[SOI] Blue Mardu Superfriends!

Standard* ComputerizedMTG


Whenever it is your turn, you hold priority first before any action. The way it would play out is as follows:

Main Phase

I hold priority, decide to cast Sorin, Sorin is now on the stack, I pass priority, no response, Sorin Resolves

I hold priority, activate Sorin's +1, Sorin's +1 is on the stack, I pass priority, opponent casts Anguished Unamking, AU is on the stack, opponent passes priority, no response on my part, AU resolves exiling Sorin, Sorin's +1 resolves, I reveal the top card of my library etc etc etc.

The thing is I have so much early removal, even before rotation, that whenever I went up against an aggro deck (Jeskai/Izzet prowess, Atarka Red, Goblins, or Bant COmpany) game were literally on autopilot as I was just slinging removal and nothing else. The reason I am not worried about aggro decks is because they simply cannot refill their hands fast enough, so once they get hit by a couple of spot removals and a Radiant Flames or 2 in the first 3-5 turns, they really can't come back from that and it would really take me whiffing on my top decks for them to stabilize again. Which is why I am liking Sorin at the moment, because once I have dumped all my removal and my opponent is trying to build his board again, I now have additional removal paired with life gain to help me stabilize. I also don't really see aggro decks packing a stupid amount of removal, hence my comment about main boarding Dispel or Negate, as they will be probably using that removal on Gideon and Jace, and then they are left to deal with Sorin and Chandra.

The more this conversation goes on the more I really want to include 1 or 2 Languish in the main, even though I already feel confident that Radiant Flames is just getting better as the creatures are getting smaller. I am very hard headed, and I will make it work! If it fails I will still play it because I have a blast piloting the deck :D

Sure feel free to shoot me a link, now I am interested in seeing the deck more than testing it hehe.

March 17, 2016 7:44 p.m.

NotSquishedYet says... #2

Mardu Hoard of Horrors Feat. Turn 2 Kytheon Flip

Standard SGTbacon15


It might not look like much at first glance, as many critics have said, but it goes extremely wide, and fast. Budgetless Modern Grixis Control and Blue Tron lost to it, the one time we tried a Standard deck in Modern. :P

March 17, 2016 8:03 p.m.

NotSquishedYet says... #3

This might have the same issues as Sorin, but what do you think of using Ormendahl the legendary 9/7 land with flying, indestructible, lifelink, and haste?

March 17, 2016 11:53 p.m.

What is my opinion on the card or on the card in this deck? Because in this deck it would be aweful. I don't think I normally have 5 creatures at all hehe. I can see it in ramp strategies that put out tokens and can sac 5 doods as early as turn 4 or 5. It is also a very nice finisher/sac outlet for aristocrat decks. In this deck its kind of garbage though.

March 18, 2016 12:21 a.m.

I am starting to think if after rotation it would be in my advantage to run green over blue.

March 18, 2016 12:12 p.m.

NotSquishedYet says... #6

:| If my design ideas for decks pan out, this Standard will see more things banned than Caw Blade and Affinity combined. If you see a R/G 'Prowess' werewolf deck that consistently swings for bullshit damage turn 6, it's probably my doing. ._.

And when I say bullshit damage, I mean I've calculated the simplest average damage and high damage it can deal by then. Between 2,000 and 5,500, trample. If I decide to deal with the extremely complicated math it would take to draw your entire deck and ramp out every land at once, I can figure out the actual maximum you can expect as early as turn 6 and as late as turn 10. At a rough guess, 30,000 distributed across 8,000 attacking creatures.

Some of the new cards seem broken as hell, to say the least. :P

March 18, 2016 5:29 p.m.

No, just not lol

There is nothing in the current standard format that is going to be as format warping as caw blade.

That said, while I am curios as to what combo you have thought of that can deal that damage before or by turn 6, the thing is a combo that allows a blitz deck like R/G warewolf is probably either not consistent, very fragile to disruption, or easily answered by a removal spell. Remember how when Nivix Cyclops was spoiled back in the RTR block, people were going nuts at all the possible combos on how to swing for stupid amounts thanks to combo pieces like Armed? How far into tournaments did Izzet Blitz ever make it?

