[SOI] Blue Mardu Superfriends!

Standard* ComputerizedMTG


pumpkinwavy says... #1

LogicVoid White Grixis or Bloody Esper, you mean?

raptor77 Eww. That's a repulsive name.

And as much as I hate Chandra, Flamecaller, (don't know why, I just hate the card), she's actually really good. And Call the Gatewatch seems really bad, tbh if I'm going to cast a 3-mana spell that won't affect the board it's gonna be Painful Truths.

February 5, 2016 6:15 p.m.

raptor77 says... #2

pumpkinwavy on the contrary. Yore is an easy four letter name were as Blue Mardu black jeskai, people are never certain what to call it and the names are long and silly

February 5, 2016 6:19 p.m.

LogicVoid says... #3

I think cut a Call the Gatewatch as it's not a strong card and a one of is enough, especially with your 10 planeswalkers, (14 depending on how you count) you will have no trouble drawing them.

February 5, 2016 10:07 p.m.


I am aware that's one of the names people refer to this color combo as, but I don't really care. Most people don't know the Nephilim cycle so I would rathe name it something people can recognize at a glance. I also dislike the name Yore.


I guess that Chandra comment is referring the my comment in the update? The decklist stoll shows 2 Chandras and and no Sarlhan, so I will probably still roll with the 2 Chandras.

What would you play instead of Call the Gatewatch? My reason of having it in here is that superfriends deck work very much like toolkit decks, and being able to fetch the right walker for the job is decent. I recognize it isn't a powerful card, but in this deck it isn't that terrible either.


So I should replace Call the Gatewatch with Oath of Gideon? Although If you are saying I should keep it as 1 of, I would much rather keep it as a 2 of. Having 1 Oath makes ot worthless in my opinion. Oaths are cards you want to draw early on the get the most value out of, and that's where I run into Issues with what to swap out: because running one or two Oaths doesn't seem like it does much. Call is here not to make sure I draw a walker but to make sure I draw the right one for the current state. I don't think it's an amqzing card, but it's ok.

February 6, 2016 4:20 a.m.

piebandit says... #6

I ran a similar list on gameday, without the blue (I had no Jace, so blue didn't gain me nearly as much). I ran 3x Fiery Impulse and 4x Oath of Chandra, and I have to suggest you look at Oath of Chandra for your deck, as they have a similar effect, with more upside on the oath.

February 16, 2016 4:46 p.m.


Thanks for the comment! Oath of Chandra was one of the Oaths I initially considered running, but I had couple issues with it: it does what Fiery Impulse already does but for more mana and at sorcery speed, and I have the hunch that the second ability will not be triggering that often. How did your deck do on game day and how well the Oath of Chandra actually perform for you? The second ability on the Oath would be amazing if it triggered of flipping a Jace.

Also, what would you suggest removing for the Oath? The main issue I have with replacing things in this deck is the fact that the slots are so tight, and all there is left to take out is either removal or Call the Gatewatch; and while I can live without the tutor, the removal is a MUST for this type of deck.

February 16, 2016 5:43 p.m.

Thinking of removing something from the Sideboard to make room for a copy or two of Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, as more SB tech vs. Aristocrat side decks and weenies. Will probably get rid of Disdainful Stroke any suggestions?

February 16, 2016 5:47 p.m.

piebandit says... #9

My deck was Mardu Oath Gameday. I had fewer walkers, but a much heavier removal suite. I found most of the time I wanted to do 3 damage to a creature, and Fiery Impulse spell mastery was not always online. Here's the thing: don't think about Oath of Chandra as a more expensive sorcery speed Fiery Impulse, because the latter doesn't always do 3 damage. The slowness can hurt vs. U/R Prowess or R Dashed creatures, but I recommend Immolating Glare for those situations. Other than that, I'd usually take one hit from a Mantis Rider and otherwise be fine. Think of it as a sorcery speed Lightning Strike with upside when you have planeswalkers. It's damage can also be redirected to opponents planeswalkers, I used it to off a Gideon, Ally of Zendikar after attacking with two tokens made from an Oath of Gideon earlier. The oath cycle does trigger on flip walkers, FYI.

