[SOI] Blue Mardu Superfriends!

Standard* ComputerizedMTG


hawk393 says... #1

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! splash green! I want to see Sarkhan Unbroken in here so bad it hurts! Between him and Sorin, Solemn Visitor, they are my favorite walkers in standard. But I love the deck in total. at work right now, so additional comments will follow when I have more time :) Great deck +1!

January 7, 2016 1:36 a.m.


Hehe, appreciate the comment.

Yeah it was a toss up between running black and running green because I wanted to run Kiora and Sarkhan pretty badly, unfortunately black won due to just overall better removal options.

I don't want to get greedy which is why I avoided 5 colors, pretty tight spots on planeswalkers as well. But if you can make it work I wouldn't mind trying it :)

Looking forward to test the deck this FNM, hoping work won't get in the way.

January 7, 2016 2:39 a.m. Edited.

TMBRLZ says... #3

Five Color walkers only wins in Cube Drafts. Fact.

January 7, 2016 10:40 a.m.

nateblego says... #4

4 Gideon seems clunky. I would cut one for another Ob Nixilis Reignited.

January 14, 2016 7:47 p.m.

frogkill45 says... #5

Is it Blue Mardu or Black Jeskai or Red Esper? that is the real question.

January 14, 2016 7:56 p.m.


It's Blue Mardu, functionally works like any other Mardu Walker deck, but has blue splashed for Jace. Obviously I have other blue cards in here in the SB and MB, but this probably would have been just Mardu if not for Jace.


Thanks for the suggestion. After testing this deck, if work doesn't yet again prevent me from going to FNM this week, I will see if 4 Gideons is really that clunky; however, as it stands, Gideon seems to be my primary win condition at this time so that's why he is a 4 of. If I feel like card advantage is lacking that hard mid to late, I might remove a Gideon for another Ob Nixilis, or some other for of card advantage like Ugin's Insight, but as of now I will test without making any changes unless it's very much needed. Will keep it in mind though!

January 14, 2016 8:46 p.m.

nateblego says... #7

Ok, this deck looks good. I feel like Dig Through Time would be better than Ugin's Insight if you were looking for card advantage, but scrying 5 off an Ob or Sarkhan would be pretty sweet.

On an a side note, you say that you play a lot of EDH. I'm thinking of building a quick budget Marath, Will of the Wild deck. If possible, could you give some pointers on where to start?

January 14, 2016 8:52 p.m.

Yeah, Dig Through Time is always better than Ugin's Insight for many reasons, the only thing I am worried about is the delve here, and with 3 Treasure Cruise I feel like it might be much. Now that isn't to say I am afraid I can't fuel delve because I know I can, but it's more so the fact that I don't want to exile thing I could get back with Jace. Maybe I am looking at it wrong and if I do make the swap Dig should go in over the Insight.

As a correction, nateblego, I used to play a lot of EDH. The playgroup I had EDH nights with got "tired" of magic and so I don't get a chance to play EDH anymore. My LGS does have Tuesday nights EDH, but work gets in the way of that hehe. I can still look at it, and try to make suggestions as soon as I get a bit more time, but I can't promise anything, especially since half of my EDH decks where some sort of control/combo with blue in it, I never played a Naya deck :)

January 14, 2016 9:14 p.m.

BigPanda559 says... #9

Looks great so far, but I would recommend Chandra, Flamecaller to replace Sarkhan in this particular deck. The deck is straight up a 4 Color control deck at heart, and as a control deck you should always have Cards in your hand. Sarkhan's emblem, in that regard, would be counter-productive.

I know his first 2 abilities are great for you, but Chandra's abilities are stronger: ex, Sarkhan's +1 hits your opponent for 4 damage, Chandra's Elemental Tokens hit for a combined 6 damage & exile themselves on the end step. I don't know about other people but for me I wouldn't waste a Fiery Impulse on a token that is just gonna go away on my turn. Plus I wouldn't trade a quality creature in combat like Seeker of the Way / Monastery Mentor for them. Not to mention 6 < 4. This way you'll get your hits in assuming they can still kill your Planeswalker next turn, and you still hit them pretty hard.

