combo deck they can pretty much kill each of your planeswalkers in one hit which could be a fatal flaw.I'm just here to give my ideas so I don't care if they are awful. Also I'm about to stop making my decks private after putting all of them in so can I please get some feedback. You guys are the best of the best.

December 31, 2015 2:55 p.m.

Thanks for the commment muppetman47!

Don't worry about if your suggestion is good or bad, I welcome them all. Someone leaving a bad suggestion is better than someone not suggesting anything :)

The creatures are in my sideboard in the form of Monastery Mentor primarily against control, but it will do just fine against mid range and aggro decks as well. Reason you don't really see any main board is, well, because this is a super-friends deck. The goal is to have your win condition (planeswalkers), and protect them through some form of control (removal, counters, etc.etc.). In my case the goal is to throw out walkers, many of them have ways of protecting themselves, clear the board with all the removal I pack, and beat them down from there.

My win conditions are as kind of obvious but I'll list them because why not:

*Gideon with his +1

*GIdeon's tokens

*Sorin's tokens

*Sarkhan +1

And I can also get there with the following:

*Jace's -9 and just mill out my opponent

*Ob Nixilis' -9 and just bleed them out.

While they are slower methods it's do able. There is also token swarm through Monastery Mentor post sideboard. One or two Gideon emblems mixed with the fact that the tokens have prowess can be very lethal if it isn't kept in check.

One of the strengths of this deck is if that walkers are harder to remove than creatures, to an extent. Sure they get hit by Utter End and Ruinous Path, but otherwise my opponent has a small window to get rid of my main wincons when they turn into creatures and even then they need to use sac effects or exile effects, ontop of being instant speed, as they are indestructible. As you mentioned, yes they can be taken down by creature beatdown, but that's why I pack so much removal: to make sure my opponent's creatures don't stay alive.

As far as counters go, that's why in the sideboard I run Dispel and hand disruption in the form of Duress and Transgress the Mind.

There is more I could explain about the deck as far as weakness and strengths, but I just wanted to hit points you brought up in your comment so you understand better how this deck, and similar ones, operate. This is works very similarly to Esper Walkers, only that instead of option for more blue and counters to protect my walkers, I opt out to run red and pack more removal.

Even if you still feel your comment is bad, allowing me to reply to you and give details and explanations on how the deck operates, it also helps me get more familiar with my deck. That means that whether you think so or not, you were still of help :D

December 31, 2015 3:53 p.m.

Really looking forward to the new Oath enchantments.

The Red one seems very playable:enter image description here2 mana to bolt a creature? This can easily replace a burn in the deck, and then it has added value from there after.

The white one also seems somewhat decent:enter image description hereIt seems pretty alright especially since it curves right into my cheapest planeswalkers. Not sure if I want to add too many Oaths though.

And of course the blue one looks pretty good but I don't think it fits all that well in the deck:enter image description hereI mean MAYBE it could replace Treasure Cruise but I feel if I wanted to include 2 oaths, that it would have to be the red and the white OR the blue and not both.

Still these are very interesting cards and I am looking forward to seeing if there will be a black one.

January 5, 2016 10:24 p.m.

pumpkinwavy says... #22

Here's my opinion on the oaths.

I think the red oath and the white oath are very bad actually. The red oath seems to work really well with the deck, you just don't care about the 2 damage so it's a worse draconic roar. The extra counter from the white one is good, but 3 mana for 2 tokens is bad. The blue one I think you actually care about both effects, it just seems really slow in a deck full of slow planeswalkers.

January 6, 2016 7:35 p.m.

Hey Riddlebox! I would like some feedback on my superfreinds deck from a fellow superfreinds deck builder! If you could comment on it leaving some criticism, It would be really nice. It pretty much lays out a small field of blockers, then plays planeswalkers, then proliferate cards for what I call "loyalty ramping". Heres the link if you want to check it out! Removal? Vraskas are my removal!

January 6, 2016 7:57 p.m.


Yeah you do make some decent points. When I thought about the red one I thought "Removal and continuous burn for 2 mana? Give it!" but then again in these colors I have better removal than 2 mana for sorcery speed 3 damage. I will say that if it could bolt a player for 2 mana and continuous burn there after I would definitely run it.

I guess the white one is kinda cheeky in the sense that it's neat with Gideon but that's about it. It curves very well with him, but I can live without walkers entering with 1 more loyalty counter.

I still have issues with the blue one. I mean 3cmc to draw 2 isn't bad at all, and discarding works for me for several reasons. Just something about it that I don't like.

Thanks for the comments on the Oaths. Did you spot anything in the deck as is that you would make any changes too?


If I get some time I will; however, this is a Standard deck and I only play Standard and EDH at the moment, so I doubt I can offer much help, but if I get some spare time I will see what I can do.

January 6, 2016 9:05 p.m.

Alright thanks!

January 6, 2016 9:43 p.m.

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