Caw Blade got banned because it turned the format into either you play Caw Blade or you lost. I really don't think there are cards so powerful that we will see everyone running that type of deck and nothing else. We already have something similar in Standard right now. Ever played against a Jeskai Ascendancy deck? I got hit for 60 or so damage on turn 4 because my opponent was able to go off and I drew no answers. However, you know what his final score against me was? 1-2. You know how he did at the end of FNM? 1-3.

I would really like an explanation on how you can deal 30,000 damage with 8,000 creatures by turn 6. I don't want to sound like a dick like I probably just sounded as your read this, but I just don't think blitz/combo decks like that work. They might work in the first few weeks as people try to figure the meta out and don't have sideboard ready.

Yeah, I am curious as to what combo you have seen, so I don't feel like I just spewing nonesense.

TL;DR: No, no, and no. BTW What's the combo?


March 18, 2016 5:56 p.m.

NotSquishedYet says... #8

Zada, Silverfur, Expedite, Swell of Growth. Draw your deck, replicate an army of wolves, boost them.

While that's the most powerful combo, the more format warping one is Olivia Madness. Can win turn 4 without too much trouble. Can combo off at any time. Can build board state six times faster than you, and just gets bigger.

March 19, 2016 12:43 a.m.

You see my point though? The earliest you can fire off that combo is turn 5, assuming no ramp/accelleration, you then have to hope that your opponent didnt counter any of the combat tricks or that he has 0 removal in hand for 5 turns. That is unlikely in most cases. I get the fact that its an aggro deck and it can likely win without that combo, but at the same time Zada is not great in aggressive decks, in my opinion.

Also that combo gives you 2 wolfs, 5 cards, and more or less 20 damage to swing in with. Not gonna take into consideration what you could draw as you can always brick into nothing useful for the combo. I want to know how you do 30000 damage damn it!

Building boardstates faster than me, reguarding Olivia, means nothing against this deck. Almost every deck, except control, can build board state faster than me, but it means nothing when i am shooting down everything they have. I am assuming Olivia combos with the vampire that gives all your vampire creatures madness? So you cast a creature, discard a card, cast it for madness, rinse and repeat for however much mana you have. Again this is a strong combobut you still need to wait until turn 5/6 to have the mana and enough creatures in hand to chain off a couple of them.

They can both end the game, but they are both fragile. I am talking about the combo, like i mentioned for the silverfur combo, the decks can probably win without the combo. That said neither deck has me worried that my deck is too slow or what have you. Control decks exist in nearly every standard rotation, and often show up in top 8s. All that means is hyper aggressive decks aren't that scary.

Now I might have completely misunderstood the combo there, but I don't see anything crazy or broken.

March 19, 2016 11:55 a.m.

Gross, Jace. Eww. NOO

March 19, 2016 1:09 p.m.

tailung says... #11

Maybe Oath of Nissa for mana fixing??

March 19, 2016 2:22 p.m.


Well ok then.


You mean the card in the one color NOT in this deck? Jokes aside, I would need to either run 5 colors, and it just isn't gonna happen, or I would need to drop one of the colors for green. I don't particularly need the fixing in all honesty, since the Oath only fixes when casting walkers and I never really have issues with that. I will say I have highly considered using green somewhere in the deck, and if the deck doesn't work out as is, I might drop it down to 3 colors being either Esper, Jeskai, or Grixis; with Grixis and Esper being the primary personal choice. I do have a super-friends I am half working on just as a "What if?" scenario, and if you want to check it out it's here: [SOI] Naya Super-Friends.

March 19, 2016 2:55 p.m.

Thoughts on Bant Superfriends? Gives you access to Gideon, Nissa, Jace, and their Oaths, which help a lot. Tons of token generators, and you could run From Beyond to clog the board even more, making Nissa and Gideon better and protecting Jace, while letting you fetch up a wincon like Ulamog.

You WOUlD sacrifice some removal power, but Declaration in Stone, Clip Wings, Immolating Glare, and counterspells would still be available.

March 19, 2016 3:55 p.m.

