[SOI] Blue Mardu Superfriends!

Standard* ComputerizedMTG



I definitely appreciate your comment!

I have thought about using a basic swamp, and I will be honest there was one time I have been wanting to be able to fetch for a basic swamp.....but I have never had problem at FNM getting out black. I have 8 sources of black, and 10 ways of fetching them. The earliest I need a black mana is turn 3 for a Crackling Doom or turn 4 if I need to cast a Sorin, Solemn Visitor.

Yeah I have almost thought about discarding blue for easier and smoother mana, but Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip can take over games and he is never a dead card in hand. The thought still lingers around though. Would definitely open up slots. Secure the Wastes does not seem that powerful in this version of super friends, I know an emblem from Gideon couple with Sorin's +1 can ruin someone's day, but I just don't see it, I might try it though just to test it. I am also not completely sold on Goblin Dark-Dwellers for this deck, although he seemed to do decently in the Red-Abzan deck I played first match this passed FNM.

Jeskai Ascendancy wants to be used aggressively with a deck that can cast a bunch of spells per turn, and/or with decks that can at least puke out creaters/tokens, relying on Secure the Wastes to make it good seems weak in this deck.

Yeah this deck did have 0 creatures to begin with, as I had Monastery Mentor in the side instead. He got moved to the main after he did amazingly versus Eldrazi and Rally for some early pressure, buuuuut it seems like that was because of the lack of removal on my opponent's part and after last FNM he is pretty disappointing in this deck.

Any comment always helps, as it gets me to evaluate my deck and think about possible changes, whether or not I actually make the suggested changes is something else entirely :)

As a side note I have been thinking of turning this into Naya splash Blue or just flat out Naya so I can run GIdeon, Chandra, both Nissa and go a token route where I would then make the inclusion of Secure the Wastes and some early pressure with aggressive creatures like Sylvan Advocate, simply because I am losing a lot when rotation happens and figured that swapping early to test it out would be a pretty good option.Here is what I lose with rotation:

-Fetchlands: This absolutely kills this deck, and "forces" me to swap to green for Oath of Nissa to be able to efficiently run 3/4 colors.

-Crackling Doom- One of the best removal spells in standard, an absolute golden star of the deck, and one of the main reasons I picked the use of black from the start.

-Murderous Cut- This isn't a major loss at all, but it's still more instant speed removal that the deck would lose that has no weird conditions or that only gives -x/-x and just flat out kills everything short of indistructible and hexproof doods.

-Sorin, Solemn Visitor - This one is a biggie as it helped me close games and stay alive against more aggressive decks.

-Treasure Cruise - While this isn't a black card, it is the reason I am thinking of swapping to Naya and maybe not splash blue because this is literally the only card advantage this deck has other than Jace and Chandra in the late game.

And from the sideboard I lose:

-Utter End which is amazing removal and was an absolute star against Eldrazi Ramp.

-Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker - he was an ok card, sad to see it go but won't miss it.

The only downside of dropping black is obviously me losing Duress, Transgress the Mind, and Ob Nixilis Reignited which are just amazing against control and grindy matchups.

Will just need to see what walkers get printed in SOI to make the final call, and meanwhile I will try to post a Naya and Naya with a splash of blue to get some feedback. Unless of course Reanimator and Esper Control get revived again with SOI, in which case I will probably be playing one of those, but if not I will try to make the Super Friends persist!

February 27, 2016 9:50 p.m.

TheBigPoohBear says... #2

Due to the fact that you are running mostly walkers as a win con (correct me if I'm wrong) I would suggest trying to capitalize on that by running as many board wipes as possible, EG Crux of Fate Planar Outburst

February 29, 2016 9:42 p.m.


Tanks for the comment! You are not wrong, as a matter of fact my only win-con are my walkers as I will be removing the Monastery Mentors.

Board wipes are awesome in this type of deck, which is why I am running them :)I have 2 Radiant Flames in the main (have not updated the decklist to reflect that), and 1 in the side. Radiant Flames is useful against almost every matchup and for when it isn't enough I have a single Planar Outburst that I bring in against mid range decks. I able to keep the board fairly clear of creatures, and the decks that are able to just clutter the board get dealt with Radiant Flames.

Crux of Fate does nothing for me in this deck because instead of running it I can just run another Planar Outburst instead as it is better in this deck. I have been thinking of using a Languish main board just for the variety, maybe have 3 different boardwipes MB and side out the ones that are not relevant game 2 and 3. I might just try that as I am freeing up 2 slots in the main.

Thanks for the suggestions!

February 29, 2016 10:39 p.m.

