B/R Rock Varient. Focuses on using Young Pyromancer and removal to keep you alive early and finishing your opponent with massive demons.
1ccThoughtseize- Helps pull apart opponent's hands, rarely wiffs and gives you valuable information early to shape your future plays. 2 life kind of hurts though, especially with Blood Crypts and Read the Bones.
2ccYoung Pyromancer- This cool little guy gives you value for each draw and removal spell you use. A couple of activations should give you enough fodder to feed the
Shadowborn Demon
Devour Flesh- For killing those hard to kill critters, regardless of protection, hex proof, indestructible, obzedat etc...Can also be used in a pinch to get you some life.
Doom Blade- Versatile cheap instant speed removal, doesn't get much better, unless you're playing against black...
Dreadbore- Is a bit of a catch all. It's cheap and kills critters and pw's. Instant speed would be nice and I'm wondering if the cheaper cc is better than Hero's Downfall's instant speed.
Magma Jet-Not convinced that it's better than shock, but the scry can make it a relevant draw, even if you just sling it at your opponent.
Rakdos's Return- Looks to be a potential all star with the format slowing down. It gains you massive CA and can axe planes walkers or finish players late game.
3ccAnger of the Gods- Super important sweeper that this deck was lacking. Unfortunately it is counter-synergous with Young Pyromancer and
Xathrid Necromancer
but can clear through aggro decks and 0/3 hexproof plants like nobody's business.
Read the Bones- In all I think Sign in Blood is way better but RtB does a good impression. Getting to pitch a top decked land or two is nice before you draw but it still feels a little slow.
Underworld Connections- I've been liking this better than Read the Bones, as it is far less demanding on mana after it's set up and can net you more cards in the long run. It doesn't synergize with Young Pyromancer like RtB does though sadly.
Xathrid Necromancer
- Kind of an oddity, but I don't mind him in this deck. He provides bodies for Shadowborn Demon and turns dead pyromancer's into 2/2 zombies. Not spectacular but nice to see sometimes, not totally sold on him.
Big Guns:Desecration Demon- Survives angry gods and keeps on beating. Not so good against aggro unless the field's swept beforehand but there's enough removal backup to make him shine.
Shadowborn Demon
- I love this guy, and probably overrate him. 5cc 5/6 flyer is hard to attack through, and even with no creatures he can still act as a liturgy of blood + a massive blocker for a turn. Kind of annoying to draw if your opponent has an empty board though.
This is my initial published list, and I like the possibilities. One thing I find is this deck struggles somewhere between a control and midrange deck, and can sort of play as either depending on the circumstance. The downside is the hand inconsistency can be troublesome sometimes (Too many creatures/pyromancers not enough spells, or too many spells not enough draw etc...).
Also between UC, RtB, Thoughtseize and Blood Crypt there are a lot of suicide plays which can bring your life down pretty quickly. Any help would be appreciated!