Take out the blue, and take out the red, add in green, reformat, get rid of your planeswalkers, those are useless in Junk, reformat to modern, standard won't be good for a couple sets, add in Siege Rhino, Kitchen Finks, Tarmogoyf, Abrupt Decay should be better than all of these useless spells, Thoughtseize is strickly better than everything you are running, Maelstrom Pulse is way better than a lot of your removal. If you absolutely need to run a planeswalker, Liliana of the Veil is just a lot better than sorin. But Sorin, Solemn Visitor is pretty darn good. Damnation just because you need wraths in this deck. Tasigur, the Golden Fang is a lot cooler and better than your useless jace. Path to Exile is just too good to pass up. All in all, just make these tweaks, and you are in good hands.

March 19, 2016 6:39 p.m.


I am not very fond of bant walkers they are gonna miss out on some major removal this standard rotation. I am also not massively fond of token based decks in all honesty, the Naya deck I linked in the comment above yours started off as a token based deck and then I shaped it to go the opposite direction. If i drop to 3 colors its going to be Grixis or USA, the only non red option I am considering is Esper. Even Jund is interesting as it allows me to use the new G/R walker.


You are trying too hard to make a joke there.

March 19, 2016 9:02 p.m.

I appreciate your patience with me, and my passively annoying comments. But in all honesty, I want you to do good! Also, since you are getting rid of fetchlands, for obvious reasons. Consider running Caves of Koilos, and Battlefield Forge, also maximize on the battlelands (Smoldering Marsh) because it just makes Evolving Wilds a better card. Another fetchland you might run, Warped Landscape because at least you are producing colorless.

I hope I helped you fix the mana situation and help you fix a four color manabase!

March 20, 2016 12:43 p.m.

Oops, Evolving Wilds isn't as good as I thought it was.

March 20, 2016 12:45 p.m.


The landbase is definately a work in progress since the fetch lands are rotating out. Only reason that Evolving Wilds was there was to allow me to color fix, but I am fully aware that they are slow and clunky. Should I max on the battle-lands? I had Sunken Hollow at 3, and Prairie Stream at 2 because I don't need an excessive amount of blue sources on the field, but maybe it is worth maxing out because I can't effectively fetch for what I need? I thought about Warped Landscape the only problem I have with it is that, while yes it does at least produce mana unlike Evolving Wilds, I need to invest 2 mana to grab a basic land and it still comes into play tapped.

I might play more with the painlands, I was really just hoping better lands were going to be released in SOI than just those tapped duals.

All these issues is why I am likely to swap to 3 colors, even though I would love to use 4.

March 20, 2016 2:47 p.m.

Yeah I can see your frustration in getting the mana to be consistent, painlands may be the best choice. Wizards deiced to make it tough on us this standard. I am fairly new so I don't think you should take my word on fixing your mana-base. But I've played long enough to know that mana needs to be consistent. Four colors may not be the best way to go right now, which is kind of painful for standard players, because they are so crazy about 4-color company, and dark jeskai, which is what this deck is.

However if you were going to go 3 colors you should include blue, because standard loves to cram Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip which to me seems like a slower Snapcaster Mage but allows you to use it multiple times. That way you can get back other spells, which help you out. But you could go Jund, so you are in black, which seems to be the best color right now, and you also get access to Arlinn Kord?

March 20, 2016 4:24 p.m.

Jund is going to have a Midrange archetype almost as good as when it first hit Modern (before refinement, that is). You don't have Goyf, but you have some of the best removal, unkillable midrange threats that undo the killing of other stuff, Arlinn for smashey shenanigans, Olivia (Paired with Arlinn for a 5/5 flier swinging turn 4 with vigilance), Olivia's own powerhouse shenanigans... It even has the best ramper in Deathcap Cultivator, and you get access to the famed boardwiper Chandra (if you don't mind heavy black, Relentless Dead can undo her damage to you, easily.) It seems threatening already...

March 20, 2016 4:29 p.m.


Good or bad, I welcome every suggestion as it makes me think about possible choices and path the deck can take; whether or not I actually take those suggestions and make changes accordingly is something else altogether. :)

But yes, that's kind of one of the reasons why I want to keep blue, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip is a powerhouse of utility and card advantage at the moment.


Yes, Jund has been in the back of my mind, I would just idially to run blue so I can go Esper or USA if I drop to 3 simply because I have always enjoyed those color combinations; but yes, Jund is looking very powerful as it gives me access to burn, ramp, removal, Arlinn, Chandra, and various mid range threats.

March 20, 2016 5:53 p.m.

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