Nightdragon779 says... #4

In that picture in your description, sorin's face turned sideways + hair looks kinda like trump XD

March 1, 2016 4:07 p.m.

Bossblob_ says... #5

I think that it is supposed to be called Dark Jeskai, but I guess you could call it Drowning Mardu, or something weird like that.

March 1, 2016 4:43 p.m.

Nightdragon779 says... #6

Bossblob_ Dark Jeskai is UWR with splash black. This deck is BRW with splash blue.

March 1, 2016 5:08 p.m.


Yeah he kind of does huh? lol


If only you were the first commenting on what the deck "should" be called. Ultimately it is my deck and if I wanted to I could called it Rakdos/Azorius Brothers in Arms, and it still wouldn't be wrong. Hell, even White Grixis wouldn't be completely wrong; but Nightdragon779 got it right, whit is a Mardu/Dega/RWB deck, or whatever else you wanna call it, that is splashing blue, hence the "Blue Mardu" name. This deck can easily work without blue, it just helps it a little bit. Similarly to how Dark Jeskai can work without black but it obviously helps enough to make it worth splashing.

Naming conventions are a little dumb since the introduction of Khans, and I think that is primarily because most players right now, especially the newer ones, are not used to seeing 4-color decks in standard. Regardless, my naming convention makes sense and it isn't wrong soooo, I will keep using "Blue Mardu" as it is my deck :)

Appreciate the concern though :)

March 1, 2016 8:53 p.m.

Will need to find a place for this puppy when rotation happens:

enter image description here

Badass removal, even if it hits 1 creature, 2 mana to exile is pretty awesome.

March 5, 2016 7:54 a.m.

Replacing Wandering Fumarole with a basic Swamp. It is sort of an awkward card and often hasn't done much for me. Will also be replacing my Murderous Cut with a Ruinous Path, with all the walkers being played having something MB that can directly deal with them seems pretty good.

March 5, 2016 1:54 p.m. Edited.

If you're curious, I did a wildly different takes on superfriends in the same colors. Only used narset, no creatures, tons of enchantments and starfield/tutelage as alt win cons. Got me a gameday mat!

March 7, 2016 7:09 a.m.

If the deck wasn't so badass I'd of upvoted just for your hilarious friends photo-shopping lol. +1 all day

March 7, 2016 3:31 p.m.


Congratulation on your gameday mat! Unfortunately I don't like Tutelage/Starfield decks. They don't look very fun to play in my opinion and running Starfield would sort of kill the one major strength this deck has: most of my opponent's removal is worthless against this deck. There are a few exceptions like a well timed Crackling Doom, or Utter End, and Ruinous Path, but that's about it. With Starfield, your removal can be removed and they can get their creatures back, and Tutelage can be more easily gotten rid after that. Glad it worked out for you but Starfield/Tutlage decks are something I never really liked much.


Glad you like the deck :) Also, that's Paint thank you very much and not Photo shop ;)

March 7, 2016 11:26 p.m. Edited.

Narset is a good idea because she can fetch up Walkers for card advantage, power up your removal, and the ultimate destroys all decks that are not Whisperwood Elemental/Eldrazi Displacer focused, and I've only seen two of those on here.

March 9, 2016 9:33 p.m.


I appreciate the suggestion. I had Narset in the original draft of this deck but I ended up removing her as she didn't do much for me. In a more control style deck I can see her working out better but for me it never quite got there.

Her + ability was missing more than it hit. I was hitting way too many lands with it, if I need raw card advantage I feel lile Ob Nix is better in that sense. Her rebound is neat but I never regretted not having it.

Maybe it's just personal preference but for me she never quite got there. She never impacted the board when I played her, she can't protect herself, and she never gave me enough advantage to matter, at least in this deck. I would probably run her in bant or esper where there are more value spells to rebound other than removal.

March 10, 2016 1:16 a.m.

Right... With the four color build, 26 lands does get rough with Narset. I see what you mean about missing a lot. Maybe Tormenting Voices for draw fixing? My friend's Mardu Aggro/Midrange deck got a lot more consistent (as in, the difference between competing well in Standard and in Modern with the same Standard list) with just 3 copies.

She might be good to sideboard a couple of against a control mirror, ending the game if her Ult goes off.

March 10, 2016 1:45 a.m.


That's actually not a bad suggestion, although with black I do have access to Painful Truths and Read the Bones, but Tormenting Voice does have a few advantages here: fuels delve, helps Jace flip, and it's red, which is relevant becaue normally I would try to get red online early for Fiery Impulse.

What would you suggest I should cut for it?

