Big, Fat and Roaring - A thiccer take on Brostorm

Commander / EDH* Phurex


Phurex says... #2

Many of those cards were present in previous versions of the deck, though I later decided to take them out in favor of something I deemed better (for example, Hunted Troll and Prey Upon for Khalni Hydra and Ulvenwald Tracker are a couple that comes to mind). I also already thought about taking out Cultivate for Nissa's Pilgrimage since the latter would be strictly better, but despite it being a very common and cheap card I just haven't been able to find it yet.
That version of Garruk is very appealing though, as are the equipment options for Ghalta (I was also considering a Sword of Vengeance). The problem is that finding a spot for these trinkets is proving hard, I don't want to make this deck too much general-centric. Anyway thanks for the suggestions!

February 14, 2018 10:18 p.m.

CaptSillva says... #3

Magus of the Candelabra could be a good cut since it really only synergizes with Nykthos. Perhaps this card would be worth it if you also ran Growing Rites of Itlimoc . Though, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds seems like a better fit in general.

Verdeloth the Ancient and Dauntless Dourbark are kind of meh since you don't have enough Treefolk to good along with them. Avenger of Zendikar could be a better option than Verdeloth at least.

Timbermare is kind of a double edged sword since it also taps your creatures and 5 free damage isn't enough to warrant its cost, if this was a Yeva deck I could see it, but it is not great here.

Heroic Intervention seems a bit too reactive rather than proactive, this could be something like Swiftfoot Boots. The Hexproof will protect from targeted removal just as well and even if they do kill your threat, the 1 mana haste will just let you swing back in the following turn.

I also don't see any synergy with Walking Ballista so it could also get cut if need be. Same for Aetherflux Reservoir, you really need to commit to a life-gain strategy to make that card worth it. Sure it gains you life on its own, but how many spells do you normally play in a turn? If I wagered a guess, I would say 2-4, but even at the high end that isn't much in this format.

Lastly a few other cards you could make use of are Traverse the Outlands and Pathbreaker Ibex.

February 14, 2018 11:40 p.m.

Phurex says... #4

Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip and Avenger of Zendikar are already in the deck. :)
The Magus is also good with the mana doublers Caged Sun and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, though Selvala would be awesome nontheless.

You are absolutely right regarding the treefolk sub-theme, but Verdeloth the Ancient can be good on its own, putting a lot of power on the board, being a good finisher for the combo, or even just baiting a mass removal. Dauntless Dourbark, on the other hand, can be a 4 mana huge creature depending on how many forests you have in play, but I admit it's mostly here because the deck used to run more treefolks (like Kalonian Twingrove and Seedguide Ash), so I'll probably end up cutting it, maybe for a Pathbreaker Ibex, a Craterhoof Behemoth or something of the like.

Heroic Intervention is indeed very reactive, but my meta is full of mass removal and the card has proven its worth many times, so I don't think I'm ready to bid it farewell yet :P

Walking Ballista and Aetherflux Reservoir are mostly in the deck as finishers for the main combo, and while the first can eventually do something on its own, in case of not comboing off, I agree that the Reservoir would be completely pointless. This part of the deck is still under testing, but I may very well decide to cut it in case other finishers prove themselves consistent enough.

Thanks for the suggestions! (I feel like I should make the deck's description more visible, lul)

February 15, 2018 5:21 a.m.

Sick deck, dude! Dont know if itll fit your style, bit I find that good ol pump spells like Giant Growth do double work as green Dark Rituals. Just a thought :) stat frosty!

February 24, 2018 7:22 a.m.

Phurex says... #6

That would be a cool addition, maybe something like Aspect of Hydra, Primal Bellow or Berserk that could also be used when Ghalta is already on the field. Thanks for the suggestion dude!

February 25, 2018 12:01 p.m.

Mooncalf1988 says... #7

You should consider Surrak, the Hunt Caller he reduces Ghalta's cost by 5 and gives her haste the turn she comes into play. Polukranos, World Eater also gives you a high power for low cost creature who can wipe all your opponents creatures if you can make infinite mana.

Since you have a fair amount of elves, Priest of Titania would be a good addition, along with Selvala, Heart of the Wilds who does a lot of work with Ghalta.

A combo you could run is Great Oak Guardian, Temur Sabertooth with any creature that makes a bunch of mana to go infinite.

March 20, 2018 10:41 a.m.

Phurex says... #8

The Great Oak Guardian + Temur Sabertooth combo is nice, but I don't really see it fit the theme of the deck very much; Surrak, the Hunt Caller, on the other hand would be a very good addition, along with Selvala, Heart of the Wilds. I've been looking for her for months, but she's really hard to find around my LGS.

