Bigger, Faster, Stompier, Greener
Commander / EDH
Also try and make your commander unblockable with stuff like Whispersilk Cloak and Rogue's Passage
April 2, 2014 7:15 p.m.
Woodfall Primus is decent removal.Praetor's Counsel is a personal favorite of mine as well as Momentous Fall Greater Good is nice draw but I like Soul's Majesty better.
April 2, 2014 7:19 p.m.
Thanks for checking out my deck.
Arcanum IAlready have Whispersilk Cloak and Rogue's Passage in there just for that reason.
Woodfall Primus is already on the maybe list as he works exceptionally well with Conjurer's Closet . Momentous Fall and Greater Good are both on the maybe list as well but I don't have them at the moment to add. I prefer Greater Good over Soul's Majesty because it is reusable. Granted you have to sacrifice the creature to use it, but it often gets used when a creature was already going to die from another source anyway.
Praetor's Counsel was in the deck, but got removed because I never really got a lot of use out of it. While it is nice late game to bring back a ton of stuff from the graveyard when I have massive amounts of mana to make use of it all, most games move along pretty quickly and it was often a dead card early to mid game.
Yeva was an interesting idea. She was in the deck early on for the flash. It's always nice to drop in a big guy when no one expects it. The down side is that she is a little fragile and tends not to survive long. It is still a good though and I may add her again. What to take out in place of her though? That is the real question.
April 2, 2014 7:38 p.m.
Magic_Slayer says... #5
oh yeah man this is bdaddy23! love the deck nice job!!!
January 17, 2016 7:06 p.m.
Magic_Slayer says... #6
I wonder what cards you would remove for some maybe cards you have listed
January 17, 2016 7:20 p.m.
I mentioned a few of the cards in my YouTube video that I was contemplating cutting. Other than that there are a few that I would swap out.
Into the Wilds would Replace Oracle of Mul Daya. I would lose the ability to play the extra land from my hand, which isn't all that much of a loss to me, but I would still be able to look at the top car of my library (an not reveal it to everyone). This would let me plan ahead for what I was going to draw next turn, or drop a land from there if that's what is on top.
With so many creatures already having trample and several other ways for the ones who don't have it to get it, Rancor is pretty redundant and could easily be cut for something. Retreat to Kazandu is another card that I'm not that attached to and could cut pretty easily. I'm not a huge fan of Plainswalkers in Commander as they tend to be rather squishy at times. Garruk Wildspeaker is another one that could be cut, although his ability to untap 2 lands comes in handy at times not to mention his Overrun 3rd ability is rather useful as well.
Other than that, it would be a tough call on what to cut to put the other stuff in.
January 18, 2016 4 p.m.
Magic_Slayer says... #9
So with Omnath do you not need cultivate and other of the like? also I was looking to build something similar and was debating on Gaea's Touch and Exploration are these not needed with omnath? thanks for the help. Still wish I could play Omnath with Hardened scales and doubling season with lot of hydras and mana dorks but not sure its a good option haha. thanks again
January 25, 2016 7:54 p.m.
Magic_Slayer Both of those were in the deck long ago, but were taken out for more useful things. Canopy Cover is a nice card, but I'm not a big fan of one use cards in Commander. Bellowing Tanglewurm has its uses, but I much prefer to let them block and use big creatures with Trample to kill off their creatures and still deal them damage. Sure it is not as nice as being Unblockable at times, but it also eliminates some of the threat of a counter attack.
January 25, 2016 8:13 p.m.
Magic_Slayer It really depends on the deck. Mana ramp is always a good thing, but the way this deck is built, it is not as important. There are still a lot of ramp type cards in here, just in other forms;Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Karametra's Acolyte play off the large creatures and amount of green enchantments that I have.Mana Reflection, Vernal Bloom, Caged Sun, Extraplanar Lens, Gauntlet of Power, and even Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger all boost the amount of mana my lands can produce.Seedborn Muse, Patron of the Orochi, and Quest for Renewal all let me untap on other players turns, allowing me to retap my lands multiple times a round and bank all that extra mana on Omnath.Then of course Doubling Cube tops it all off, doubling whatever Omnath is currently storing at the time.
Omnath does reduce the need for smaller one use cards like you suggested. His ability to store mana and bank it between phases/turns really helps out. Once you can get the 3 mana to cast him, even if you were to get no more lands after that, you could still save up +3 mana every turn after that to spend later.
That said, any sort of ramp cards will help out your deck. May I suggest Burgeoning if you really want to ramp quickly and have enough draw abilities to keep lands in your hand (things like Cultivate, Skyshroud Claim, Seek the Horizon and the like).
January 25, 2016 8:31 p.m.
Magic_Slayer says... #13
wow man you definitely opened my eyes a bit about the ramp stuff. just because the deck has so many other type of land doubling effects. I definitely like the deck. I have a swords of feast and famine but dont have a extraplanar lens or gauntlet of power. think that would help me out a bit maybe a bear umbra? trying to not buy more cards haha. but have 99% of cards you show here. love your deck. will definitely try it out at my shop and see how it works in that local play group and report back. will share you what I end up taking. I am new to EDH still and magic really. kinda.
January 25, 2016 9:03 p.m.