March 10, 2016 5:18 a.m.

I'm not sure... I'll think on it. The best suggestions I have at the moment are dropping Kolaghan's Command for Tormenting Voice, replacing Planar Outburst with another Radiant Flames from the sideboard, removing Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker from the sideboard, and putting in two of Narset Transcendent.

I feel like that could blow up a really important game plan, though. How often do you hit Kalitas or Jace with the Command? It seems like its modes are mediocre without that, but I don't have experience with it. Sarkhan, though, I can vouch out because he's slow and clunky for what he's supposed to do.

March 10, 2016 5:12 p.m.

capriom85 says... #18

Nice list, it looks super rad and really annoying to play against. Two questions:

  1. ever test or consider Narset Transcendent for the list? 9 time out of 10 you're going to be keeping whatever you reveal on the +1. The rebound could be cool on a resolved Treasure Cruise. 1 blue for draw "draw 6 cards" seems damn good. The ultimate is basically just there for the Control match, but the others are still great for this build. Ob Nixilis Reignited may arguably produce better card advantage, I know, but just wondering.

  2. What does Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet for you in here, especially at the 1 of slot? I don't see a single target to sacrifice to him, and yet I know he is an absolute killer card. I ran in my b/w sacrifice deck, but I had zombies and vampires in the to give him the pumps. What is the method to your madness on this guy in here?

March 11, 2016 11:21 a.m.


I honestly, at this point don't mind cutting Kolaghan's Command down to a 1 or 2 of. I do like shocking people for 2, helps close games sometimes, and making my opponent discard a card at instant speed is great for when we are both in top deck mode. I do often use it to get back Jace, but it isn't a deal breaker. The only issue I have with cutting it is I would rather cut it for removal instead. I might get rid of the Oath of Gideons simply because while the 2 1/1s are neat, I really never made much use of the added counter; I also really feel that Oath gets more value with the new Nissa in the same deck, or more token heavy decks that make more use out of Gideon for his emblem than his 5/5 body. As far as Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker goes I kinda like him as he literally is a planeswalker killer, especially when it comes to Sorin and Gideon.....BUT you are right he is a little slow and I guess I can throw Narset Transcendent in his place instead. I like to keep one Planar Outburst in the main, I was honestly thinking of having a Planar Outburst, Languish, and Radiant Flames in the main, and then 2 Radiant Flames in the side; that's only because I like having sweepers that cover all bases, but because Radiant Flames is great I opted out for 2 in the main and 1 in the side and I have Planar Outburst in for mid-range decks when there are 2 or 3 creatures out that Radiant Flames can't hit. I also have to say that the Awaken on Planar Outburst has helped me close a couple of games against mid-range decks.


I am glad you like the deck! I can't say if it is annoying or not, but it definitely is fun to pilot, which is why I am sticking with this so far until rotation, even if it doesn't get me 4-0, simply because it's fun :)

I have tested Narset Transcendent, she was actually in the main board as a one of, and maybe it was just bad luck in the couple of games I played her, but I often hit lands with her and ended up just side-boarding her after every game 1. The reason I like Ob Nixilis Reignited over Narset for card advantage is two reasons: I don't have to reveal it to my opponent, and I get to dig 1 card regardless of what it is; which means even if I hit something I don't care for I can at least know I won't be drawing that card next turn. I really wish Narset's +1 had a "Otherwise, you may put that card at the bottom" tacked on, would make her so much better. I will end up trying her again while she is still in, as NotSquishedYet has made me want to give her a second shot. As far as Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet goes, he is really here just to punish my opponent even more for clearing their field, as well as helping me mitigate some damage with lifelink. I never intended to use him for his second ability, and he was supposed to be a 2 of but I never knew what to take out for the second one. The bigger reason, however, is because he completely disrupts Rally the Ancestors decks, and they are everywhere in my shop. He might be better suited for the sideboard though.

Thank you both for the suggestions and thoughts!

What I am thinking, as far as changes are as follows:

-2 Monastery Mentor from the SB, and add 2 Kalitas in the SB instead (moving the 1 from the MB to the SB).

-3 Kolaghan's Command

-3 Oath of Gideon

This opens opens up 7 slots in the MB, which means I can run 3 Tormenting Voice, 2 Duress, and 2 Transgress the Mind. That means it also frees up 4 more slots in the side which can be filled up by 2 Narset Transcendent and 2 Infinite Obliteration. Either that or I can run 3 Duress MB, leaving the Transgress the Mind in the SB, and move Ob Nixilis Reignited to the main as well; this will free up 3 slots in the SB and I can then put in 2 Narset Transcendent and 1 Infinite Obliteration. This leaves the awkward Sarkhan in there as well, what should he be replaced with? An additional Dispel or Infinite Obliteration? Or maybe something else?

