Haha, I threw this together last night. When I get a third life from the loam I'll throw it in.
I can put in Planar Portal, and I already put my counsel in.
Your suggestions all look nice. I need a Terravore to take a slot.
Thanks man.
December 2, 2013 8:24 a.m.
Nthnbnntt09 says... #3
This looks like a really fun deck. I'm working on a modern Borg deck Drop Borg, Throw Hand (In Progress), and I hadn't even thought to use cards like Illusionist's Bracers or Basilisk Collar to increase the damage.
May 4, 2014 3:25 a.m.
Yes, they really help a lot, but they put a huge target in me.
I'll check out your deck, I've never heard of a modern deck running borborygmos.
Dreno33 says... #1
HE is your general yet you're not running Life from the Loam yet?
Have i taught you nothing, Lhurgyof?! haha.
BTW, all of your Maybeboard currently should be in the deck, plus add
Exploration (big duh here),
Lightning Greaves (burg needs MORE protection!),
Burgeoning (trust me), and
Dust Bowl (can you not see it's beauty for the theme?? add it).
Those are all staples for this general.
Koth of the Hammer seems underwhelming other than his ultimate, because your deck already ramps well and his +1 ability is pretty useless in edh, imo.
Rites of Flourishing is a risky card. always second guess yourself with it just in case.
Snake Umbra = underwhelming
honestly, add some more basic lands, this deck should have like 13 of each. take out a few "flavor" non basics if necessary.
Borderland Ranger - not worth it for 3 mana. find an alternative or add Conjurer's Closet
Jedit Ojanen of Efrava - slow and unnecessary.
Zhur-Taa Druid - cut it. all of your mana dorks should be bringing lands to your hand or field
add Planar Portal !!! nothing says "i win" more than a super ramp deck with a tutor engine, lol
another PERFECT card you NEED to add is Praetor's Counsel
I haven't looked into the creatures very well, but take out those randoms that don't support your theme, unless they are a win con on their own, ok?
December 2, 2013 2:54 a.m.