I went 1-2 with the deck, though both losses were highly attributed to mana issues. Removal is really really good in this meta. The Burn Away in the sideboard was a meta call for 6/6 Woodland Wanderers and Hooting Mandrills in the same deck.

February 16, 2016 6:03 p.m.

DOH! Yeah, you are right piebandit, it does trigger off of flipped walkers. I forgot that it is exiled and then returned to the battlefield. In my head it just flipped, never thought about the exile/return to the battlefield part.

I'll think about what I can remove for the Oath, I might get rid of 1 Call the Gatewatch, and the 2 Planar Outburst to try it out.

February 16, 2016 7:06 p.m.

Ceamus says... #11

where's Oath of Gideon? 3 mana for two 1/1's and your walkers have an extra counter? that's just straight value! I have tried bant and Esper superfriends and esper seems to be the winner because interaction + anthemed lifelinker tokens = lolz

February 17, 2016 4:27 p.m.


What would you suggest cutting? Like I keep repeating to everyone suggesting the Oath's is: what do I cut? The Oaths are only marginally good depending on your board state and your oppont's; and while the extra counter can be decent, 2 1/1s for 3 mana at sorcery speed are not my cup of tea. What would you suggest I cut?

I am thinking about removing both Call the Gatewatch and 1 Planar Outburst for Duress/Transgress the Mind mix in the MB to open up slots in the SB. Should I run Oath of Chandra and Oath of Gideon mixes instead? Should it only be Gideon's?

Don't mean to sound cranky, since that's probably how this will come off as hehe, but what helps me the most is what to cut and why the suggestion is better than what should be cut, that normally helps a bit in terms of deck building: reason behind the suggestion.

That said, I am aware that Esper Walkers is really good, but I wanted to play something different. I don't think this is a revolutionary build or anything, but I definitely don't see it played and to me that makes it fun. I might decide to scrap the idea and switch decks after a few FNMs, but who knows. It also doesn't help that the other deck I run, which I will probably archive for a bit, is an Esper Dragons list which actually started out as an Esper Walker list, so I didn't want to play Esper again hehe.

Anyhow, thanks for the suggestion and will see what can be cut to incorporate the Oaths if they are really worth it. I am trying to make changes to the SB and landbase as well, so I will try to make another update soon with some changes.

February 17, 2016 5:57 p.m.

Ceamus says... #13

If you are running ob nixilis and Chandra, Flamecaller you really don't need boardwipes; Oath of Gideon is a pseudo-fog and once they drop things die. I don't recommend Oath of Chandra because it's not fun to draw lategame. at all.

February 18, 2016 9:18 a.m.

HyperSloth says... #14

Have you considered Goblin Dark-Dwellers as another potential threat as well as snapping back removal from grave?

February 21, 2016 1:17 a.m.


Thanks for the suggestion! Goblin Dark-Dwellers was a card I have liked since release, but can't quite find a spot in the deck. I would assume he would be a 1 or 2 of, should I remove the a Murderous Cut and Call the Gatewatch for it? What would you suggest I cut?

As a side note, I really need some more decent removal in the MB, I really didn't like playing with Murderous Cut. Any suggestions? Should I just main board additional Utter Ends?

February 21, 2016 1:10 p.m.

Maringam says... #16

February 21, 2016 8:24 p.m.


Not sure what that's supposed to mean :/

Not sure if you are asking why am I not running it in the MB, and that would be because I had it in the sideboard, but as my post right above yours indicates I am starting to want to run it in the main. An awesome card against World Breaker; or not sure if you are confused as to why I want to run it.

Mind elaborating? Just reading "Utter End?" doesn't really tell me much hehe.

February 21, 2016 8:53 p.m.

pumpkinwavy says... #18

I've been meaning to comment on this deck for a long time, because I really like it, but I haven't gotten around to it. It seems like you are struggling more with what to cut than with what to add. I'd remove narset, ob nix, Call the Gatewatch, Planar Outburst, and 1 Kolaghan's Command.