What do you guys think?

March 11, 2016 2:03 p.m.

capriom85 says... #20

Hey, all good ideas there for those changes. I agree that Naraet would leagues better if she could put the card on the bottom of you hit a land or creature. That's a shame you had foul luck wth playing her.

Kalitas is definitely a GrEaT card and I can see situation you'd want the lifelink, but if his initial use was to hose Rally decks might I suggest Hallowed Moonlight? It is doing great for me against more than just Rally. That Elsrazi that blinks creatures gets shut down by it as well. I see it being huge against that new global blink effect from SOI as well. I hope you figure your list out post rotation as well. This looks like a really solid super friends.

March 11, 2016 5:10 p.m.

I think you could pull this to hyper-friendliness... The more answers and aggro you can fit into planeswalkers, the better. The main reason I like Narset Transcendent is that she can draw into Walkers. Also, Oath of Gideon might just be a bit too good for a superfriends deck. I don't have much experience with them, so all I can say is to maybe test it out.

March 11, 2016 5:13 p.m.

They're right on that count. I think Hallowed Moonlight would be a good card to have in general; it's a cantrip at the very least, and easily drawn into. Taigam's Scheming might... maybe... (I dont know, really, for sure) set up Narset for just what you need, fueling delve, speeding up your game, and getting you the answers you need. While it's normally worse than Anticipate in many cases because it doesn't cantrip, the card would have an added text of 'draw 2 cards' with Narset out, or just generally be a good turn 2 play/discard to Tormenting Voice to set up.

March 11, 2016 5:17 p.m.


I do have Hallowed Moonlight in the side right now. Kalitas just does a little more and I can bring him in against a few more decks, for example he is pretty great against aggro decks like RDW or Prowess deck as it puts them in an awkward position where they now need to burn through a burn spell/pump or two if they wanna get through him as a blocker as it can block and survive anything those decks have. While Hallowed Moonlight counters more specific situations and is a one time answer. Although maybe that argument might have made more sense if I had Kalitas in the main and HM in the side, but now that I have them both in the side it might be worth only keeping one over the other? I'll test it out and see how it works.

Also, as far as keeping Super Friends it highly depends on what is printed in SOI. I would really like to play Esper, but Chandra and Nissa along with her Oath are just really good and I might switch to Naya with a splash of blue to carry Jace along. What also wants to push me into using Naya colors is that in the story for SOI so far there is a warewolf planeswalker, and if she gets printed as a card she will likely be green, red, or both; I would also expect her to either make creatures fight (having a 5/5 indistructible Gideon turn into removal? Yes please!) or make wolf tokens, making her great with the new Nissa in a token strategy.


I have tested Oath of Gideon a few times now and it has been "ok". The tokens it makes have helped push some damage through, and the additional counter on the walkers is neat but not ground breaking. If I did keep the Oaths I would probably return the Duress in the side board as a 2 of, drop Tormenting Voice down to 2 and use one Narset in the main instead of 2 in the side, or use Ob in the main and keep Narset as a 2 of in the side.

March 11, 2016 9:42 p.m.

enter image description here

Pretty sure this can find a spot in the deck :)

March 14, 2016 11:59 a.m.

If you are making it Jeskai colors after rotation, why not make it a true Planeswalker deck, running Narset anyway for the sheer card advantage? I have found that deck-shuffling mechanics work particularly well with Narset if you can work them in, effectively re-rolling your draw step if you do not want a land. She also would help Nahiri work around the +1 and make it much more reliable so you do not discard something good for something terrible. As it is, the only things Narset could not hit are now Lands and Jace, which you want to know about to be able to plan ahead for.

Also, with Nahiri, I do not see any true enablers for her. Her -8 would never see use, but it is worth noting that a graveyard-recursive creature or simply a big beater would be great. The first thing I thought when I saw her -8 paired with her +2 would let you run something like Craterhoof Behemoth reliably with no green mana production, discarding it with another outlet like Tormenting Voice if you need to, choosing between reanimating and getting it back in your library if you don't have Nahiri out, or bombing it onto the field as a 10/10 trampling anthem with haste for free from your library. Of course, this is not Standard legal, but remember that her ability (and Jace, too) let you reliably splash a bomb creature like Atarka with zero penalty and zero mana strain. Having a "You win" creature that you don't need to cast could be helpful in here as a one-of or two-of.

March 14, 2016 6:07 p.m.

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