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Bigger and Bigger




Enchantment (4)

Sorcery (3)


The thought behind this deck is to make massive size creatures that are hexproof and indestructible.

I build this deck with the idea of using be Bestow ability, Oath of the Ancient Woods, and Eathereal Armor. The thought was that every thing makes every thing else bigger and bigger. The Maybeboad are cards I have removed from the deck over the last few weeks of game play.

I have been playing this deck and tweaking it since Theros was released. Every week the deck gets a little better. But I will admit that I have an issue with this deck. Over 4 weeks of FNM and a Game Day event this deck is 6-19. The issue is that every game I start off great getting my opponent down to 1-4 life and then the deck just stalls out. I had to put in Hexproof and indestructible cards because everyone is playing supper friends lock-down in my local shop.

I am not ready to give up on this idea yet. But it is missing something and I am at a loss for what that is. If anyone has some thoughts or suggestions that would be awesome


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 4 Rares

8 - 7 Uncommons

15 - 4 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.36
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