Sarkhan's -3 does 4 damage to a single creature, whereas Chandra can potentially -5 to virtually kill all creatures. She can reset board states where's Sarkhan can't entirely do, No argument there.

Lastly, Sarkhan's emblem can hurt you simply because you are Ob Nixilis / Treasure Cruise deck. If you're drawing Cards you don't want to be forced to play everything on your turn if you're a control deck. Chandra's 0 filters your hand, which is better in a lot of situations.

At the end of the day it's your choice but in my opinion, this deck looks like the perfect home for Chandra, Flamecaller. I think she would prove 10xs more resourceful than Sarkhan for you. Look forward to seeing more decks from you.

January 14, 2016 11:56 p.m.

hawk393 says... #10

I feel like sarkhan is perfect here though. If it is really a mardu play style then damage is wanting to be pushed every chance you get. And theoretically you wont have a hand that often anyway. So the additional draw from sarkhan and other walkers should interact very well. But i dont really see a need to ever want to ultimate sarkahn anyway because his other two abilities is what makes him in a superfriends build. But Idk, maybe im just blowing smoke.

January 15, 2016 1:34 a.m.

Thanks a lot for the feedback BigPanda559!

with OGW in mind, but I guess it isn't a bad thing to do with it coming closer to release. While I agree on most of the points you have made, I want to add the Sarkhan's Emblem was never something I had in mind of using. Also while his 4 damage can be handy spot removal, he was really here for the evasive, hasty, 4/4 indestructible as an alternate wincon alongside Gideon. I was, however, contemplating on using here, and while her abilities are obviously really good, my main concern was exactly how relevant she would actually be on turn 6 or later.

Question now is: would you include one or two copies of Chandra, Flamecaller? If you chose two how would you do it: -1 Gideon & -1 Sarkhan, or -2 Sarkhan? Also, any suggestions for better sideboard choices? I realize that sideboard tech is highly relevant on your own meta, but you seem to have some pretty good input so I figured I would ask.

January 15, 2016 2:24 a.m.

Woops missed your comment hawk393!

You are actually spot on as to why I had him in here. No intention to use his ult really, just here to push damage through.

January 15, 2016 2:26 a.m.

BigPanda559 says... #13

The_Riddlebox I do actually have more input after testing the deck a few more times. If I were to Add Chandra, Flamecaller into the deck I would cut Sarkhan completely because like I said, he doesn't really synergize with the rest of the deck. In other words , -2 Sarkhan for +2 Chandra. Also I would consider cutting Gideon down to 2 Copies for an extra copy of Narset since she draws you into most of your other Planeswalkers (minus Jace) & a copy of Ugin as a curve topper. He's basically unbeatable if he resolves in a control mirror match.

The deck is also lacking unconditional removal, such as Ruinous Path or Murderous Cut, therefore I would suggest fitting those into the deck somehow. I'd suggest cutting Mardu Charm, even though it's a pretty good win con Murderous Cut is way better because it can hit any creature that isn't indestructible, which most creature aren't. As for Ruinous Path, I'd recommend 1-2 copies in the sideboard instead of Monastery Mentor simply because in the Matchups you would bring him in, he'd never resolve and Chandra would win you the game by herself. Also I'd cut the utter ends for Hallowed Moonlight simply because 4 Color rally is such a popular Deck right now. Also I would consider adding any one of the manlands (Shambling Vent, Wandering Fumarole, or Needle Spires) just as another win condition and to help facilitate your Mana better.

January 15, 2016 3:37 a.m.

hawk393 says... #14

Agreed, for the most part. Personally gideon is a little over used, but here, he does make a particularly good win con. But i love the idea of more Narsets. And charm for path? Mostly because I feel like te delve for cut would compete little more for cruise than expected. . But ive also never been a fan of sorcery speed removal

January 15, 2016 4:19 a.m.

Such competitiveness.Such price.

January 15, 2016 9:30 a.m.

Thanks for the commen Firemantle_Mage.....I guess anyways.