Personnally, to replace those 4 cards, I'd add the following.

-another veratile removal spell to replace the command, just not sure what that would be yet since most standard removal spells suck (maybe Roast)

-a pair of Monastery Mentor, curving those into either of your 4 drop planeswalkers is awesome

-2 more Oath of Gideon. I think the card sucks and I originally hated it, but it is REALLY good curving into either of your 4 drop planeswalkers.

I would not add Goblin Dark-Dwellers, or any other high-cost lategame non-planeswalker card. The deck is already clucky enough without having a hand full of ob nix, chandra, narset AND dark dwellers to boot.

February 21, 2016 9:25 p.m.

Really appreciate the comment pumpkinwavy, and I am glad you like the deck!

You hit the nail on the head: plenty of cards that fit in the deck, but never know what to take out. That is also why I really appreciate comments like yours where you give a quick rundown of your suggestions :)

Narset always got sided out, and didn't really do much for me when I played her, so I can definately cut her. As far as Ob Nixilis goes, I really wish I actually got to play him to see how he actually performs in this deck. He offers card draw and removal, so he isn't terrible, but I can't really say what I would do as far as cutting him given the lack of play I had with him. Call the Gatewatch really sounds better an theory than it did in practice, and just like Narset it never saw past game one and always got moved to the SB in game two and three.

I am not sure I want to cut Kolaghan's Command. This card was kind of an all star and was one of the reasons why I was able to win games. Casting this during top deck wars at the draw step is just gives me such an advantage. There was never a time where I drew K. Command and wished it was something else. I am, however, willing to cut Planar Outburst. It was supposed to be there against mid rangey decks, but I always sided it out for Radiant Flames as it seemed to be a much more relevant board wipe. I would like to run at least 1 board wipe main board, so maybe put in a Radiant Flames or a Languish instead? Is it worth keeping one Outburst in the side?

Onto your suggestions :D

I do need more versetile removal. Roast is definately decent enough. What do you think of the 2 main deck Murderous Cuts: keep or replace? I am npt very fond of them but there must be a reason why people run it I guess?

I have 2 Monastery Mentor that I used at FNM to fill in for the 2 Hallowed Moonlights I couldn't get a hold of, and would not mind moving them to the main. I always sided them in and they became high priority target. Sometimes they even drew more attention than my walkers.

You really think 4 Oath of Gideon is a must? I didn't get a chance to run them last FNM, as I had Chandra's Oath but not Gideon's, and Chandra's Oath underperformed in my opinion, but I don't know first hand how Gideon's would do. Seems decent enough to test at least 3.

Yeah the Dark Dwellers seemed neat, but I can't see anything worth cutting for them, and I would rather run more removal instead, no matter how much i actually like that card.

In closing I am going to cut:

1 Narset Transcendent

1 Planar Outburst

1 Call the Gatewatch

1 Ob Nixilis Reignited

And adding in:

2 Monastery Mentor

1 Oath of Gideon

1 -Insert Removal here-

Will update the deck when I get home from work. Thanks again for the suggestions :)

February 22, 2016 2:09 a.m.

khaddock says... #20

I really liked Mardu spells, and I really like some of the things your doing with it.

This is my superfriends build http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/the-gatewatchers-super-friends-42/

I have been thinking of using Monastery Mentor a lot. I only have 1 Jace so im not using him at the moment.

I personally think 4 oath of Gideon is a must in a superfriends deck.

I have an unhealthy relationship with Oath of Nissa and abzan charm.

I would reconsider Cutting Ob Nixilis out, or add another Sorin for him.

Also try Secure The Waste it has worked wonders in my deck.

Good luck, Super friends are really fun to play

February 22, 2016 10:54 a.m.

Hey khaddock, thanks for the comment!

I am glad you are liking what I am doing here :)

Monastery Mentor is definitely a strong card. I would suggest trying it out as a 2 of either main or side, but just be ready for your opponent to get rid of them quickly hehe. It is really up to preference and meta I suppose though, I can see why someone would not want to run them just as much as I can see why someone does want to run them.

