Big Butt Mill

Commander / EDH MacDaddyMcFly


Mindcrank says... #1

I know its clunky, but Sentinel is just plain fun, as is Uncle Istvan

March 18, 2014 1:29 a.m.

Kozelek says... #2

Traumatize Scalpelexis Forced Fruition (not mil but still burns their deck FAST)

March 22, 2014 11:02 a.m.

asmodean_ says... #3

Trepanation Blade ? combos well with Mirko, Sheoldred or Wrexial when opponents has proper lands or no flyer

March 23, 2014 5:48 p.m.

Megalomania says... #4

I'd get an infinite mana combo like Basalt Monolith and Rings of Brighthearth then cards like Sands of Delirium and Oona, Queen of the Fae to use it on.

Nemesis of Reason is also a good fit in your deck.

You can also add cards like Exsanguinate , Archaeomancer , cards that can tuck oponents' key cards like Hinder , Spell Crumple and Spin into Myth .

Tunnel Vision is also a good card and can take one guy out if used after the cards above.

April 4, 2014 7:15 p.m.

I'm making a mill deck, too. It's called Your deck is going down! Literally!. +1 from me. Also, you may want to consider Temple of the False God .

April 5, 2014 12:24 p.m.

Mindcrank says... #6

Soliton works wonders for creature based mill, especially if you toss something like a Slagwurm Armor on it. Sentinel Is a bit funky but has potential. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx Because devotion.

April 6, 2014 4:43 a.m.

Mindcrank says... #7

also, +1 for mindcrank.

April 6, 2014 4:43 a.m.

If you do not care about a little exiling, Oona, Queen of the Fae would work great with your commander, as you can build a massive 1/1 army and tap all of them to do crazy mill stuff.

April 6, 2014 10:47 a.m.


April 20, 2014 6:11 a.m.

Zeta497 says... #10

Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank is an infinite combo

May 5, 2014 11:08 a.m.

Kozelek says... #11

Damn now I need to get a Mindcrank

May 5, 2014 12:21 p.m.

Zeta497 says... #12

Check out this deck of takes direct advantage of it

May 6, 2014 1:42 p.m.

EddCrawley says... #13

Eater of the Dead is a must for Phenax, God of Deception Mill decks...

May 19, 2014 3:27 p.m.

Kozelek says... #14

That is fuckin sick combo

May 19, 2014 4:09 p.m.

Zacoly says... #15

Quicksilver Amulet was a good choice to pay for dem big butts!

Slagwurm Armor is a little redheaded stepchild next to the big boy Bonehoard

Nightscape Familiar doesn't seem worth it when he only affects your blue spells and only a little bit. You don't really need a regenerating blocker with all your fatties do you?

Scythe of the Wretched is a scary blocking tool!

Surgespanner loves hanging out with Phenax :D

May 21, 2014 11:14 p.m.

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