Yes this is deck comes with a high price tag, but all you have to do is cut blue so you don't run Jaces and the price drops by nearly half. Good thing I didn't need to pay the full 700$ to build this deck lol

January 15, 2016 11:32 a.m.

BigPanda559 thanks again for the elaborated comment!

I actually did have Ugin originally in here, was swapped out for Narset, I know I should update my MS Paint masterpiece. I was considering adding it to the SB for control matchups, as you mention, but not sure I like him too much in the MB.

As far as Monastery Mentor goes, I really like that card and I really want it to work. I tested a few games out on Xmage and it was pretty hit or miss. When it came out and stuck around it was a pretty rad card to have and could easily clog up the field if left unchecked, but on the other hand it would often hit the field and get hit by a burn spell and not do much of anything.

I do agree that I need more catch-all removal like Ruinous Path or Murderous Cut, but I am not sure I would want to get rid of Utter End as it literally answers anything short of man/awakened lands.

I thought about running manlands in the deck, but thought the mana was too tight to support it. Any suggestions on what lands I should swap out if I would want to run 2-3 manlands.

January 15, 2016 11:45 a.m.

nateblego says... #18

I know that Narset is a good Walker, heck I even played with her for a bit (rebounding Dig Through Time with her -2 was the single most awesome thing I've ever done), but I just don't really like her here. I would personally cut her for a second Ob Nixilis Reignited. Also, I completely agree that Chandra, Flamecaller is better than Sarkhan in this deck. The synergy with her +1 and Sorin's +1 is awesome.

January 15, 2016 8:07 p.m.

The_RiddleboxWell then seems like superfriends isn't for me or at least I have to grow my collection first.

January 16, 2016 5:16 a.m.

exoquterx says... #20

howcome you are using KOlaghan's command? wouldnt languish or radiant flames mainboard be better? because your only creature is jace

January 18, 2016 11:39 p.m.

hawk393 says... #21

Tell me if in wrong The_Riddlebox, but isn't Kolaghan's Command used as tech for:::

Narset Transcendent: rebound effect for hand disruption/like drain/creature control

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip: -3 for same results as Narset?

And finally being able to bring back jace himself?

January 19, 2016 12:22 a.m.

exoquterx, I think hawk393 answered you question.

Kolaghan's Command is a pretty pwoerful tool. The fact that you can chose 2 option is amazing. I willa gree that Languish could find a home in here, however in this deck I prefer Planar Outburst as it deals with more threats and is only 1 more mana. As far as Radiant Flames goes, being that it can only deal a maximum of 3 damage in this deck, is really only side tech vs decks that flood the board with weenies and/or token based decks.

I don't understand why Jace being my only creature should be a deterrent from using the Command. Jace can win games, is a repeatable Snapcaster Mage, offers good card advantage, and can slow down aggro. Being able to get him back is, in itself, invaluable. Paired up with the fact that I get the choice of dealing 2 damage to a player/removing an early aggro threat, or hand disruption is awesome.

Hell, even 3 mana for 2 damage and making a player discard is pretty decent.

January 19, 2016 1:23 a.m.

GoodEYEsn1pr says... #23

i would cut the ugin's insight and the ojutai's commands to lower your curve. you already have enough card draw and you have better things to do on turn 4 than hold up mana for a counter spell. I would replace them with 2 oath of gideon and 1 oath of jace

January 19, 2016 3:20 p.m.

Well, GoodEYEsn1pr it would be hard to cut the insight as it isn't in the deck. Also, the Command is not there for countering, sure that's a mode that can come in handy, but Ojutai's Command is really here to get Jace back and draw a card.

At first I wanted to include a couple of the Oaths but after the initial hype, and after thinking about it more I am not that impressed with them. Jace's Oath may be the only one I might try.

Thanks for the comment!

January 19, 2016 9:12 p.m. Edited.

hawk393 says... #25

Going of what you just said, I do feel like Call the Gatewatch would do you some good. Though I have no idea where it would go

January 19, 2016 10:06 p.m.

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