
First off, let me start by saying that this isn't my deck. I love playing it, it's incredibly fun, but I didn't put it together. It's pretty much a stock Mono-Blue Devotion deck that I'd like to do some wacky things with in the future. I'm thinking of splashing Green and/or Black for things like Prophet of Kruphix , Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver, and even Phenax, God of Deception possibly. In its current incarnation, it wins a lot of games and the board states it can create are just insane, which is why I like it. Mono-Blue is different from any other aggro deck I've played.

At this point I'm really satisfied with how it runs, and I'm mainly looking for any cool ideas that involve splashing different colors.


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Last Friday I finally wound up pulling first place at an FNM with this deck and winning a foil Banisher Priest! I was undefeated the entire night (7-0) and only wound up going 2-1 in two of the games. I also had an incredible amount of fun just playing. My meta is extremely aggro-heavy so I wound up siding out either Cloudfin Raptor or Judge's Familiar depending on what I thought wouldn't help me and putting in 2x Rapid Hybridization, 1x Cyclonic Rift, and 1x Wall of Frost which seemed to work really well.

First Match: White Lifegain Weenies -- 2/0 Victory. Wound up playing against this guy twice in this FNM. His deck was powerful, and he made it to top 8 even after losing to me. He just wound up getting shut out too early once I found a Master of Wavesfoil and none of his creatures really "took off", pun intended. He was running Gift of Orzhova. These are the jokes. These games he also complained he never found his one drop. I assumed it was Soldier of the Pantheon but in reality he was talking about Hopeful Eidolon, which I sort of giggled at since it seemed so silly. Later I found out I was wrong. Either way, relatively easy first match.

Second Match: Rakdos Aggro -- 2/0 Victory. I met this guy a couple weeks ago when he first started playing at FNM and he originally picked up the Mono Black event deck and turned it into a pretty sick mill deck. I'm not surprised he gravitated to aggro so quickly, being new and all (it's what I did) but I was impressed with how well he played it. I think he wound up going positive in terms of win/loss and considering his deck wasn't even what I would consider "complete" I think that's quite an accomplishment. As far as the games go, Mono Blue really has an easier time with aggro decks so it turned into basically finding Thassa, God of the Sea on turn 3 and then turning her on and surviving off of that until I found Master of Wavesfoil, which was relatively easy both games. Wall of Frost also managed to be relevant here.

Third Match: U/G Monsters -- 2/1 Victory. This was against a good friend of mine who just came back for spring break. His deck was powerful and he was wrecking people with Kalonian Hydra all night. Game 1 he managed to do it to me, I was sitting on a lot of land and digging for a Rapid Hybridization or even a Domestication just to hang on. Then the Hydra punched me in the face and I lost game 1. Games 2 and 3 I found my removal for the big stuff, and managed to hit a Domestication for one of his Courser of Kruphix in game 2 which helped quite a bit. Once I managed to stick one of my win conditions he couldn't keep his on the field, and I got in big damage.

Fourth Match: Rakdos Aggro numero dos -- 2/0 Victory. This guy was a bit more experienced and even though he seemed almost doddering, he knew what he was doing. He was undefeated until I played him and wound up beating one of my friends in an earlier round. Again though, Mono Blue has an easy aggro matchup. My win conditions just wound up shutting him down since once I hit Master of Wavesfoil, Thassa, God of the Sea can start swinging for 5 damage each turn reliably without you taking any damage.

Fifth Match: Mono Black Devotion -- 2/0 Victory. This was against my friend's Mono Black deck, which is a really difficult matchup for Mono Blue. Essentially, I never even played my win conditions. They cost too much mana here. You really just want to throw out as many low drop creatures as you can, side in Dissolve to deal with Gray Merchant of Asphodel and kill spells, and turn your stuff sideways and just pray. Mutavault does incredible work here, as does Frostburn Weird since it dodges both Bile Blight and Drown in Sorrow. Domestication hits their Nightveil Specters and turns their devotion into your devotion, which can mitigate more damage from Gray Merchant, though they shouldn't ever hit the field anyway. Again, low drops are your friend here. You're not playing Mono Blue devotion against this deck, you're playing throw creatures at their face and remove their shit devotion. This is a hard matchup, so I felt really happy to win like I did.

Sixth Match: White Lifegain Weenies -- 2/1 Victory. This is the same guy as before, except his deck actually went off against me this time. The first game I got smashed with lifegain and buffed creatures, though to be fair I couldn't really play anything as I wound up getting land flooded. It was my fault, though. I didn't keep the starting hand I should have. The second game was the dumbest game of magic I have ever played. He got essentially a 100,000/100,000 Hopeful Eidolon using Sunbond, and gained pretty much infinite life. Unfortunately for him, I managed to dodge his Celestial Flares by double blocking it with Thassa, God of the Sea and a chump Cloudfin Raptor and he misplayed by using it anyway. After that, it turned into a 45 minute game of him not being able to actually kill me while I milled him to death with two Nightveil Specters (I stole his other flares as well as his Gift of Orzhovas, so he couldn't get past Thassa). Yes, you read that right. I won by mill with Mono Blue Devotion. Needless to say, he was pissed, especially since he got me down to 1 life before that happened. I'm sure he expected me to concede. Game three, I went off on him with Thassa and a Master before he could do anything, and actually managed to draw a removal spell this time. He was... upset. But I won and he deserved to lose for misplaying that badly with a Celestial Flare and letting me 2-for-1 him with a 1-drop unevolved 0/1 Cloudfin Raptor.

Seventh Match: Red Deck Wins -- 2/0 Victory. This is an extremely bad matchup for Red Deck, especially post-board. That being said, the guy had won all of his games except for one that night so he wasn't terrible, I just kept hands with Tidebinder Mages and locked him down until I hit Thassa or Master or both. Wall of Frost did tons of work game 2, though, and once it hit I pretty much knew the game was over. Probably my easiest game of the night, truth be told.

Anyway, I hope this managed to be informative. I enjoy this deck a lot and am stuck between building a burn deck or control deck next. I bought Sphinx's Revelation already but I'm not so sure if I want to go control anymore. Who knows.

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Revision 8 See all

(10 years ago)

-1 Cyclonic Rift side
-2 Domestication side
-1 Negate side
+2 Ratchet Bomb side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #72 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 1 Mythic Rares

17 - 5 Rares

5 - 6 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.54
Tokens Elemental 1/0 U, Frog Lizard 3/3 G
Folders st, Wish decks
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