So this list was made before the Feldiar Guardian banning. I was nervous about this list and felt like it would of been good with Saheeli running dominant, I was nervous about picking up the missing pieces. But then the cat combo died and I watched the full coverage of SCG Atlanta, a few things got me excited.
1.)Declaration in Stone looked great at every point it was cast. With fatal push being the #1 removal spell it was possible that a sorcery speed removal spell just wouldn't cut it, but it looked great. 2.)Walking Ballista was still good. Now I know it sounds stupid, but the Mardu decks started picking up Ballista to replace shock as an answer to cat combo. Now with the combo gone it could of no longer been so necessary. However it still looked great, alot of games actually grinded out which makes the mana sink amazing (Makes Oketra more viable too)3.)A R/W Humans deck made the top 8! Proving that Always Watching is still powerful and that Glory-Bound Initiate isn't just cute.4.)Time. As I mentioned earlier alot of games appeared to either be over quickly, or grinded out. I feel like this deck can do both meaning it might be ok in this evolving meta. 5.) Glorybringer was GOOD, not BROKEN.So obviously Glorybringer is a good card, I was worried it would be better than Archangel Avacyn and squeeze her out of the format. I feel like Avacyn is very important in this deck and would probably be pretty bad if she couldn't exist. Glorybringer however seemed pretty fair.A few things that got me scared. 1.)Torrential Gearhulk. The players only had two days to prepare decks after the ban and Torrential Gearhulk decks looked insane. Mardu Vehicles is a finely tuned engine which is what makes it a sure bet. I feel as the meta develops the Torrential Gearhulk decks will also get finely tuned. Not sure this deck can beat that, might call for more grindier cards, like extra copies of Sram's Expertise. 2.)I saw two gods all weekend and they looked fine?Fine isn't bad, but fine isn't also how you want your gods, I want my gods to be bombs. Oketra might be an easy cut after a few matches, hope that she's good though. 3.)Gideon of the Trials. Didn't see Gideon of the Trials once, i expected as much why play him when you can just play an Ally of Zendikar? Hopefully he ends up going from a highly overrated card to highly underrated card just like Chandra Torch of Defiance.
So played my first event with this (local FNM) and went 3-0. The deck seemed sweet and a lot of cards just surprised me. Declaration in stone was amazing every time it was cast, Bruna the Fading light is just huge, Oketra kicks ass on a board stall. This deck seems awesome