No such thing as an unhealthy relationship with Oath of Nissa and Abzan Charm, they are both very powerful cards. After rotation, I will definitely need to switch gear with this deck as 4 color will be much harder, if not impossible, to run, and if I stick with superfriends I will likely play a version with green in it.

My problem at the moment with running a 4th Oath of Gideon is I don't want to cut anything else other than Murderous Cut but I need to replace it with removal.

Having a third Sorin, Solemn Visitor seems clunky to me, what are your experiences with Ob Nixilis Reignited? Only time I really got to play him was in an Esper Walker Control list I ran for a short time and he was ok at best for me. I do want to replace a walker with another walker though, or not replace one at all if I could help it. In the changes I have made I don't mention any specific removal, so one thing I could do is move 1 Radiant Flames from the SB to the MB (I really like having at least 1 boardwipe in the main), which opens up a slot in the side, meaning that instead of removing Ob Nix all together, I can keep him in the side against grindy matches for the card draw/removal. In all honesty it does feel weird to cut down from 10 walkers down to 8 and it can be likely that I end up sideboarding the 2 Mentors and main-board the Sarkhan and Ob Nix instead.

The very first draft of this deck did have one Secure the Wastes as it has synergy with both Sorin and Gideon. I was given the suggestion to remove it to opt out for more removal/card draw instead, as this deck definitely does sometimes work more like a control deck than a mid range deck. Not sure what I would cute for the wastes in the current state. Right now the only cards I would cut from the main board are the following:

Murderous Cut only for more removal.

Monastery Mentor only to bring the walkers in my side to my main.

Oath of Gideon if it under-performs.

Thanks, the deck is definitely fun to play! Good luck with your deck as well!

February 22, 2016 10:47 p.m.

khaddock says... #22

My experience with Ob nixilis was bad, but just becasue in my deck his just a 5 mana removal that would probably die, i Switched him with with Sarkhan Unbroken works better in my deck.

Your deck being more control than mine he could ult really easy that and sorins ult is just a too much for most decks.

Also for draw you could change 1 or 2 treasure Cruise for read the bones you can cast it with Jace.

I tried Mentor but my stores meta destroyed him so his good but dies to fast thats why i use secure the wastes. If you see alot of rally or abzan decks with raptors use kalitas main he destroys most decks .

But you know i dont know your meta, mine is for every 5 aggro and eldrazi decks i get one control, rally or midrange

February 23, 2016 9:54 a.m.

Maringam says... #23

Sorry for the late response: I just didn't read your comment all the way through- awkward. I do think you could move one to the main.

February 25, 2016 9:17 p.m.


No worries! I was only at the edge of my seat refreshing every 30 seconds to see if you would reply ;)

I had a hunch that's what you meant, should I replace a Murderous Cut with it?

February 25, 2016 10:46 p.m.

ArcherAlex says... #25

Hey there, really enjoying the deck. As I was playtesting it here on Tappedout, I noticed that your deck really needs a basic swamp to be fetched for sequencing. (It was a problem every game for me). Also, as I played with the deck, I feel as though the blue splash could have been discarded. Yes Jace is a house, yes Cruisin is nice, but I think that it honestly doesn't do anything for your other walkers. Instead, I would either run Secure the Wastes, and Duress, or maybe even play Goblin Dark-Dwellers.You can obviously go Mardu Green which is a house and it's consistent. ORRRR If you want to live the real spicy life, you could stay Mardu Blue, but run Jeskai Ascendancy and Secure the Wastes and ruin people out of nowhere. If you went this route, I would leave jace in the sideboard and let them believe he isn't in the deck and then bring him in against non mardu/burn decks. And my last comment would be that if you run the spicy life, I would consider running no creatures at all except for token generators. Simply because it will blank your opponent game one, as I am sure no one wants to play premium removal on 1/1's and 2/2's. Hope this helps!

February 27, 2016 7:50 p.m.

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