Uktabi Drake
's job is very simple. It exists to deal two damage then kick the bucket to add to the creature count in your graveyard. It's fast, it's cheap, it flies. Don't bother with the echo, it's not meant to last.
is similar to
Uktabi Drake
in that it's fast and deals hard to prevent damage for its cost and puts a heap of pressure on your opponent to react to it. And it dies at the end of your turn. Weeee.
Satyr Wayfinder
is a Mulch on legs. Mills cards into your graveyard, makes sure you have a forest to play every turn. It can chump block when needed, but most of all it can die and add to the graveyard counter.
Sakura-Tribe Elder is another way to get lands in play and bodies in the graveyard.
Dryad Arbor is in the deck for the simple fact that if it gets milled into the graveyard somehow, it will count as a creature as well as a forest.
Street Wraith increases the body count in the graveyard and essentially counts as removing a card from the deck. It's never getting cast, it's there to get cycled. It costs 2 life to cycle, but who cares, we're pretending to play a black deck anyway.
Wasteland Viper
is just fun in this deck. It's either a pump spell that adds to the graveyard creature count, or it's a cheap deathtouch blocker.
Wild Cantor is an odd card, but it fits the deck well. Block, sacrifice, ramp, increase the bodycount in your graveyard. It's a litte swiss army knife.
Splinterfright and
Boneyard Wurm
are the big stompy creatures of the deck. They scale amazingly well if the game drags on because your graveyard should be overflowing with creatures you either milled in, chump blocked, or sacrificed. Splinterfright obviously has the advantage of self milling and trample, but for its CMC
Boneyard Wurm
is a scary thing to face. Due to its trample, Splinterfright is best suited for attack and
Boneyard Wurm
is better suited as a massive wall.
Kessig Cagebreakers is a possible wincon. It just ends games if it's allowed to attack. Get it out as fast as you can.
Garruk Relentless
is another swiss army knife that works well with a large graveyard. Reasonably pricy for the deck, but adds some versatility.