Big creatures are cool. Therefore, lots of big creatures are even cooler. Makes sense, really
This idea came mainly from the big (ha!) idea of trying to slam as many 6/6 tramplers as possible from turn 4 onwards, with the looming threat of Temur Battle Rage at any time as a finishing strike.
The list is fairly straight forward. Mana dorks to get us to our fatties faster, lots of big 6/6ers (Savage Knuckleblade counts as an honorary 6/6 when activated), and the aforementioned Battle Rage to deal out 12 damage (with trample).
One particularly sweet interaction can potentially have us casting Outland Colossus on turn 4, have it attack on turn 5, and flash in Surrak Dragonclaw to allow it to trample over the inevitable chump blocker and renown to become a 12/12 with trample for all its future turns.
Not enough damage for you? Alright, try this: Outland Colossus on Turn 4. Turn 5, attack and cast Temur Battle Rage. Deal 6 trample damage with first strike. Colossus then renowns immediately(!) and deals 12 trample damage during the second phase of combat. Voila, 18 trample damage in one shot!
Unfortunately, the land base is a little bit clunky due to me only owning the 7 fetchlands. Obviously, a full playset of Bloodstained Mire, and a combination of Wooded Foothills and Polluted Deltas would be more suited to this deck. If you have no fetchlands, then definitely run Evolving Wilds to find your Swamps, or Llanowar Wastes as a backup black source.
Suggestions welcome. +1s welcome. Welcome mats... also welcome! You're welcome.