NINJAxPENGUIN92 says... #14
I have a mono green, aggro/combo, Nissa, Vastwood seer deck that you might be able to grab an idea or two from. It's all about land ramp, draw power, and punching really hard. Nissa's Lands One of my favorite things to do is cast some cheap spells, then Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant + Sprouting Vines
April 24, 2016 1:55 a.m.
NINJAxPENGUIN92 says... #15
I've recently put a lot of changes into Nissa's Lands and i really think you could get a few ideas. I really love mono green, and this could be a real monster with a little refining! The international bank of Omnath makes for an absolutely fantastic commander!
November 19, 2016 11:33 p.m.
Elvish Piper is a great card, but it tends to get killed far too quickly before it can every really get its value. I've had it in and out of the deck several times over the years. If I can manage to keep it alive, it is an amazing card. It's kind of a tradeoff. I try to avoid 1/1 creatures unless they have an ETB effect that I can exploit with Conjurer's Closet or some other card.
January 5, 2017 10:46 a.m.
Surrak, the Hunt Caller could work really well in your deck, i think it's quite obvious what the benefits are here.
I am suprised you aren't running Frontier Siege, that card has insane syngergy with Omnath since it generates 2 mana in each of your mainphases, so 4 mana per turn.
If you need any more card draw, the new Rishkar's Expertise seems like a great fit for your deck.
Another nice little support card for Omnath is Savage Summoning, it helps against countermagic and removal (recast Omnath with your floating mana).
January 23, 2017 7:50 p.m.
Interesting build, Om Nom Nath was the first commander deck that i actually put some work into and you and i have come up with some very different builds.
You ended up going much more creature heavy which i definitely miss, i just wonder how consistantly you are able to cast your big drops without a whole lot of ramp. As with my list i would love to play the creatures and fun stuff you can but have a big chunk of the deck dedicated towards ramp.
Personally i see Genesis Wave, Sword of Feast and Famine, Ulvenwald Hydra as auto includes, as they are all superstars in my list. Also cards like Rampant Growth, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach are essentially the same in my book but i look forward to seeing where you take it.
February 2, 2017 9 p.m.
You are not the first person to mention that there isn't a lot of ramp here. I'm not sure if it is just different than people are used to or if they just aren't seeing it, but this deck has far more ramp that is ever really needed for the deck. It doesn't use the standard things that most people look for when talking about ramp (mana dorks, instant play a land cards, sorceries that put extra lands in hand, and so on). It is still there, just comes in other forms. I actually contemplated taking some of it out many times as mid game I get to a point where a single forest is tapping for 8 mana and you usually have 10+ in play with next to nothing to blow all that pent up mana on (though once you get over 21 stored in Omnath and make him unblockable he starts one shotting people out of the game).
I used to run Genesis Wave in the deck, but with the number of X cost creatures that come into play with X/X it often lead to wasted creatures that died as soon as they were put into play, so it got removed.
Sword of Feast and Famine and Ulvenwald Hydra would both be great for this deck, but I don't own either of them. I sort of made this up out of cards that I had already laying around and a few that I swapped and traded for over the years since I created it. They are both on the Maybe list and will be added if/when I ever get them.
This used to be based on the standard ramp cards long ago, but I hated that they were single use. After a few revisions and changing the focus of the deck a bit, they ended up being way to slow and unreliable to ever count on getting in a 100 card deck. They were replaced with far more useful cards that have longer lasting effects. Some of them cost a bit more mana, but honestly, past turn 3, there is never a need for extra mana. Sure having some of those cards still around could make the deck start out even faster in the first turn or two (if you managed to draw one of them), but I have no idea what I would cut out to fit them in.
February 5, 2017 5:08 p.m.
Finally decided to removed the Gauntlet of Power from the deck. As much as I liked the Infinity Gauntlet look (and the mana doubling), it helps ALL green creatures and ALL green land. Too much help for my opponents and with so many other mana doubling sources in the deck, it was about time that it got cut.
I might put it back if I notice a considerable drop in the amount of mana the deck produces, but for now its on the sidelines. It does only help other green players, so anyone running any other color doesn't get anything out of it.
April 1, 2019 11:05 p.m.
I've been liking Kodama of the East Tree a lot so far, I think it would fit well into your deck too. It allows you to drop extra lands or permanents into play very quickly while also being a solid body with reach.
As for card draw, I can recommend Garruk's Uprising. It's cheap, easily draws multiple cards in a deck like yours, and granting trample is a great bonus.
January 7, 2021 5:04 a.m.
Both very nice options. As I said, I haven't seen a lot of the newer stuff, so there's a lot of good stuff I've never seen out there.
What to cut to fit them in.
January 7, 2021 2:17 p.m.
Gravity Well, Quest for Renewal, Elixir of Immortality, Predator Ooze and Oran-Rief Hydra seem a little underpowered to me, and Panharmonicon does not have very many good synergies in your list.
Your deck could use a few more lands too, 34 isn't enough to reliably hit the first 5+ land drops. I think Castle Garenbrig is a great candidate, but simply adding 5-6 more basic forests would also help.
Arcanum says... #1
Yeva, Nature's Herald with Seedborn Muse is a Prophet of Kruphix
April 2, 2014 7:13 p.m.