March 24, 2018 8:20 a.m.

I love it! I like all the crazy cards in here to make this thing just a complete powerhouse, haha! I made a deck with this same commander and it's my most fun deck I own! Please take a look and let me know if it helps with ideas. Not-So-Jolly Green Giant

I recommend Wolfbriar Elemental over Verdeloth simply because it's more efficiently-costed and if the creature dies, the tokens remain 2/2s. I'd recommend Feed the Pack and Ooze Garden. In my experience with this deck, these are too good and too fun to pass up! Also Ulvenwald Tracker puts in overtime in here. Peace!

April 11, 2018 noon

Phurex says... #10

Ulvenwald Tracker is already in the deck. :)
Verdeloth the Ancient is here because of that Kicker X that makes him perfect as a finisher for one of the combos, other than being a good token producer and a decent body on his own in case of a Pyroclasm-like effect or if needed as a simple blocker, but Wolfbriar Elemental is very well-stated, so thanks for the suggestion.
Feed the Pack is nice by itself but this deck focuses a bit more on cards with very good standalone effects rather than "just" raw power, plus at six mana I'm afraid it would be a little too slow, even for a mono green deck. Ooze Garden may found a place in the list though, since it's so cheap. Thanks!

April 12, 2018 9:53 a.m.

Loonmoon18 says... #11

Solid idea! but need more removal cards than what you have. I put this up against my Sliver EDH deck, and because you only have 3 enchantment removal cards, you never got a chance to take out my Ghostly Prison, And once I got my commander out and pulled out Sliver Hivelord. Which not only can block your commander without losing creatures, You can only attack with a few creatures a turn and won't be able to come back from it.

Also, you need more than 32 land, it's too low of a chance to get a land. Have a great day! :)

May 2, 2018 2:05 a.m.

Phurex says... #12

In my meta the deck has been running smoothly with this amount of enchantment removal; and 32 lands are enough at the moment, there are many other ways to ramp up. :)

May 4, 2018 2:47 p.m.

Was building my own Ghalta deck and came upon your's while trying to get an idea of what direction to go in. I like the +1/1 counter synergy and I think you could build off it more if you wanted. For instance: Triskelion, although more expensive, is functionally another Walking Ballista, this increases the chance of drawing one or the other, as well as reduces the risk of having it removed/exiled. Asceticism is also a good protector.

However this can go beyond the infinite +1/1s and (using them as a base) Crystalline Crawler/Workhorse can give infinite mana, Mindless Automaton can give infinite card draw, Spike Feeder can give infinite life, & Hooded Hydra/Hydra Broodmaster can give you infinite creatures that in turn will also have infinite P/T.

I realize that if you have even 1 creature that has trample (like Ghalta) then all this doesn't really matter except in extreme situations (Worship, Phyrexian Unlife combos, Platinum Angel, etc.) I still think it's a useful thing to consider.

June 1, 2018 4:48 p.m.

Also, as an after thought, there's no better way to cheat creatures than Myojin of Life's Web, it's even repeatable if you have a That Which Was Taken. However that is a lot more setup with a higher chance to be targeted than the current spells you're using.

June 1, 2018 4:52 p.m.

Phurex says... #15

Asceticism was in the deck but I cut it for Dense Foliage, that does pretty much the same thing but costs less (and can also be good for politics sometimes). The Myojin looks fun but I'm afraid it's way too slow for this deck. All the +1/+1 stuff looks fun as well, but I don't want to make the deck too centered around that specific combo. Some of them may find a place nonetheless though. Thanks for the suggestions my dude

June 6, 2018 6:55 p.m.

Edgarislife says... #16

I bet you cant wait for that thicc bear in M19 that reduces 4 power creatures cmc by 2

June 30, 2018 1:51 a.m.

Phurex says... #17

You bet right my dude, I'm already looking for him

June 30, 2018 2:04 a.m.

Edgarislife says... #18

I have a Ghalta deck with nasty thicc Eldrazi hidden in it, might have to kick that chunky dino out in place of the bear.

June 30, 2018 2:11 a.m.

I like this a lot. Looks super fun to play! +1 from me. My Omnath deck looks really similar and it’s my favorite.

July 22, 2018 1:51 a.m.

muffpuncher says... #20

Edgarislife I also built a Goreclaw deck and what it lacks in interaction it sure makes up for in smashing lmao

April 13, 2019 8:21 a.m.

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