B/G Elven Conquest

Standard Mahogany_doors


minajay says... #1

4x Beastcaller Savant over the Leaf Gilder.

Tajuru Warcaller is an incredible bomb for elves, would probably put a couple of those in over the Woodland Bellower.

Also Duress and Despise for your sideboard as they help get rid of threats before they become an issue. Personally I like to run a couple of each in my main.

Don't know if you're trying to keep the deck budget, but if you can I'd replace Murderous Cut with Ruinous Path.

September 29, 2015 10:30 p.m.

doriboncore says... #2

Reclamation Sage and Back to Nature are rotating out on Friday October 2nd.

Might want to try Naturalize to replace them. Not sure if there is a better option.

September 30, 2015 11:22 a.m.

Madthespian says... #3

The Beastcaller Savant is much better than the Leaf Glider. The haste mechanic makes it worthwhile, and you want that mana for early creature summoning.

I think the Gilt-Leaf Winnower is a better choice than the Woodland Bellower. The potential for creature removal combined with Menace makes this a better choice. Or you could add 2 more Sylvan Messengers instead. Refilling your hand with more elves is always good.

January 4, 2016 1:22 p.m.

irishmoosetard says... #4

no Nissa? maaaaaaaan.

February 4, 2016 11:55 p.m.

irishmoosetard says... #5

Leaf can help cast Collected Company....Savant cannot. Collected Company is very important. I guess so is Sylvan Messenger. Both are good for this deck. The problem is recovering from board wipes so I think that Rally is still relevant. Siege Rhino too at any rate.

February 14, 2016 5:42 p.m.

beckhr says... #6

February 20, 2016 2:35 p.m.

Got a couple things to say. Nice deck, BTW (see? It rhymed).

Sylvan Messenger is broken half. A 2/2 plus a ton of cards? Hell yeah!

Drana, Liberator of Malakir is not an elf, but it's still powerful. She eats Eldrazi Skyspawners all day.

Stoneforge Masterwork is awesome. Frequently it gives the equipped creature +3/+3, turning it into a must-answer threat. It's not that uncommon to get +4/+4, either.

Elvish Visionary isn't all the good IMO. It blocks and draws a card, but that's it. It is in no way a clock. I suggest cutting it.

March 2, 2016 7 p.m.

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